Monday, March 31, 2014

Chapter 5

The beautifully decorated banquet hall was abuzz and lively as many individuals gathered along with the Gupta’s and the Raizada’s for Arnav and Khushi’s engagement. Arvind, Asha, Shashi, and Garima were mingling amongst the crowd cheerfully as they awaited the arrival of the couple in question.

Arnav paced back and forth in his hotel room, growing more impatient by the minute.  Akash was supposed to show up here with Arnav’s suit an hour ago and that idiot was stuck somewhere in the Mumbai traffic.  Aman, who was supposed to come and provide moral support to his best friend, had been delayed with the excuse that Khushi refused to let him out of sight.

“I’m sorry!  I know I’m late but—” Akash burst into the room and stopped speaking at once as Arnav shot him a death glare.

“An hour, Akash!!  Do you know what an hour’s delay means in the OR?!”  Arnav crossed his arms.

Akash raised an eyebrow and looked at his friend, clad in jeans and a t-shirt.  “ just compared your engagement venue to an OR...are you always this depressing?”

“Shut up and give me that!”  Arnav grabbed the suit cover bag out of his hands and made towards the shower.

Akash shook his head and plopped down on the sofa, relaxing after the dreadful drive here.  He’d been working way too much for his liking during the fashion week in London.  As soon as his work had wrapped up, he’d flown down to India to attend Arnav’s engagement.

It’s such a small world.  Here he was, attending the engagement of his friend of a couple years and his high school classmate.  Who would have thought?  He remembered Khushi Kumari Gupta well.  She was the bright kid in the class who every parent compared their own kids to.  The pretty girl who had flocks of guys crushing on her secretly.  If it weren’t for the knowledge of a tall, lean, and possessive brother of hers, the teenage boys would have been less secretive about their attraction to her.  Akash remembered her for that and also because she was Payal’s best friend.

Payal Saxena.  The girl Akash had been in love with for as long as he could remember.  His secret girlfriend of a year, for crying out loud.  For reasons that they didn’t understand, they’d mutually decided to keep their relationship a secret.  There was a sort of thrill to it which made it more romantic. 

Payal had gone off to Delhi a month ago for a business related trip and soon after, he had flown out to London.  After that, they were meeting today, in front of everyone.  How the heck is he supposed to keep away from her?

The woman in question was also thinking along the same lines, in the room on the floor above, as she helped her friend get ready.

“Payal, what are you doing?”  Khushi questioned curiously, looking at Payal through the mirror.

“What am I doing?”  Payal frowned in confusion and watched as Khushi’s eyebrows arched up.

“You just helped me put the bangles on and now you’re removing them...”

“Oh...”  Payal looked down at her hands which held the recently removed light pink and maroon bangles.  “I’m sorry...I didn’t realize...”

“What are you thinking about?”  Khushi suppressed a smirk.  “Or should I ask who are you thinking about?”

Payal’s eyes widened.  “What?!  It’s nothing like that...”

Khushi scoffed.  “Please...I’ve known you for’ve been acting strange for the past year or so...”

You’re the one getting engaged within two weeks of being here and I’m strange?”  Payal fired.

Khushi averted her eyes and became too busy in re-setting her already perfect dupatta.  “He seems like a nice guy, Payal...I’d have to get married sooner or later...then why not now?”

“I know he’s a nice guy...”

“You do?”  Khushi shot, raising an eyebrow.

“Uh...Yeah...Aman talks about him...I’ve met him once too at one of Mr. Raizada’s business parties that I attended.”

Khushi nodded just when a knock sounded on the door.  Aman walked in, looking rushed.

“I need to go see Arnav...can you and Payal be downstairs within the next fifteen minutes?”  Aman questioned, not noticing just how beautiful his sister looked.

Bhai!  You said you’d be with me today....”  Khushi whined.

“I know...and I will be once you’re downstairs...What am I going to do in your little girly ventures?  Akash is back and he’s in Arnav’s room...I’ll just go see them and I’ll come downstairs with them...”  Aman grinned noticing the red hue on Payal’s cheeks at the mention of Akash and a similar hue on Khushi’s cheeks at Arnav’s.  “I’ll see you very soon Khushi...”

Aman took long strides back towards the door and paused to look over his shoulder at Khushi.  “You look gorgeous usual.”

Exactly ten minutes later Aman, Akash, and Arnav stood in a small alcove down the hallway of the entrance of the hall, waiting for Khushi and Payal.

“I thought your favourite colour was red...what the heck is up with the green and blue theme?!”  Akash looked around, noticing the smooth drapes that cascaded along the walls of the hallway.

Arnav pressed his lips in order to keep from giving him the real reason.  He’d helped his mother pick a decorations theme and this particular one had reminded him of a striking pair of green-blue eyes.  He’d picked it immediately and was glad that his mother loved it too.

He wasn’t about to admit that to Akash and Aman, of course.  That would only induce a round of teasing and there were already enough of those.

Arnav stood there listening to Aman and Akash converse about the latest model of a BMW that was launched a few days ago.  He was just about to check his wristwatch when the tinkling of anklets behind him caught his attention.  He couldn’t help it and he found himself turned his head to look over his shoulder.

His breath left his lungs in an appreciative inaudible gasp the second his eyes landed on Khushi.  Dressed in a baby pink and deep red lehenga, she looked an epitome of grace and beauty.  He barely noticed the woman walking next to her.  He knew he was staring and may come off as rude but he couldn’t make himself look away.

Khushi was well aware of his gaze on her because everywhere his eyes fell, her skin tingled in excitement.  She’d been to clubs and bars and she wasn’t oblivious to the coy glances of men in the vicinity but there was something substantially different in the way this man, her soon to be fiancĂ©, looked at her.

It didn’t make her uncomfortable, it didn’t make her squirm.  It didn’t make her want to overturn a glass of drink on his head, and it didn’t make her feel gross.  In fact, she liked it.  Just the way he looked at her, with no hint of perverseness, with pure admiration made her feel...beautiful.

Khushi.  Kumari.  Gupta.  What the hell?

He, himself, looked alluringly handsome in his mahogany-brown jodhpuri bandh-gala suit.  His neatly set hair and tanned skin giving him an immaculate look.

What?  I’m allowed to look at him, right?  I’m getting engaged to him for crying out loud!

They weren’t the only ones who were busy appreciating what they saw.  Payal and Akash were doing more than just seeing with their eyes.  Payal, dressed in a simple purple lehenga looked gorgeous, even more so with the red hue on her cheeks as she decoded Akash’s seductive looks. 

Aman, as usual, broke all of their reveries by cheerfully engulfing his sister in a bear hug.

“Aman!  You’ll ruin her hair and you’re wrinkling her dress!”  Payal reprimanded, annoyed that the incredulous man had ruined her masterpiece within a second.

“Kindly, shut up Payal, before I’m forced to duct-tape your mouth shut.”  Aman smiled evilly at her.

“Haww!”  Khushi slapped his shoulder.  “Be nice to her.”

Sensing an argument brewing, Akash decided to douse the situation.  “Remember me, Ms. Kilogram?”

Khushi’s smile was erased from her face instantly and replaced with a frown.  She was clearly displeased at being addressed with that name.  She was even more annoyed that Aman was guffawing while Payal tried, unsuccessfully, to cover her own laughter.

Just bloody perfect!  They’re making fun of me in front of Arnav...

“You call me that one more time and...and...”  Khushi sputtered.

“And what?”  Akash challenged.

“And I’ll tell everyone a certain story about a certain boy proposing to a certain girl and what great detail.”  Khushi crossed her arms smugly.

Akash’s eyes narrowed.  “You wouldn’t.”

Khushi raised an eyebrow challengingly as if saying “Try me.”

The two stared at each other for a couple of seconds and then burst out laughing as they, presumably, recalled the incident.  Arnav watched with growing amusement as Akash and Khushi shared a quick hug too.

Suddenly, out of absolutely nowhere, Arnav found himself wondering how long it will be before he and Khushi reached that comfort level.

What the...!

“You haven’t changed at all, Akash!”  Khushi smiled at the man who grinned back.

“But you went from Ms. Kilogram to......a woman that models would envy!”  Akash shamelessly raked his eyes from Khushi’s head to toe.

“Would you stop flirting with her in front of Arnav?!”  Payal frowned.

Aman smirked.  “Why are you getting irritated?”

Khushi looked between Aman and Payal with narrowed eyes, as if accusing them of keeping secrets.

“Excuse Kilogram?”  Arnav questioned.

Khushi rolled her eyes and suppressed the urge to groan.  Akash, however, gladly jumped at the opportunity.

“It's what everyone called her in high school to irk her...she used to be stick skinny and then her initials...K.G...Abbreviation for Kilogram and it just stuck.”  Akash grinned.

“My initials are K-K-G!”  Khushi whined.

“Not for too long.”  Akash winked suggestively.

Arnav pressed his lips together, catching on to the implied tease and glanced at Khushi to see her blushing profusely.

“Oh please!  Stop teasing my sister....”  Aman exclaimed, draping an arm around Khushi.  “Let's talk about your initials Mr. Akash Suraj Singhania.  What do you think of that?”

Khushi and Payal burst into giggles and Arnav couldn’t help but smile.  Partly, the reason behind his smile was Aman’s witty retort but Arnav knew that the bigger reason was the way her laughter sounded.  The feeling that the sound invoked was akin to the feeling that follows hearing the baby’s first cry after birth: pure and unhindered joy.  Her laughter, Arnav concluded, was contagious.

“Enough you guys...let's go before Garima aunty bursts a vein!”  Payal suggested smartly.

“Yes!”  Aman made an impatient noise.  “I bet she’s already freaking out...”

“Asha aunty, too...she’s practically besides herself.”  Akash shook his head as he recalled running into the kind lady earlier.

“Alright...we’ll go in and make the two just need to walk in...”  Aman looked at Khushi.  “Try not to trip...”

Khushi’s jaw dropped slightly.  “Oh gee....thank you for the tip Bhai!  That didn’t make me more nervous at all!”  Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Arnav looked at Khushi for a long second.  She didn’t seem to realize it but while trying to poke a jab at Aman, she’d indirectly admitted that she was nervous.  Arnav felt a weird sense of calmness settle over him.

Well, that makes two of us.  Good to know that I’m not abnormal.

Payal, Akash, and Aman gave the couple warm smiles and encouraging nods before walking towards the hall.  Arnav and Khushi followed quietly, walking side by side.  Arnav noticed the extra cautious steps she was taking, trying to be mindful of the hem of the skirt of her lehenga.

Stupid Aman! 

As the three friends walked into the hall, Arnav and Khushi stopped in front of the large wooden doors with intricate carvings, listening hard for the announcement that would soon follow.

Arnav looked at the woman standing next to her with her eyes squeezed shut, her lips quivering as she spoke inaudibly.  He felt the corner of his lips lift in another smile.

“Relax, Khushi...breathe!  You’re going to hyperventilate.”  Arnav used his ‘doctor’ tone that he normally used to calm down anxious patients.

Her eyes flew open the moment her father’s voice echoed in the hall, seeping through the door, reaching their ears in a muffled form.  She started taking deep breaths to calm herself and that erratic heart of hers.

“I’m fine.  I can do this.  I’ve got this.  I can do this.  Come on, Khushi...You can do this!”  Khushi muttered to herself.

A chuckle escaped him at her giving herself a pep talk.  “You make it sound like you’re going to war.”

Khushi looked at him sheepishly.  “I’m...I....I just...”

He chuckled and shook his head.  “Relax Khushi...I’m only’re anxious...I understand.”

“How are you so calm?!”  Khushi blurted, feeling that this situation was absolutely unfair.

He gets to be calm, composed, and confident, while she’s a bundle of nerves!

Devi Maiyya!  You’re supposed to be on my side!

“I’m not.  Who told you that I’m calm?”  Arnav admitted, indirectly, that he was nervous too.

“You look like you’re about to take a stroll in the garden.”  Khushi sulked and looked at the door in front of her.

Arnav shrugged.  “Doctors are supposed to have a good poker face.”

“Now without further ado...”

The words spoken by Arvind on the other side of the door instantly increased Khushi’s nervousness.

“I won’t trip.  I won’t trip.  I won’t trip.”  She chanted to herself religiously, looking at a flower carving straight ahead at her.

“I won’t let you trip.”  His voice was husky, serious, and sincere.

Khushi looked up at him, secretly appreciating his height.  Even with three inch heels on, the top of her head barely went past his chin.  He still stood four to five inches above her. 

He raised his eyebrows questioningly and it was then that she realized that he was holding out his arm for her.

He was offering her support.

Holding his hazel eyes with her turquoise tinted emeralds, she wound her right arm through his left, letting her slender fingers curl around the bulging muscles of his upper arm.

He responded to her grateful smile with a charming smile of his own.  He didn’t know what had made him offer her his arm, he didn’t know how she would react but he had felt compelled to do it anyway.  She was anxious and uncomfortable and all he wanted to do was calm her and make her comfortable.

Sure, they would both need time to get used to this new relationship that would form between them in a few minutes but from the looks of it, she seemed to be having a more difficult time dealing with these changes than he had.

He remembered his conversation with Dadi earlier that day.  She’s explained how it’s more difficult for the girl because she has to leave the world she has known as her home and enter a brand new one, in a brand new role, with brand new responsibilities.

He knew that this moment would have been very different if this wasn’t an arranged marriage situation...but it was.  And one that had progressed at the speed of a bullet!  He couldn’t do anything to change that, nor could she, because for both of them, their family’s wishes came before their own as far as the proceedings of the marriage were concerned.  What he could, and he would, do was try to make this as comfortable and smooth as possible for her.

And his simple gesture had done wonders to soothe Khushi’s jumpy nerves.  He felt her relax next to him just in time.  A couple seconds later, the doors in front of them swung open and the two walked into the hall, sporting genuine smiles.  The hall thundered with applause at their grand entrance but what caught their attention was the pair of proud parents who stood on the stage, smiling down at their kids affectionately.

All of Khushi’s remaining apprehensions flew out the window at that point.  Her father had tears of joy glistening in his eyes and he looked at her as if she had given him the most precious gift.  He looked utterly proud of his daughter and even her Maa looked ecstatic.

This felt right.  The happiness on the faces of her parents and Arnav’s parents felt right.  The bliss on Aman’s face felt right.  The joy on Payal and Akash’s face felt rigt.  The way her arm sought support from his felt right. 

He feels right.  The concept of us feels right.

Involuntarily, her hand around his arm tightened its grip slightly.

Like the gentleman he was, he gently freed the arm she was holding on to and climbed the first of the four steps only to turn towards her again.  He extended his hand offering support without being asked again.  Khushi placed her hand in his, noticing how gently he held it.  She followed him up the stairs and was immediately engulfed in a quick hug from Asha and Garima.  Devyani, holding onto Akash’s arm, walked up to Khushi. The elderly lady wiped a tad bit of Kohl from her own eyelid and placed a small dot behind Khushi’s ear in a gesture to ward off the evil.

No time was wasted after that.  Arnav and Khushi were seated on the throne-styled elegant loveseat.   Aman had been summoned with the rings and he sauntered over with a goofy grin in place.  He handed the small blue box to Khushi and she took it with a slightly shaky hand.  She turned in her seat to face Arnav, keeping her eyes downcast, looking at his manly hands instead.

Asha squeezed Arnav’s shoulder encouragingly, and taking the hint, he extended his hand towards Khushi.  Khushi couldn’t help but marvel at the steadiness of his large hand that occupied the space in between them.  Her hand was trembling and the ring felt oddly heavy in her hand as she slipped it onto his long ring finger.

As their families and the crowd applauded, Khushi looked up at him from under her lashes and gave him a small smile.  He returned the smile before he turned towards Aman and took the box he offered.  Arnav picked out the ring that had been the one since he’d laid his eyes on it.

The single emerald sat pompously in the center, surrounded by a circle of small diamonds.  Together, the gems rested on a band of white gold which was studded with small diamonds as well.

Just like the decorations, Arnav had picked this ring almost immediately after going through many other designs.  The emerald had reminded him of her eyes while the simple yet elegant design had reminded him of her.  Right now, he wanted nothing more than to know whether or not she liked the ring.

He glanced at her when she raised her hand slowly.  He didn’t miss the slight tremors in her hand and automatically reached out to hold it steady.  Her fingers felt fragile and cold in his gentle, warm grip.  He slid the ring onto her slender finger, feeling an odd satisfaction as he registered the way the emerald stood out against her milky skin.  He held her hand for a few moments longer than necessary before he slid his hand away from hers slowly.

The moment the contact broke, Arnav and Khushi were hauled up and into various hugs.  Both of them sought blessings as a pair from their parents and hugged their friends as everyone rejoiced in the union.

For the next hour or so, Arnav and Khushi barely had the chance to speak to each other as the guests took their turns to come up on stage and congratulate them.  As the moments passed, Khushi had found herself relaxing more and more.  Of course, it helped that Aman, Payal, and Akash kept coming back every few minutes to keep them entertained.

Suddenly, without warning, a group of men with Dhols rushed into the hall from the side entrance, immediately adding a homely and festive feel to the environment. 

Khushi sat there, silently cursing her luck as she watched people make their way towards the central space which was the makeshift dance floor.  Her mother had specifically told her to keep seated and not get into these insane dances.  She was supposed to behave like an ideal bahu.  Apparently, in Garima Gupta’s books, that meant that Khushi wasn’t allowed to dance at her own freaking engagement.

Hmpf!  So rude!  What does a girl have to do to have fun at her own engagement?!

She wanted to bang her head into the wall out of frustration when Payal ran up onto the stage, trying to urge Khushi to join them on the floor.  Khushi, from the corner of her eyes saw her mother scowling at them from the other end of the hall.  Rolling her eyes, Khushi refused the offer as politely as possible, making an excuse that her uncomfortable shoes wouldn’t let her enjoy the dancing properly.

“You can always take them off, you know.”  Arnav suggested once Payal had huffed away in displeasure.

Khushi shrugged but gave him no other response.  Arnav watched her as she turned to look at the crowd dancing again.  He could tell that she wanted to go and join them.  Her feet were already tapping in synch with the beat.  He didn’t buy her excuse of the uncomfortable shoes for one second.

Maybe she doesn’t feel comfortable going there in the crowd.

Arnav turned towards the crowd to see that his mother had joined the group and left no stone unturned to express her joy on this occasion.  He couldn’t help but smile when Akash, Payal, and Asha started a little Bhangra step of their own.  Arnav was too busy to notice that Aman had walked back to them and had taken a seat next to Khushi, in turn pushing her closer to him.

“Asha aunty is stealing the show!!”  Aman spoke after a few minutes.  He was practically jumping in his seat.

“I know!”  Khushi chuckled whole heartedly.  “She is so cool!”

And she meant every word.  Khushi couldn’t understand why the TV shows made the mother-in-laws so damn scary.  Asha was cooler and more lenient that Khushi’s own mother!

“Go Asha Aunty!!”  Aman cheered loudly over the music, knowing well that his voice may not reach her.

It must have, however, because a second later, a beaming Asha turned in their direction and waved them towards the floor.  Arnav chuckled and shook his head but Aman jumped off the stage with gusto and joined her.  Khushi saw Payal and Akash trying to get a hesitant Garima to join the crowd.

Khushi and Arnav observed Aman and Asha for a few long moments until Khushi chuckled out-loud once again.

“Aww!”  Khushi looked endeared.  “She is so adorable!”

“Who?”  Arnav looked at Khushi.

“Asha Aunty!”  Khushi looked at him like he was crazy.  “Do I have the best mother-in-law, or what?!”

Arnav felt the corners of his lips lift up at her undaunted comment.  Sometimes, she was just like a child, speaking without a second thought, letting her innocence pour out into her words.  He liked that quality in her.  What he didn’t like was how she was practically forcing herself to sit there when what she really wanted to do was run out onto the dance floor.

“Look...Khushi...why don’t you just go and dance?”  Arnav raised his eyebrows when her head whipped around to look at him with an expression akin to shock.

“What?”  Arnav shrugged.  “You know that you’re dying to have fun with should go...”

She looked at him for a long moment, trying to figure out just how he knew that she wanted to go and have fun.  Her thoughts must have reflected in her expression because the next second he shrugged again.

“You’re practically dancing in your seat.”  Arnav noted.

He watched with increasing amusement as colour rushed to her cheeks.  For the first time since they’d set foot into this hall, Arnav found himself admiring her again.  With minimal make-up, long silky hair let down in perfect curls, and just enough jewellery, she looked beautiful.  The colour of her lehenga contrasted with her eyes, making them stand out even more, just like the emerald on her ring finger.

She was beautiful; there was no doubt about that.  Her eyes had taken over his thoughts since he’d met her; there was no doubt about that.  They were engaged now and she was his fiance, there was no doubt about that.  Arnav Singh Raizada was already captivated by Khushi’s innocence and beauty; there was no doubt about that, either.

“Khushi!”  Asha’s voice made Arnav look away from Khushi’s flushed face.

He watched as his mother excitedly climbed the steps of the stage, holding onto her saree pleats, and headed directly towards Khushi.

“Come dance with us!”  Asha held Khushi’s hand and tugged gently.

Khushi’s unsure glance flitted towards Garima and then at Arnav.  Arnav nodded imperceptibly, telling her to go without worrying.

“Um...I...”  Khushi stammered, looking up at Asha.

“I don’t want any excuses...come, let’s go.”  Asha pulled Khushi up and started walking off the stage.  Arnav’s eyes flickered towards where Khushi had looked earlier and he understood the reason for her hesitancy.  Khushi’s mother suddenly looked a tad bit annoyed while Khushi’s father held her hand in a gesture to keep Garima from charging towards Khushi.

Arnav wasn’t unaware of Garima’s old-fashioned ways, of course.  He’d heard many stories about it from Aman and he’d even witnessed an outburst from Garima when Aman had disclosed their plans of going clubbing one day.

He sighed and looked at his mother and Khushi who were now a part of the crowd and his lips curved into a bright smile seeing the two ladies match each other’s steps.  Both of them had one hand rested against the back of their hand, while the other rested on their waist as they swayed their hips in the classic dance step.  Arvind, Aman, and Akash took turns twirling Asha, Khushi, and Payal joyfully. 

Feeling awkward on the stage all alone, Arnav also stood up and made his way towards Khushi’s parents.  This was the perfect time to talk to them about his plans.

His eyes kept darting to the woman in baby pink, his mind and heart glad that she was enjoying herself.  He hoped that her parents would consider what he had to say to them.  He’d already spoken to his own parents and they’d been supportive of his suggestion and now he wanted that same support from her parents.

Before he could reach Khushi’s parents, he found himself being dragged towards the dancing crowd by Aman and Akash.

Inevitably, they shoved him next to Khushi and within seconds, the couple found themselves standing in the center of a concentric circle as the dhol beats peaked, nearing a climax.  Khushi clapped in time with the beat and looked absolutely comfortable even with him standing next to him.

Well, that’s one step forward, I guess.

The entire hall was taken over by the echoes of applause, cheers, and wolf whistles as soon as the music stopped.  Arnav flashed a polite smile and moved to remove himself from there but Payal held his hand and pulled him back.

“Where do you think you’re going my would-be-jeejaji?”  She winked boldly.

Arnav smiled at her politely.  “I need to speak with Shashi uncle and Garima’s important. I promise I’ll be back soon.”

Payal pouted but nodded anyway.  Arnav turned on his heels and waved to Aman.

When Aman noticed his friend, he walked over with a confused frown on his face.

“What’s up?”  Aman questioned as the two stood face-to-face, away from the crowd.

“Come with me...I need to talk to your parents and I think you should be there too.”  Arnav said as he glanced over at Khushi.

Aman raised an eyebrow doubtfully.  His sister’s happiness and safety took the priority in his mind.  “What?  What’s wrong?”

Arnav turned to look at Khushi and smiled naturally.  He was even more sure of his decision now than before.  He needed to do this for her.  She deserved it.  He turned back to look at his friend.  “It's about Khushi.”

Monday, March 17, 2014

Chapter 4

Unable to control her excitement, Asha had insisted that they reach Gupta house for the Shagun ceremony the very next morning.

And so, Khushi had found herself sitting in the living room along with her parents, brother, and her to-be-in-laws, as they began the said ritual.  Of course, Aman had teased her about Arnav’s absence.  Apart from the fact that he was at the hospital performing a surgery right now, he wasn’t allowed to be here according to the rules, apparently.

Asha placed the red coloured dupatta on Khushi’s head and smiled down at her affectionately.  Khushi gave her a shy smile and things remained that way while the gifts were given to Khushi.  At the end of all the exchanges, Khushi sought blessings from Asha and Arvind.

The Raizada’s and the Gupta's had settled for lunch soon after. The conversation was light and cheerful and Khushi found herself more at ease with her to-be-in-laws as the time wore on.

“I can’t wait until the sangeet and all that fun stuff!”  Aman exclaimed.  “All of these other rituals are always done by the elders...There’s no fun in it for us.”

Asha chuckled at him.  “Actually...our family tradition also includes the Tilak which you would be the one accepting Arnav into your family...”

“Oh, really?”  Aman looked excited at the idea of a ceremony where he would be able to pull Arnav’s leg without earning those famous glares.  “When is that?”

“We’ll go over to their house tomorrow morning and complete the ritual.”  Garima smiled at her son.

“Hear that, Khushi?  You’ll get to see your future home tomorrow!”  Aman teased, making Khushi throw him a look of annoyance.

“No she won’t.”  Garima laughed at her son and shook her head.  “The bride doesn’t attend the Tilak just like the groom doesn’t attend the Shagun.

Aman rolled his eyes.  “I’m going to opt for a court register marriage...this traditional stuff is so’s got more rules than the Physician’s code of conduct!”

Aman’s comment earned a round of healthy laughter around the table.

“But you’re right about one thing...Khushi will get to see her future home soon.”  Asha smiled at Khushi and turned to look at Garima.  “I know that traditionally the girl doesn’t go to her in-laws home before the wedding but it is the nineteenth century...and I would like her to meet Maaji.  She’s still recovering so we made her stay at home today but she wasn’t happy about missing out on today’s Rasam...

Garima, being the old-fashioned woman that she was, was a bit apprehensive about the idea but before she could utter a word, her husband beat her to it.

“Of course, Mrs. Raizada.  It’s important that Khushi has Maaji’s blessings before we proceed with the other rituals.”  He smiled kindly and pressed his wife’s hand under the table to keep her from voicing her apprehension.

And hence, two hours later, Khushi had found herself seated in the luxurious BMW as it pulled onto the driveway of ‘Shantivan’.  She allowed herself to take in the long driveway adorned with knee-tall, manicured shrubs and plants.  On either side of the driveway, a few years of lawn stretched out invitingly.  She was slightly appalled when the house came into view.  She didn’t know what she was expecting but she was sure it wasn’t this.

She had expected a large bungalow, like theirs, not a freaking mansion that looked big enough to fit three families!  She glanced around the estate and smiled at the lush plantation and exotic blooms.  There was a tasteful collection of roses, jasmines, peonies, lilies, and other flowers that she didn’t know the names of, including those that she had never even seen before.

“Arnav loves plants...he’s pretty much the gardener of Shantivan....”  Asha chuckled.

Khushi smiled and averted her eyes.  Weren’t mother-in-laws supposed be all strict and mean and controlling?  Asha’s easy-going nature was constantly taking Khushi by surprise.  She knew that it wasn’t very polite to stereotype people but Bollywood movies and TV soaps in her teenage years had instilled an idea of horrific mother-in-laws.  Asha, clearly, was nowhere close to that!

As they climbed up the short flight of stairs, Khushi paused at the threshold and recalled her mother’s words.

Aye Khushi!  When you go there...behave yourself.  Don’t talk more than necessary...fix the dupatta, sanka devi!  Hey Devi Maiyya...oh...make sure you enter the house by putting your right foot forward!  Aaj kal ke bacche (Kids these days) have to explain them everything!”

Khushi suppressed a chuckle at the memory of her mother’s frantic words and, as she had advised, took the first step into the house by placing her right foot first.  She let her gaze linger around the vast living room, taking in the elegant wooden furniture in tasteful colours and the graceful staircase against the wall leading to the second level.  Beyond the tall wide windows, she saw an indoor garden.  The entire house had a distinct scent to it which seemed to have a calming effect on her frazzled nerves.  She recognized the scent as Lavender.

As they made their way, presumably, towards Dadi’s room, she understood why.  There were small potted lavender plants scattered around the room fashionably.

Arvind knocked gently on the clouded glass panel on the door which was responded by a soft voice.  Khushi felt a flutter of nervousness yet again and she silently wondered how long it will be before she stopped feeling that way.

Asha and Arvind led Khushi into the room cheerfully and she came face-to-face with an elderly lady sitting in a lounger, holding a copy of the Ramayana.  The elder lady’s eyes lit up instantly as they took in Khushi’s form clad in a red churidaar while her long, thick, and dark hair cascaded down her back. 

Khushi walked up to the lady, touched her feet as she sought blessings, and came back up folding her hands in a respectful greeting.

Namaste Dadiji.”

Jeeti Raho, Khushi Bitiya...”  Devyani smiled at the young woman as she stood up from her seat.

Khushi automatically offered Devyani her hand when her balance seemed to falter.  Smiling at her, Devyani took her hand and led her to the bed.

“How did you know I am Khushi?”  Khushi questioned as they sat down.

“Arvind showed me a picture...and Asha hasn’t stopped talking about how beautiful her bahu is...”  Devyani smiled when she saw Khushi turn a beetroot red.

“Now you’ve seen her yourself...can you blame me for wanting to brag about her?”  Asha giggled.

“Definitely not...I have to give my sons credit for that though...”  Devyani looked fondly at her son.  “Arvind found Asha and Arnav has found you...”

Khushi shifted slightly uncomfortably at all the praises.  She didn’t know how she should respond mainly because she wasn’t used to open praises about her looks.  And the racing of her heartbeat at the mention of Arnav didn’t help the matters.

For the next hour or so, Devyani asked Khushi a bunch of questions to try and get her know better.  Khushi, after initial nervousness, answered all the questions and felt the connection with Dadi almost immediately. 

Khushi had never known her grandparents.  Garima’s parents had passed away with a gap of a few weeks before Aman was even born.  Shashi’s father had passed away when Shashi himself was a teenager while his mother had passed away when Aman was a year old.  For the first time in her life, Khushi wished that she had a chance to meet all of them.

“Asha...Arvind...if you don’t mind, may I talk to Khushi alone for a few minutes?” 

Nodding in approval and smiling encouragingly at Khushi, Asha and Arvind exited the room.  Khushi twisted the end of her dupatta in her hands and Devyani couldn’t help but smile at Khushi’s nervous stance.

“Don’t worry...this isn’t one of those moments when you learn that the seemingly old woman is actually a vamp and will be out to ruin your married life.”  Devyani chuckled.  “The treatment you get will be no different from the one Arnav gets.  Sons, daughters, daughter-in-laws...everyone is equal under this roof.  I don’t care what those TV shows show but you’ll never be treated like a daughter-in-law here....”

Khushi relaxed and allowed herself to laugh at Dadi’s reference to TV soaps.

“I know that kids of your generation tend to be apprehensive about arranged marriages and I don’t blame you guys.  Times have changed...priorities have changed and it is becoming increasingly difficult to trust people outside of your family and close friends.  I guess, the fact that our families are close makes it a bit easier...but even then, complete honesty is needed to form any new relationships.  If I’m going to be honest with you then I need to tell you that marriage wasn’t Arnav’s priority...”

Khushi nodded.  “I know Dadi...he’s doing this for you.”

Dadi nodded, with a fond expression on her face as she thought of her grandson.  “And that’s why I wanted to speak to you alone.  Please don’t ever feel that he won’t put any effort into this marriage...he may have made the decision to get married for my sake but I can vouch for him.  He will give you the care, attention, and love that you, as his wife, deserve.”

Love?!  Wife?!  The two words in one sentence unexpectedly conjured up an image in her mind which unnerved her.  Khushi’s cheeks burned and her head felt light. 

“The only thing you might complain about is him not being able to give you enough time and his temper.”  Dadi approached with caution.  When she found Khushi listening intently, she went on.  “As a doctor...his work hours tend to be scattered and sometimes long...sometimes he has to leave in the middle of the night if there is an emergency...”

Khushi pressed Dadi’s hands supportively.  “I know brother is in the same situation...and I’ve seen my Papa work day and night to make his company what it is today...So I understand...”

Devyani looked at the petite girl in front of her with affection.  “And his temper...?”

Khushi averted her eyes.  That was the one thing that had managed to plant a little inkling of fear in her mind.  She was from a relatively calm family and hadn’t had to experience other people’s temper too much, although, she had a bad temper when she was pushed to her limits.

“He tends to be calm most of the times...he doesn’t like to talk about himself or his feelings too much...he’s too busy trying to make everyone else happy...he bottles up all these emotions and eventually...all of that is expressed in the form of temper...”  Dadi seemed a bit sad as she spoke of this.

Khushi recalled how during her conversation with him, she had gathered that he didn’t seem to like talking about himself much.  She wasn’t wrong after all.

“He may struggle to put his feelings into words but his actions speak for him...I can’t defend his temper bursts but I can request you to look past them...I don’t want you to think the worst of him if you ever, God forbid, end up at the receiving end of his wrath.”

Khushi thought about Dadi’s earnest words for a long minute before nodding.  “I’ll keep that in mind, Dadi...Maa always says that after a girl gets married, she has to learn new ways of dealing with new situations...and if I have you guiding me like this, then I have nothing to worry about.  You can be my superhero and I’ll sort of be your sidekick!”

Khushi ended the conversation on a light note making Devyani chuckle with her.  “Asha is’re like a burst of life...of happiness...your name suits you well.”  Devyani caressed Khushi’s hair gently.

“Papa says the same thing.”  Khushi beamed.

“’re really good!”  Asha exclaimed as she stood next to Khushi in the kitchen, observing her.

“Maa taught me when I was around twelve...I’ve been making them since.”  Khushi smiled as she drew another swirl of jalebi batter in the piping hot oil.

“You really shouldn’t have told I’ll have you make them for me all the time.”  Asha bit into a fresh jalebi, savouring the sticky sweetness.

“Mom, I’m home!”  His voice was distant but loud and clear.

Khushi froze in the middle of drawing another swirl.

“I’ll be right back.”  Asha excused herself and walked out into the living room to greet her son.

Trying her best to ignore the fact that Arnav was in the same house, in the room next to the kitchen, Khushi resumed her favourite task of making jalebis.  Absent mindedly, she picked up one and bit into it urgently.

She realized, once again, that she hadn’t spoken to him since that day at her house. 

What would he ask if he sees me now?  What am I supposed to say?  Am I supposed to go and greet him or is that against the rules?  Would he eat the jalebis I made?  Would he like them?  Does he like sweets?  What if he doesn’t?  What if he’s super health conscious? 

“Khushi?”  Asha’s voice brought Khushi out of her jumbled thoughts.  “Would you mind taking a cup of coffee to Arnav?”

Khushi looked at her wide eyed.  Take coffee to Arnav?  Meaning...she’d have to meet him?  Was that even allowed?  Wasn’t there some rule about the girl and the guy not meeting before marriage?

“I won’t tell your mother that you met him today.” Asha whispered in a conspiring tone.  Chuckling, she placed a hand on Khushi’s shoulder.  “I know that you’re nervous but the more you meet him, the more you speak to him...the more comfortable you two will become with each will make the first few days after your marriage a lot easier if you get to know him now.”

Khushi watched on with her mouth slightly opened in surprise as Asha touched her cheek gently and then walked into one of the rooms.  Aman’s words came back to her then.  He’d said that the Raizada’s were modern...that she would have all the freedom.  Asha was completely different from Garima when it came to following traditions and customs.  Garima wouldn’t approve of this, Khushi knew.

But Asha had a point.  This feeling of nervousness and such was new for Khushi.  And she didn’t like it.  She was a confident woman and she didn’t like feeling this way.  If seeing him more and speaking to him more is the way to get rid of this unsettling feeling....

Khushi nodded in approval to Asha’s suggestion.

“Great!”  Asha clapped her hands excitedly.  “Arnav’s coffee is sugar, no milk.  Simple black coffee.” 
“Ugh...” The word rolled off of Khushi’s tongue before she could stop it.

“I couldn’t agree more.  The father and son and their black couldn’t pay me to drink that stuff.  Anyway...Arnav is in the living room.”  Asha picked up a jalebi and spoke with a naughty glint in her eyes.  “I haven’t told him that you’re here, yet.  Surprises are fun...”

Munching on the sweet delicacy, Asha left the kitchen after giving Khushi a teasing smile.  Even as she blushed, Khushi made the coffee, trying not to think too much about the upcoming meeting.  As she picked up the tray with the coffee mug atop it, her stance didn’t betray an ounce of the flutters in her stomach.  She strode out of the kitchen confidently and thanked the stars that he was sitting with his back to her.

She walked around the couch to find him with his head buried in some file.  She paused a few steps away from the couch as she faced another dilemma.

How do I call out to him?

Arnav?  Arnavji?  Mr. Raizada?  Err...Dr. Raizada?  Dr. Arnav?  Suniyeji?!  Wait...What-the-

The rest of her thought flew out the hypothetical window because at that moment, he turned to look at her. 

Arnav was reviewing the pathology reports of one of his patients when he had the feeling that someone was watching him.  As soon as that thought had formed in his mind, he had heard some faint muttering.  He’d turned in the direction of the sound only to find himself surprised.

He stood up with a jerk, still unable to digest that Khushi was here.  Khushi stood slightly wide-eyed at his reaction.

“Khushi?!”  He blurted the question.

“Uh...Hi...err...your coffee...?”  She pushed the tray towards him.

Confused as ever, Arnav reached out a little unsurely and picked up the mug.  “”

“I came to meet Dadi...”  Khushi smiled.

“Ah...did you meet her already?”

Khushi nodded.  “Yeah...we talked for a couple hours.”

Arnav motioned towards the couch for her to take a seat.  He waited until Khushi sat down before taking the seat next to her, making sure that he kept comfortable distance.  “I take it you and her got along, then?”

“Oh, absolutely.”  Khushi smiled to herself.  “She’s a sweetheart.”

Silence befell them and they resolutely avoided looking at each other for the next few minutes.  Asha, who was observing this from the second floor’s landing, slapped her own forehead in exasperation.  This isn’t what she had been hoping for when she’d suggested that Khushi to meet him.  Deciding that she needed to intervene again, she called out to Arnav.

“Why don’t you show her the house?”

Arnav nodded at her and stood up while taking a sip of coffee.  Khushi smiled up at Asha and followed Arnav.  Arnav started the tour from the bottom floor before taking her upstairs where he pointed out the bedrooms.  By instinct, he had decided to leave his bedroom, their future bedroom, for last.

As the minutes passed by and the tour of the house lengthened, Arnav and Khushi became more at ease with talking to each other.  Khushi felt the nervousness and awkwardness ebb away slowly.  The more of the house he showed her, the more she fell in love with the place.

The interior of the entire house was done in subtle and sober colours along with perfectly fitting furniture and various small potted plants scattered around—most of them being Lavendar.  They even had a medium sized room which housed the elegant idle of Devi Maiyya.  She knew that in the days that followed her marriage, the temple room will be one of her favourite places in the house.

Or that’s what she’d thought until they ended up in his room.

“No way!  You actually have your personal pool?”  Khushi gasped as she stepped out through the French doors onto the poolside area.

She turned a full 360 degrees on the spot, taking in the small pool, the smooth marble ledge that ran its perimeter, the clear glass rooftop above and the numerous plants against the walls.  She realized that this was the indoor garden that she had seen from the living room.

“It's too small to swim in but this is my favourite spot in the house...”  Arnav leaned against the door pane and watched her with amusement.

In her mind, she admitted that this area of the house was likely going to be her favourite too.  She sat on the ledge at the corner of the pool and put her hand in the cool water.  She looked over her shoulder and found him looking at her with an unreadable expression.

“I could get used to this....” the words rolled off of her tongue as she turned away.

Arnav pushed himself off the pane and took a step closer to her exactly at the moment when her eyes widened in realization of she’d just blurted.

“Can I ask you a question?”  His voice sounded husky all of a sudden.

She didn’t turn to face him but answered anyway while her hand swirled the water in the pool gently.  “Sure.”

“Don’t get offended...but...Your parents and Aman didn’t pressurize you for this marriage, did they?  There was no coercion?”

Her head snapped around to look at him.  “Of course not...bhai and I wouldn’t stand for family wouldn’t force me into anything...”

She turned back to the water and he felt himself relax a little bit.  His first concern after finding out that she had agreed had been whether or not anyone had pressurized her.  Everyone had agreed to the alliance except for her, and he was worried that people may have emotionally blackmailed her into saying yes.  But that wasn’t the case and that brought him to his second question.

“You said yes to this alliance......why?”

He saw her shrug gently, still not looking at him.  “For the same reasons that you did.”

She pulled her hand out of the water and wiggled her fingers to jerk off the remaining water drops.  She stood up, took a deep breath and let it out before turning to face him.

“After I talked to you...after your responses to my questions and after everything that my parents and bhai have told me about you...I didn’t have a reason to say no...”  She averted her gaze for a couple of seconds and bit her lower lip, contemplating her next words.  “And...I...wanted to say yes.”

Her honest and bold response was met with an astonished gaze while he registered her words.  He didn’t verbalize it but Khushi saw the obvious next question written all over his face.  Why?

She smiled and decided to explain.  “No matter how much we deny it...all of us have a criterion....a sort of a rubric for the kind of life partner we want and when we come across someone, especially in arranged marriage situations, you compare that individual to your rubric and see how far they match it.  As far as my rubric is meet every single criterion to par....”

Her words trailed off when she saw him suppress a chuckle.  She narrowed her eyes at him, challenging him to state why he was laughing...or trying not to, anyway.

He cleared his throat before answering.  “I’m sorry...I sound like a complete’s amusing...”  Arnav chuckled and shook his head.  “You sound just like Anjali...she talks the same way.”

He raised an eyebrow when he saw Khushi’s eyes widen slightly as if she’d just realized something.  Before he could ask, Asha knocked on the door to his room and entered hearing Arnav’s ‘Come in’.

“Khushi...Garima called...she got worried when you didn’t pick up your cell but I told her that you’re here and that you’ll be heading home soon.” Naina smiled kindly.

“Oh...Thank you...I think I forgot my phone downstairs...”  Khushi walked up and absent-mindedly stopped next to Arnav.

“Did you like the house?”  Asha questioned.

“Very much.  You have a beautiful home!”  Khushi glanced around to the poolside area once more.

Asha touched Khushi’s cheek affectionately.  “And you’re about to become a part of this home...”  She looked from her son to her future daughter-in-law affectionately.  “You two look great together...”

Khushi looked down at her toes in an attempt to hide the blush creeping into her cheeks but she looked up at Asha’s next question.

“’ll drop her home, right?”   

“Of course mom...”  Arnav answered without a beat of hesitancy.

Khushi visited Arvind and Dadi to say goodbye before she left the house with Arnav, waving at Asha who stood at the entrance of the Mansion.  As they neared a black SUV, Arnav walked a couple steps ahead of her to get the door.  Smiling her thank you, Khushi took her seat and watched as he took long strides around the front of the car to get to the driver’s side.

They drove in companionable silence for a few minutes and in that time, Khushi stared out the window, thinking about the conversation with him today.  She already knew that he was a gentleman but his actions today had just reiterated the fact.  The fact that he had wanted to make sure that she wasn’t forced into this warmed her heart in an inexplicable manner even if he did laugh at her explanation about why she’d said yes.  That thought brought another question to her mind.

“Who’s Anjali?”  She questioned out of nowhere and for a second, Arnav looked taken aback.  “I’m sorry...I didn’t mean it to come out like that.  It’s mentioned her earlier and I’m just wondering who it is...”

“Firstly, I’ve told you before that you can ask me any questions you have, don’t apologize...”  He glanced at her once and smiled.  “And Anjali is my younger sister...”

Khushi’s brows knit together.  “I haven’t met her yet...”

Arnav nodded and his expression became a tad bit disappointed.  “I don’t think you’ll have the chance to meet her before the wedding...she’s in New York for her studies and she has exams coming up...we haven’t even told her yet...knowing her, she’ll burst a vein and--”

“Pull over!”  Came the frantic command from Khushi.

Alarmed by her sudden request, Arnav pulled his car off to the side of the road immediately.  He turned to ask her what the hell had warranted the command but he found her going through her phone hastily.  In a couple of seconds, she pushed the phone towards him, the screen less than a hand’s distance from his face.

“Is this your sister?”

Arnav focused on the screen and the very next second, his eyes had gone wide and his jaw had fallen open slightly.

“Wha—how—you know her?!”  He questioned, prying his eyes away from a picture of Khushi and Anjali to look at the former sitting in front of him.

Khushi looked surprised at this new discovery as well but she managed a nod.  “She’s one of my best friends...we live together...”

Arnav shook his head.  “She told me she lives alone.”

Khushi winced.  “ weren’t supposed to know!  I forgot...”  Khushi’s expression turned to that of a sheepishly apologetic child.  “Please don’t tell her that I told you...she’ll kill me.  The thing is...we go to the same university and we became friends...and I moved in with her as her paying guest about a year and a half ago...she had told me that her brother was protective and didn’t approve of her living with people that he didn’t know...other than that, she doesn’t talk about you much...that’s why I didn’t make this connection earlier...”

Arnav looked between her and the picture on her phone for a few minutes before shaking his head as if trying to clear it.

“I’m guessing you haven’t told her about your pending engagement?  Because if you had...she would have figured out that I’m the guy you’re going to get engaged to and she would have already flown down here to give me an earful.”  Arnav spoke to himself more than her.

“I didn’t tell her because she would be difficult to deal with...I’m sure you know what her views on arranged marriages are...besides...things have happened so rapidly that I haven’t really had the chance to speak to her...”  Khushi looked at him for a moment.  “Why haven’t you guys told her?”

Arnav sighed and ran his free hand through his hair.  “I really want to but her exams are coming up...we haven’t told her about Dadi’s second attack...otherwise, she’ll leave everything and come back at once...telling her about my sudden engagement means telling her about Mom and Dad have decided to not say anything to her until after her exams.”

Khushi nodded and fell into a pool of thoughts for a long minute.  Arnav watched on as a small victorious smile appeared on her face. 

She turned to look at him and he found himself lost in the twinkling emerald eyes once again until she spoke.  “I have an idea...”

The next morning, the living room of Shantivan was abuzz as the Gupta’s and Raizada’s met for the Tilak ceremony.  Arnav sat amidst the crowd and participated in conversations, hiding his slight disappointment at Khushi’s absence expertly.

“Isn’t this interesting??  Your parents welcomed Khushi into your family and today, we’ll welcome you into our family before you two have even exchanged rings!”  Aman tapped his chin thoughtfully.

“Haven’t you heard the saying that marriage doesn’t bind two individuals but two families?”  Asha giggled.

“I don’t know about that but I have heard the one that goes Saari Duniya Ek taraf aur joru ka Bhai ek taraf (The entire world is on one side and the wife’s brother is on the other).”  Aman threw a teasing glance in Arnav’s direction and rubbed his palms together gleefully.  “Better get ready’ll actually have to be nice to me from now on...”

“Shut up, Aman!”  Arnav rolled his eyes.

Aman clicked his tongue.  “It's will get some time getting used’re forgiven this time...You’ll learn soon.”

Arnav smirked.  “We’ll see about that...Saale.”

Aman frowned for a moment.  “Damn it!  I can’t even say anything to that!  I’m actually your ‘Saala’...seriously...who thought of the husband having to call his wife’s brother ‘Saala’??  I mean...couldn’t they think of another word?!”

“Oh, they chose that word because it suits them, you see...”  Arnav smirked victoriously.

“Oh God!  Listen to these two...bickering like an old married couple...”  Devyani laughed as the two men made disgusted faces at being referred to as an old married couple.

“Leave your jokes for later...lets finish the ritual now...”  Garima stood up and motioned Aman to do the same.

Suddenly getting into a sombre mood, Aman followed his mother’s instructions on completing the ritual.  He pressed his thumb into red vermillion and drew a tika on Arnav’s forehead.

After the remaining exchanges of gifts, everyone was engaged in congratulatory hugs and handshakes as this union was finalized. 

Just as everyone was starting to calm down, the pandit announced that the suitable date for the engagement was the day after tomorrow.  The announcement brought about another round of cheers and congratulations.

Arnav found himself slightly disappointed that Khushi wasn’t here for that particular announcement.  He admitted to himself that he wanted to know what her reaction would be.  What her expression would portray when she learned that in less than 60 hours, she would officially become his finace.