Friday, February 21, 2014

Chapter 2

Gupta House:

The second Khushi had agreed to get married, Garima had bombarded her with a stack of pictures of prospective grooms, much to Khushi's horror. Aman had to come to her rescue and the two siblings sat on the couch, rejecting grooms left, right, and center.

"His nose is too small"

"His teeth aren't straight"

"I am not getting my sister married to some boring history professor."

"A gym trainer?? No thank you. I don't need to work out an get fit."

"Receding hairline"

"His face is"

"What the hell? does this guy want a wife or a freakin' maid?"

These were just some of the excuses that were thrown around while a chuckling Shashi and a scowling Garima looked on.

"I swear...these two are only stalling the matter." Garima muttered to Shashi.

"Garima...You know Aman will find someone perfect for his sister...and until he agrees, even the most perfect man will seem like nothing to Khushi. And she has agreed to get married...give her a break. I know this is sudden for her and I can't express how proud I feel...knowing that she has agreed to take such a big step for me..." Shashi looked fondly at his princess, who was laughing with Aman over something funny in one of the man's bio-data.


"Oye! Mr. Groom-to-be--"

"Stop calling me that, Aman!" Arnav snapped.

"But it's fun..." Aman chuckled and took the seat across from Arnav in the empty cafeteria. " you mind if I take the rounds of the Onc ward with Dr. Ghosh tomorrow?"

Arnav squinted at him. "In exchange for which rounds?"

"Neuro...with Shah." Aman shrugged.

Arnav raised his eyebrows. "You're willingly giving neurology rounds to me in exchange for oncology??" Arnav put the back of his palm against Aman's forehead. "are you feeling alright, Dr. G?"

"Stop calling me that." Aman pushed his hand off and frowned. "It makes sound old..."

Arnav chuckled and observed Aman closely as he pulled out his phone, smiled at something on the screen, and started typing a reply. After a few minutes of letting Aman enjoy his texting session, Arnav cleared his throat. "Girlfriend?"

"What?!" Aman looked up at Arnav to see him pointing towards the phone in his hand. " sister."

"I thought she was in New York."

"She came back last week...she's telling me about some accountant she had to meet over lunch and all he talked about was how life is like a balance sheet." Aman laughed. "I swear...I've come across such odd men in this search for a prospective groom for her."

Arnav winced. " mother would agree with you. Not about the men...the girls. I never knew my mother could be so picky..."

"I wish my mother was least we could see some decent proposals." Aman sighed.

Arnav went back to reading the blood test results of one of his patients. He nearly fell out of his seat when Aman slapped his hand on the table loudly a minute later.

"What the--!" Arnav exclaimed, closing the file and placing it on the table.

"No...its perfect! You! You're perfect!" Aman was practically jumping in his seat.

Arnav raised his eyebrows bemusedly. "Thank you for the compliment, Aman...but I'm sorry...I'm straight."

"Shut up! I was talking about my sister. Why the hell didn't I think of this?" Aman stood up and started pacing back and forth, muttering to himself.

"For shit's sake Aman, can you tell me what the hell you're muttering about?"

"Yes, it's perfect." Aman rubbed his hands together gleefully. "Look...your parents are looking for a prospective bride for you, my family is looking for a prospective groom for my I'm thinking why not think of you two getting together? You know...Arnav and Khushi. Khushi's Arnav. A Sea of Happiness! its perfect! Even your names think so!"

Arnav stared at Aman with a surprised expression which he replaced with composure quickly. "Forget the oncology ward, Aman. You should take yourself to mental health. Stat." Arnav sat back and crossed his arms.

"Oh shut kids don't know anything. I'll talk to my parents...they can talk to your parents..." Aman seemed to be talking to himself more than Arnav.

"Dr. Aman Gupta, Please report to operating room one. Dr. Aman Gupta, report to operating room one."

"Oh shit...I gotta run...don't worry...I'll talk to my parents" Aman called out as he fled from the cafeteria.

"You better be joking Aman!" Arnav called out but doubted that Aman heard any of it.


"I'm glad she's feeling better. Shashi and I will come and visit soon." Garima smiled.

"Don't worry Garima...even Mr. Gupta isnt feeling well...Let him rest." Asha smiled back.

"He's been loads better ever since Khushi has returned, though." Garima gave her husband an affectionate smile.

"When do we get to meet her? After all, she's the one taking over your company in a few years, right?" Arvind chuckled.

"She went out for some book signing by a favourite author of hers..." Shashi answered with a tone full of love for his daughter.

Garima clicked her tongue impatiently. "That's just an excuse to escape from me..."

"You can't blame her,'ve been going overboard with this issue." Shashi shook his head.
"women tend to do that Shashi...." Arvind chuckled but stopped when his wife threw him a dirty look. "But its true Asha...look at how fussy you've been about Arnav's marriage proposals."

"Bhai Sahab, you wouldn't say that if you see Aman being fussy about Khushi's marriage proposals...he's been incorrigible." Garima shook her head.

"You're getting your daughter married?" The wheels in Asha's head started working right away.

"Yeah...given my health, you never know what happens to me and when...before I go, I want to see my Khushi happily married."

Garima also started putting the discussions of the afternoon tea together. The two women shared a look and broke out into wide grins.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Asha chirped merrily.

"I think so...I seems perfect...even Aman won't have any issues..."

"what are you two on about?" Arvind raised his eyebrows.

"Arvind...we're looking for a girl for Arnav and Mr. and Mrs. Gupta are looking for a nice man for their daughter...kyun na unke rishte ki baat chalaye??" Asha explained excitedly. She could already hear the wedding bells ringing in her head.

Arvind and Shashi exchanged a smile and a knowing expression.

"Maa! Papa!!" Aman's voice carried in before he had stepped into the house. "Maa!"

"I'm right here...stop yelling!" Garima reprimanded lightly.

"Oh...Arvind uncle! Asha aunty! Oh this is perfect!" Aman punched the air as he plopped down on an empty seat.

"You look happy...what's the matter?" Shashi looked at his son suspiciously.

"I found a guy for Khushi..." Aman declared. he looked at the four adults in the room and began. "I was talking to Arnav today and then it hit me...why not try and see if Arnav and Khushi agree for this alliance? I don't know why I didn't think of this before but.....what? why are you all smiling at me like that?"

"You mother and Mrs. Raizada beat you to this son...just moments ago, we were talking about it..." Shashi answered.

And it was a result of the discussions of that afternoon tea of the Raizada's and the Gupta's that had led to Arnav sitting in the living room of the Gupta House for dinner.

So the asshole hadn't been joking. Arnav sulked to himself and cursed Aman who sat, looking stupidly joyful, across from him. Shashi and Garima kept looking at him with these smiles on their face that made Arnav shift in his seat. They had asked him a few questions, about his hobbies and interests, of his hobbies, and of his future plans. Whether his answers were right or not, he had no idea but if their smiles were anything to go by, then Arnav had impressed them.

Oh, he definitely had.

"Now, I guess we'll just wait for him to meet Khushi...if she has no objections then neither do we." Shashi announced.

"She won't have any objections." Aman grinned.

Garima and Arnav shot him a glare. "Phir bhi...let them meet at least once..."

"Oh my God, Payal...I swear...I didn't do it on purpose, okay? Its just been really busy here...I was going to call you!" Her voice drifted into the living room on cue and Arnav stiffened in his seat, his eyes fixated on the coffee table.

Asha took one look at Khushi and an approving smile appeared on her face. She turned to look at her husband and found him smiling too.

"Khushi? Come here beta." Garima called out with an extra sweet tone.
Khushi looked at the company they had and hastily hung up the call with her friend. With a smile on her face, she approached the gathering. She took a seat next to her father and smiled widely at the other elderly couple sitting there.

" Mr. Raizada and Mrs. Raizaida...our company has been in alliance with their fashion house...and now they've become good family friends..." Shashi gestured to the respective people.

Ignoring the familiarity of the last name Khushi stood up and following the traditions rooted within her, touched their feet and folded her hands in a greeting. "Namaste Uncle, Namaste Aunty..."

Hmm...Have I seen them before?  They look familiar...Khushi thought to herself.  Maybe in a picture Aman must've sent.

"Jeeti raho.."

"Khush raho.."

The greetings were spoken simultaneously with increased affection from Asha and Arvind. An educated girl with a modern outlook on life with a dash of cultural and traditional sense, and of course, truly beautiful. The perfect girl for her beloved Arnav, in Asha's books.

"And he is their son and Aman's friend....Arnav." Garima added gleefully.

Khushi turned to the man in question and held out her hand. "Hi..."

Not wanting to seem rude, Arnav took her hand in a greeting and finally looked up at her. Instantly he lost himself in the striking emerald green eyes that twinkled down at him. Wait a minute...were they green or blue? Quickly, he decided on Green-Blue and his eager eyes studied the rest of her face. Milky skin which was a telltale sign of little time spent in the sun, a natural hint of pink against her smooth cheeks, and a set of plump rosy lips perched above a perfectly shaped chin.
**Picture of Khushi's eyes, as I imagined them, is at the end of the chapter**

Khushi, herself, was observing him like she had observed no other. His hazel eyes, just like his mother's, were windows to a warm and kind heart. His expression was set into one of amusement, despite the slight hint of nervousness. Her mind briefly wondered how he'd gotten that faint scar above his eyes. The scar, surprisingly, contributed to the handsomeness of his face. His strong jaw and well defined planes of face gave him a masculine look.

Both of them jumped slightly and pulled their hands out of each other's grip when Aman cleared his throat.

"well...seems like it won't be a problem after all." Aman chuckled.

Khushi's eyebrows knit together in confusion. Before she could question him, her mother stood up and walked towards Khushi. Holding her daughter by her shoulders, Garima sat Khushi down next to Arnav while Asha shifted to get a look at them.

"Look at them, Arvind!" She squealed. "Don't they just look perfect together?"

Khushi stilled. So this is what's going on?? Khushi's wide-eyed face turned to look at Arnav for quick second. Arnav, who was already observing her for her reaction, gave her a small smile. Khushi blinked and turned to face her brother.

Aman simply nodded to the obvious question displayed on her face. "His parents were looking for a girl for him and we were looking for someone for you...I thought it would be perfect...the parents are happy about it too...all we need now is for you two to agree."

"If you two want, you can talk to each other alone...ask any questions or anything else you may want to speak about..." Arvind smiled at the two nervous youngsters.

"If both of you are fine with this then we'd like to get you two engaged by this weekend and then fix the wedding date for as soon as possible." Garima said seriously.

Khushi's eyes rounded even more, if that was possible. Agreeing to meet prospective grooms she had agreed to...being engaged by the end of the week was no where in the picture! Until now.

"Excuse me." She muttered hastily and fled the room, ignoring the multiple pairs of eyes on her back, including his.

When she entered her room, she found her heartbeat erratic and her breathing laboured. She placed a hand over her heart, listening to the dhak-dhak in her head. What was she to make of this reaction?? Was she excited? Was it just nervousness? Was it frustration?

Khushi’s thoughts focused again on the first memory of him. Warm hazel eyes studying her with utmost concentration, the same eyes which had looked at her questioningly when she’s reacted to the plans their parents seemed to have set in place, put on hold for a response from her. Were her parents expecting a ‘yes’ from her for this proposal? They had never planned ahead for any other guy before. Even Aman seemed perfectly okay with this! Hell, he seemed happy about this.

If she was being honest with herself, she knew that she was hoping to buy more time when she had put forth her condition about Aman approving the guy. She knew Aman was uber protective of her and was bound to take his time. She hadn’t expected him to be perfectly happy with a match within a week. Khushi felt betrayed.

“Khushi?” Aman peeped into her room. She looked at him slightly startled having missed the faint knock.

“By this weekend?! Bhai, that’s too soon!” Khushi complained.

Aman raised an eyebrow and suppressed a smile. “By this weekend only if you say yes...or are you already considering saying yes?”

Khushi threw him a dirty look. “When did they even come up with this? When did they talk to you about it?”

“Just today...actually...I had the same idea in my mind when I left the hospital today. I don’t know how I missed it before but you and Arnav are perfect for each other.”

There is was again. The dhak-dhak at the mention of him. Khushi closed her eyes tightly and tried to regain control. Suddenly, something clicked in her mind and her eyes flew open again.

You proposed this??” Khushi gasped.

“Somewhat. They were already talking about it by the time I came to tell them my idea...” Aman put up his hand to stop her when Khushi opened her mouth to argue. “Hear me out...come...”

Aman wrapped an arm around her shoulders and led her to the bed. Once they took a seat, he turned to look at her.

“I’ve known Arnav for a couple years now, Khushi. You may think I’m biased in my opinion of him but he truly is a very nice guy. He’s really kind hearted and protective. He’s one of the best doctors we have. His family is also very nice...Asha aunty is a sweetheart...Arvind uncle is a fun guy and his family is pretty modern’ll have all the freedom that you want in that house. Our families are already related by friendship and business so even Papa and Maa would feel more comfortable with you married into their family rather than a stranger’s.”

“He seems like he’s not that modern minded...I mean...who gets an arranged marriage done these days?” Khushi muttered crossly.

“A lot of people do.” Aman chuckled and shook his head at his stubborn sister. “And as far as him getting an arranged marriage done...he’s doing it for the same reasons you are.”

Khushi finally turned to look at her brother. This piece of information had intrigued her. Aman nodded at her sister before continuing.

“His Dadi has suffered two heart attacks already...she wishes to see Arnav married off. Arnav is the kind of guy who will do anything in his power to keep his family happy...and that’s why I am perfectly happy with the thought of you two being together. I don’t think I’d feel any more comfortable if you were to marry someone else...with anyone else, I’d hope that they keep you happy but with him...I know he’ll keep you very happy.”

Khushi frowned in concentration as she thought about her brother’s words. Aman was good at judging people. His instincts were strong and usually picked out good people from the bad. For him to be openly praising Arnav and sounding so confident that Khushi would be happy with him was a deal sealer in its own.

She had to admit that this was safer than marrying a complete stranger. Here, the families knew each other well and that would make things more comfortable for her. She would be in the same city as her parents and if she truly got the freedom that his brother was assuring her of, then she could visit them whenever she wanted. Besides, he had to be a good guy at heart if he was willing to marry someone he wasn’t in love with just for the sake of fulfilling his Dadi’s wish, right?

“Khushi...” Garima walked in and looked meaningfully at her children. “Look, I know that for the past week, you and Aman have been finding the most ridiculous reasons to reject proposals...and that’s fine. I know we flung this on you all too suddenly and you need time to wrap your head around this but...the Raizada’s a nice people...even Aman approves of Arnav...I don’t want a silly reason for a rejection this time.”

“Maa...” Aman started but stopped when Garima held up her hand and frowned at him.

“No Aman...she needs to think about her Papa..”

“I am thinking about Papa...I’ve agreed to get married, haven’t I?” Khushi said hotly. Seeing the expression on her mother’s face, Khushi took a calming breath and began. “Bhai told me that he’s a nice guy and everything and I know you want me to think about Papa....but mom...will he be happy if I’m unhappy with my married life?”

“She’s right mom...even though I personally think that this proposal is the best for her, I won’t put any pressure on her...” Aman deadpanned.

Garima sighed, looking defeated. This is all Shashiji’s fault. If only he’d been stricter with the kids...they wouldn’t dare refuse anything their parents asked of them.

Khushi took her mother’s hand in her and kissed it. “Maa...Let me talk to him before I decide anything, okay?”

Aman looked at Khushi, somewhat surprised. “You...want to talk to him? Right now?”

“Is there an issue?” Khushi raised her eyebrows.

“No...not at all...” Aman relaxed visibly. “its all I was asking for.”

Garima smiled down at Khushi and left hastily to inform the others of her decision.

“What if he says no?” Khushi questioned.

Aman let out a small laugh. “Khushi...did you see the way he was looking at you downstairs?” Aman shook his head sideways. “As far as I can tell and as much as I know him...I think my friend is a goner.”

Khushi rolled her eyes at her brother and the two made their way downstairs. Khushi felt the worried glance of her father, and questioning gazes of Asha and Arvind on her. She noticed that Arnav and Garima weren’t in the room anymore. Khushi gave Shashi a reassuring smile as she stood next to him. She turned to face the Raizada’s next.

“I’m sorry about my reaction earlier...I didn’t mean to be rude...I...I was just caught off guard.” Khushi smiled shyly.

Khushi didn’t know what she was expecting them to say, but she hadn’t expected Asha to giggle almost as if she approved of the behaviour.

“That’s okay beta. Even I ran away when Arvind came to see me...” Asha winked.

Khushi’s eyes went slightly round. Did her may-be-future-mother-in-law just wink at her?

“In her defence, I did look particularly scary with a beard...” Arvind stroked his chin as if caressing his now-absent beard.

Khushi couldn’t help but grin at that. She heard her father chuckle next to her and suddenly she felt less nervous.

“but don’t worry...when you go speak to him...He’ll probably be the more shy one.” Asha added with a chuckle.

“Khushi...He’s waiting for you in the backyard.” Garima smiled.

Khushi gave a started look to Aman who nodded back reassuringly. With a deep breath, Khushi stood a little taller, squared her shoulders, and prepared herself for an expectantly awkward conversation.

“Don’t be rude with him.” Garima whispered just for Khushi’s ear.

Hmph! Khushi scowled at no one in particular as she made her way towards the backyard. Why does she always think that I’m the rude one? I’m the nicest person ever! I only swear at people who say stupid things and I only beat people who deserve it...okay fine...maybe I beat Bhai for no reason but I’m the younger sibling..I’m allowed! Its my birth right! Dont be rude with him...hmph! As if!

She reached the doors that would lead out into the yard and paused when she saw him sitting on the porch swing with his back to her. His stance was tensed. His shoulders and back stiff, his head bowed and he kept shifting his feet slightly. Maybe he was just as nervous as she was. This couldn’t possibly be any less awkward for him, right? Khushi could feel the multiple pairs of eyes burning multiple holes in her back as they stared at her.

Come on Khushi. go into the yard. They’re probably wondering why you’re standing here like a statue. Maa is probably already having a panic attack. Just go talk to him...if he tries anything, put your Karate skills to use. Khushi ended the self pep talk with a let’s do this!

And then she stepped out into the yard and closed the door behind her.

Khushi's Eyes:

*Credit for images: Google*

Chapter 2 Playlist
*The songs I listened to while writing this part*

Kabhi Nahi – Adnan Sami feat. Amitabh Bachchan
Tera Chehra Jab Nazar Aaye – Adnan Sami
She doesn’t mind – Sean Paul
Deva Shree Ganesha – Agneepath
Hangover – Taio Cruz
Senorita – Zindagi naa Milegi Dobara
Break your heaert – Taio Cruz
Badtameez Dil – Yeh jawani Hai deewani
Balam Pichkaari – Yeh jawani hai deewani
Do you remember – Jay Sean
Dilliwali Girlfriend – Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani
If We ever Meet again – Katy Perry
Radha – Student of the Year
Replay – Iyaz
The Disco Song – Student of the year

In my head – Jason Derulo

Friday, February 14, 2014

Chapter 1

Mumbai Airport, India:

Shashi Gupta sat in the wheelchair as he scanned the outpouring crowd for his daughter. Aman stood next to him, craning his neck from one side to the other. His mother, Garima, placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't you go and take a look around? She should be here by now." she said anxiously.

"Yeah Maa..I'll go and see..." and with that Aman headed over to the enquiry counter. He pushed a slip with the flight information towards the friendly looking lady.

"Can you tell me whether this flight has landed yet?"

"The flight landed 15 minutes ago. The passengers should be making their way out right now." she gave him a smile.

"Thank you." Aman smiled back at the woman and made his way back to his parents. "Maa, her flight landed a while ago....she should be here soon."

Garima turned to face her husband. "Did you hear that? Our titaliyaa will be here soon...then you can tell her everything you want without hesitating...I know she won't say no..."

I'm so sorry, Khushi...even I can't get you out of this. Aman sighed internally.

Shashi looked at Aman, who understood Khushi more than anyone. "Aman? She'll agree right?"

" wouldn't say have fulfilled all of our that its our turn to fulfill yours, I'm sure she won't refuse..." Aman said half convincingly.

"Is that Khushi?" Garima questioned, squinting and pointing at a slender girl.

Aman turned around to find his sister dressed in a plain white v-neck t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and flats. She was grinning from ear to ear as she approached them, pushing the luggage trolley ahead of her. She waved enthusiastically to him and he broke into a jog. The two siblings embraced each other and Aman immediately lifted Khushi off her feet and gave her a twirl.

"How are you Bhai?? Oh, I'm missed you so much! Where is Papa? I want to see him! I am so scared..." She was already on a rant and she'd only seen her brother for a few seconds.

Aman wrapped an arm around her shoulders and turned her to face their parents. Seeing her father on the wheelchair instantly brought tears to her eyes. Leaving Aman behind with her luggage, she rushed towards Shashi and gave him a big hug, letting a few tears escape her eyes. She pulled back and looked at the man who was always so strong, but now looked fragile.

"How are you Papa?" She sobbed lightly.

"I'm feeling loads better now that my Khushi is back...otherwise, how can I dying man be?" Shashi smiled wistfully.

"Please Papa.." Khushi squeezed his hands. "Dont say things like that. Nothing is going to happen to you...Bhai is a doctor na? He's already working with a research group who's trying to look for the cure for cancer...and I know they'll find it..."

"That's my Khushi....always optimistic..." Garima smiled down at her.

Khushi finally acknowledged her mother's presence and stood up to give her a hug too. Aman caught up with them and looked on as the two women consoled each other.

"Lets go should rest...we have a lot to catch up on..." Garima suggested.

Meanwhile, In Raizada Mansion, Mumbai:

"Someone call her doctor!!" A man roared, making the walls of the room tremble. 

A lady clad in an elegant sari ran into the room to see what the commotion about and soon she had joined in as well.

"Mummy-ji! Arvind....what happened?" The lady took a seat next to the unconscious lady.

"Someone please call her doctor!" Arvind said weakly, looking at his mother.

"HARI PRAKASH!! Call the ambulance goddamn it!!" A much younger voice roared much like his father. "Don't worry dad....I'm making sure her heart's beating!" he called out, counting off the compressions in his mind as he delivered CPR to his grandmother. 

"How can I not worry, Arnav?? She's my mother!" Arvind said desperately.

Arnav checked his Dadi's breathing and pulse again before resuming the compressions. "Mom! Go and call Aman as soon as possible..."

"Aman and Akash....I'll call them both!" Asha muttered and left the room, frantically dialing a number.

"Dad...continue the compressions...I'm going to get the AED!"

As his father took over the compressions, Arnav ran out of the room and within minutes, came back with the device in his hands. Just as he was setting it up, his Dadi regained consciousness. Arnav went back to her and checked her pulse, which was stronger than before and was at a normal rate too. 

With the help of his father, he carried his still groggy Dadi to their car and drove off to the hospital. As soon as they stepped into the emergency ward, Devyani Raizada was whisked away by the staff, leaving her family waiting outside the room.

Arnav, Asha, and Arvind paced around impatiently for what seemed like forever. At last, the doctor stepped out and closed the door behind him gently.

"Don't worry, she's stable..." He held up a hand as soon as he saw all three of the Raizada's open their mouths to question. The elderly doctor looked at one of his favorite residents and colleagues. "Dr. Raizada...I'm sure you recognized the symptoms and everything..."

Arnav nodded solemnly. "Cardiac arrest."

"Precisely." Dr. Sharma turned to face Arvind and Asha. "In layman's terms..a heart was minor one, though....this is her second heart attack in the last year...I won't beat around the bush Mr. Raizada....your son is a capable doctor and he knows what this entails...a third attack will, most likely, be fatal for her..."

Arvind burst into tears while Asha and Arnav, who were much stronger emotionally, consoled him. Dr. Sharma gave an acknowledging nod to Arnav and left, giving the family some privacy. When Arvind seemed to be getting himself back together, Arnav sent a quick text to Akash and Aman, letting them know that they didn't have to come anymore.

"Arnav...can I go see her?" Arvind questioned.

"Dad, she's asleep. Dr. Sharma said she's stable...when she wakes up, you can go meet her." Arnav patted his father's shoulder.

"I want her to talk to me...I want her to speak..." Arvind looked longingly at the door behind which his mother rested.

"Arvind...keep yourself together...if you break down like this, how will Arnav and I deal with it?" Asha pleaded, squeezing her husband's hands.

"Mom...should I call Anjali home?" Arnav asked.

"No...let her study...if need comes, we'll call her and tell her to come back. She wont be able to focus on anything and her exams are coming up." Arvind interrupted their conversation.

"He's know how Anjali is...she'll leave everything and come back as soon as possible if she finds out." Asha agreed.

Gupta House:

"HOW CAN I DO THAT BHAI?? THEY WANT ME TO MARRY SOME GUY THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!" Khushi said exasperated at the idea of arranged marriage that her parents had presented a few minutes ago.

"Khushi...relax...I know what you mean and I understand....I even told Maa that you will not be happy with the idea..." Aman sighed and paced back and forth in front of Khushi's bed, where she sat crossed legged, fuming. "But you know, Khushi...they're not going to get you married to some random hooligan...they'll find someone decent...and any guy that is a prospective groom for you will have to be approved by me. You trust me, dont you?"

"I do! And I know they'll find a good guy for me but do I promise that man to share my life with him when I'm not in love with him?? Forget love, I won't even know him properly....I'll barely get the chance to get to know him!" Khushi spoke animatedly, confiding her fears and worried to her brother.

Aman looked taken aback at her outburst. "You didn't say these things to Maa and Papa, did you?"

Khushi shook her head defeatedly. "No...After you left after your friend called, Maa and Papa sat me down and Maa said that they want me to get married...Dad said that he wants to see my doli (bridal procession) leave this house before his Arthi (funeral procession)." Khushi shuddered visibly at that horrendous thought.

"and then they gave you the whole 'Kanyadan is every father's greatest right' lecture, didn't they?" Aman narrowed his eyes.

Khushi sighed and nodded. "What should I do?"

Aman took a seat next to her and draped an arm around her shoulders while she took the liberty to rest her head on his shoulder. "I can't say anything to you on this matter...its your life, Khushi. No matter what you decide, your Bhai will always support you."

"If they'd asked you to get married, you would have said yes without a second thought." It wasn't a question but rather a statement. She knew Aman that well.

Aman smiled lovingly at her. "Yeah. I would have. But that's what I would have doesn't mean that you have to do the same."

Raizada Mansion:

Devyani Raizada had been discharged soon after she woke up and now she lay on her plush bed, surrounded by her lovely family, her grandson next to her, holding onto her hand.

"This time...I've survived. But I know that next time...I won't be able to fight death..." she rasped out, looking intently at Arnav.

"Please Dadi...How many times have I told you to not say things like that?" Arnav kissed her hand. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Devyani shook her head. "If you worry so much about me then why don't you agree??"

"Dadi..." Arnav groaned. "Not that again. We've talked about this...I'm not done studying yet and I honestly haven't thought about getting married..."

"Then think about it Arnav...before I leave this world..." Emotional blackmail was one of Devyani's best skills and she was not ashamed of using it, especially on her stubborn grandson.

"I'll think about it when I find the right girl...for now...I haven't come across anyone..." Arnav tried to squirm his way out of this situation.

Arvind and Asha looked at Devyani, well aware of her plans. If talking sweetly wasn't going to get Arnav to agree, then she would try other means but Devyani Singh Raizada would make sure that Arnav agreed. To some extent, Arvind even felt sorry for Arnav because Arvind had gone through this exact argument with his mother when he was younger.

"You think your parents were in love before they got married?" Dadi frowned sternly. "They hadn't even met each other before...they met directly in the mandap."

"But Dadi..." Arnav began but Devyani turned her head away.

"its okay. It's fine. Just leave me alone. All of you. A dying woman can't even ask her grandson to bring her a bahu (granddaughter-in-law)!"

Arnav swallowed a lump in his throat. Was he wrong to be so adamant about this? being married couldn't be that bad, could it? His parents seemed happy together. His friend Akash was dying to get married. Weddings were generally categorized as happy occasions, right? so they couldn't be that bad? Arnav Singh Raizada did everything in his power to fulfill the wishes of his family members then why was he being so stubborn about this?

If his family found some girl for him, surely they would find someone he could get along with, someone that would be compatible with him. And if it didn't work out, in this day and age, divorce was always an option, too. Agreeing to Dadi's demand now didn't mean that he had to get married tomorrow. He could buy himself more time by refusing prospective alliances. That way, Dadi would be happy because Arnav had agreed to get married and Arnav would be happy because Dadi would be happy. It was perfect.

Minutes of silence later, Arnav gave his Dadi's hand a gentle squeeze. "Seeing me married off will make you happy?"

"Happier than you could imagine." Dadi smiled at him, knowing deep down that she had succeeded at last. It was written all over his face!

Arnav nodded thoughtfully. "Okay then. I'm ready to get married."

Gupta House:

Khushi paced back and forth in her room, trying to solidify her decision. She had made up her mind but now she was just finding enough confidence to make that decision a strong enough one to put through. She knew there was no backing out of this once she told her family. Her dad had never refused her anything in life. Every whim, every demand, every request was fulfilled by her parents and brother and if the only thing her Papa was asking of her was to get married, then so be it.

She, however, had a condition. Whoever they chose for her would have to be approved by her brother and herself, both. When it came to her safety and well-being, she could count on her brother with her eyes closed, she knew. If Aman approved the guy, then there wouldn't be any issues in the future.

So she made her way downstairs where she found her parents in the living room. Shashi was readering the newspaper while Garima sat there with knitting needles, probably knitting a scarf for Aman. Aman was reading some patient files and looked up at her when she approached them.

"Maa..." Khushi spoke confidently to get their attention. "I have one condition about this marriage thing."

Garima and Shashi exchanged a glance while Aman's jaw dropped slightly. He could tell what Khushi had decided and he was surprised, to be honest.

"Whoever the guy is...Bhai will have to approve him." Khushi deadpanned, letting them know that there were no exceptions to this.

Garima rolled her eyes. "You don't even have to put that in words. We already know that Aman won't let you marry a guy if he doesn't approve of him."

Khushi nodded and glanced at her brother with a nervous smile. "Okay then..." she took a deep breath. "I'm willing to get married."

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Character Sketch

Raizada Family:

Devyani Singh Raizada

Mother of Arvind Singh Raizada.  Arnav and Anjali's beloved Dadi.  She has recently suffered a heart attack and now her wish, or rather demand, is that Arnav gets married before her demise.

Arvind Singh Raizada and Asha Singh Raizada

A happily married couple and proud parents of Arnav and Anjali.  Asha is very sentimental, affectionate, and loving woman.  She moves forward with the generations and adapts quickly to the changing ways of the world.  Her life resides in her two children and husband.  Arvind, a successful business who loves his family to bits.  His business is in alliance with his friend, Shashi Gupta's company.  Secrely, Asha and Arvind have been searching for a suitable girl for their son Arnav.

Arnav Singh Raizada

A perfect son to Asha and Arvind.  The apple of his Dadi's eyes.  A loving and dutiful brother to his younger sister, Anjali.  The man is of possessive nature, especially about his family.  He is willing to go to the extremes to make his family happy.  He is a resident doctor at a well known facility.  After his family and work, the two most important things to him are his best friends:  Akash and Aman.

Anjali Singh Raizada

A fun loving, happy-go-lucky girl.  She has been treated like a princess by her father and brother.  Tends to keep having a good-looking brother a secret from her friends so that they don't badger her about setting them up with him.  currently lives abroad for her studies with Khushi.

Gupta Family:

Shashi Kumar Gupta

A hard working owner of a textiles company which is in alliance with AR fashion house.  He's more of a friend than a father to his two kids, Aman and Khushi.  He has recently been diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer.  As a dying man, his wish is to see his princess, Khushi, married off.

Garima Kumari Gupta

Shashi's loyal wife.  A true companion through thick and thin.  A loving mother to Aman and Khushi.  Though she is old fashioned and firmly believes in traditions, her husband is the decision maker in the house and hence her attempts at raising the kids conservatively has gone to waste.

Aman Gupta

Khushi's Brother and Arnav's friend of three years.  He is a residential doctor at the same facility as Arnav.  Khushi is everything to Aman and sometimes her happiness takes priority over his parents' wishes and rules.

Khushi Kumari Gupta

Currently living abroad with her roommate, Anjali.  Studying business so that she can take care of her father's business since her brother has shown no interest in it.  A fun loving girl who likes her share of parties.  Dotes on her brother who has been her partner in crime for every sneak out and reckless act.

Other Characters:

Payal Saxena

Has been friends with Khushi since high school days and misses her dearly.  She was orphaned at a tender age of twenty and Khushi's parents support her like their own daughter.  Payal has been silently in love with Akash for years but hasn't uttered a word about it to anyone.

Akash Singhania

Works in Arvind's fashion house as the Managing Director.  He went to high school with Khushi and Payal.  Over the years, as he worked with Arvind, he became friends with Arnav.  Has been silently in love with Payal but just like her, hasn't mentioned it to anyone.  Aman, however, has a doubt about the same.

Important clarification:

Arnav and Khushi have not yet met.  Aman became friends with Arnav after Khushi had moved abroad.  Khushi is not aware of what Anjali's brother looks like because as mentioned above, Anjali doesn't share that particular piece of information willingly.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Coming soon!!

Coming soon!!

Some of you may have read the Angad-Kripa version of this FF already but now I'm making an Arnav-Khushi version of this story.

'Koi Aap Sa' was my first FF ever and so the writing is a little rusty and so is the storyline (in terms of bloopers and contradictions).  As I turn it into an Arnav-Khushi fic, however, I'm sorting out the mistakes and making small changes here and there.

The main plot of the story will remain the same.  I guess we can sort of consider this a 'remake' of a fan-fiction, only, unlike the movies, I'm sure this remake will be loads better than the original!

So stay tuned guys.  Character sketch and Chapter 1 will be posted in a couple of days!

I will not be sending PM's for this on IF so if you want regular notifications for updates, follow the blog by e-mail and you can do that by typing in your e-mail into the box on the right hand side under the blog index.

Katie <3