Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Chapter 3

(Khushi’s POV)

I watch his still form as the door clicks shut behind me.  The faint click of the door is loud in the nervous silence.  I continue to watch on as he stands up and turns to face me.  He looks at me with a polite smile which I also return politely.

See, Maa?  I can be nice!

I walk towards him awkwardly, twisting my fingers together.  I’ve had to see and meet many guys in the week I’ve spent in India.  This was unlike any other circumstances though.  With all the other meetings, I hadn’t felt nervous.  With all the other meetings, I knew that Aman would find a flaw in the man and would reject him.

This time around, that traitor had played a part in this alliance!  But then again, if this guy is Aman’s friend, he must be nice, right?  How do I even begin this conversation after practically running away a few minutes ago?

That’s it!  I’ll start with that!

“Err…I’m sorry about earlier……I was taken by surprise and did the first thing that came to mind…”  I know that my tone and my expression are sheepish at the moment but I truly do feel bad about running away.

“The first thing being running away...”  He raises an eyebrow slightly.

I would have seriously said something rude if I hadn’t gotten the impression that he was just teasing me.  Maybe he is trying to make this less awkward.  God bless him for that!

“Yeah…I apologize for that…”  I avert my gaze from his face.  There’s no point in denying that he’s good-looking but I refuse to be caught staring at him.

He lets out a relived sigh.  “And here I was thinking that I must’ve scared you…I mean…I’m not that scary looking, right?”

“Of course not!”  I blurt out. 

Damn you, tongue!  Why don’t you stay in control for once!  Let me command you! I‘m your master, not the other way around!

He motions towards the chair, indicating for me to sit down.  I try to act nonchalant as I take the seat.

Alright….point one to Raizada…letting the woman sit first…good etiquettes.

“I’ll be honest with you…I have no idea what we’re supposed to talk about…”  He shrugs.

“That makes two of us.”  I mutter back.

“I guess I’ll start with why I’m here…”  He leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees, his hands clasped together.  “After you left earlier, my mother pulled me aside and told me that both her and my father are hoping for this alliance to work out.  You’re the first girl my mom has been completely happy with…and I’m the kind of guy who will do anything he can for the happiness of his family…”

I nod.  “I know…”

He raises an eyebrow questioningly.  “Aman told you?”

I smile and nod.  I find it somewhat humorous that he seems to know where exactly I’d have gotten that information.

“How much has he told you about me?”

I shrug.  “Just a brief description about your personality and that you will do anything to see your family happy and that’s why he’s assured that if we get married, you’ll keep me happy.  He trusts you with me.”

I bite my tongue, realizing that I may have said too much.  I hate this about my mouth!  It always conspires against me and lets out more than what is needed.  I dare to look at him and find his face amused.  Of course he is amused…I’m making a fool of myself in front of him!

“It goes without saying that I have been briefed about the same things about you…”  He sits back, looking slightly relaxed.

I have the fleeting impression that he doesn’t like talking about himself much and I wonder why?  I mean...if I was a guy who looked like that and if I was a doctor, I’d sure as hell be showing off!

“And I should also tell you that going by what Aman and your parents have told me about you…and my mother’s instincts…I’ve already given them my answer.”  He is watching me as he speaks.

I can feel his scrutinizing gaze on my face and I know that he is looking for my reaction to gauge my thoughts.  I try hard to mask my surprise.  He has already given them his answer?  What did he say?

“And what was that?”  There goes my tongue again.

“I said yes.”  He sounds confident and utterly absolutely sure.

This time, I can’t help it as my eyes snap to his face, and I don’t care that my face is a clear picture of surprise.

“You said what?

He gives me an innocent shrug and a small smile.  “I said yes.”

My eyes narrow at him.  What the hell?  He said yes?  Just like that?  Without speaking to me?  Without trying to know me better?  Who the hell does that?  Oh, that’s right!  Arnav Singh Raizada does that!

He holds up his hands defensively, as if I’ve put him on gunpoint.  “Look…I’m just trying to be honest.  Aman talks about you a lot…I’ve gotten bits and pieces of your personality from his stories…Shashi uncle and Garima aunty have told me a lot too.  I was apprehensive, still, until you met Mom.  She has an impeccable sixth sense about people.  She figures them out very quickly and has strong instincts.  We’re a little pushed for time since my Dadi wants to see me married off as soon as possible…and so…given everything I know about you, after having the chance of watching you interact with my parents and your own family…I don’t have a reason to say no.”

“You barely know me!”  I accuse.

“That usually is the case with arranged marriages, though, isn’t it?”  He raises his eyebrows.

“I guess so.”   I look away.  Damn his handsome face and damn that perfect eyebrow.

“Well, you already know where I stand…the ball is ultimately in your court.  If you have any questions about me, you can ask without any kind of hesitation.”  His voice makes my stomach clench.

He isn’t the first man that I’ve come across who has a husky voice…then why?  Maybe it’s the confidence in his tone.  The surety that he knows exactly what he’s talking about.  An air of confidence in a man has always seemed sexy to me.

Wait a minute...did I just use the term ‘sexy’??  Whoa there, brain.  Take a step back!

I know this is the time to think of any questions I might have for him…and I do.  It’s so odd that this one conversation is supposed to determine the course of my entire life.  I don’t even know whether marriages done in such circumstances would last.  I need to know how willing he is to fight to save a relationship.

“What’s your opinion on divorce?”  I ask the question. 

He looks taken aback and looks at me for a few seconds as he thinks.  He holds my gaze steadily as he answers.  “I don’t like breaking relationships.  I come from a family that has a history of happy marriages and I would like to believe that whenever I get married, my marriage will flourish as well.  But if circumstances arise where I may need to consider the possibility of divorce…then I would put my partner’s wishes before mine.  If it would make them happy to be away from me then I wouldn’t take that away from them.  I wouldn’t let them go without trying to sort out our differences first though…I would do everything I can to fix it...”

A small smile creeps onto my lips as his answer registers with the weight it deserves.  His thoughts on this matter mirror mine. 

Point two to Raizada.

“Say you and your partner want different things…how would you deal with that?”

“In what context?”  He asks seriously.

I shrug.  “Anything…I mean…usually two people come across something that they don’t agree on…say you want to go for a vacation in the tropical countries but your partner wants to see snow laden countries…”

He looks a little confused but answers anyway.  “In any relationship, you have to compromise sometimes…people are different and they’re bound to reach a point where they want different things…I think that the best solution is to find middle ground…”  He shrugs.  “You have to accept that their opinion differs from yours and then look for a solution that works in favour of both.  For the example you gave…we could always visit both places in turn…or we can find a destination that meets both our requirements…if there is understanding and compatibility between two people…there’s usually a solution to every issue.”

I don’t miss the use of ‘we’ in his answer.  I look at him for long seconds, mulling over his answer.  Based on what I’ve been told about him, I expected him to say that he would go where his partner wished just to make her happy.  This answer, the one he just gave, was the one I wanted.  A healthy relationship is where the effort is being put in from both individuals.  One person can’t be taking the brunt of it all to make the other happy.

Point three to Raizada.

I contemplate over my next question for a few seconds.  It’s a bold question and I’m not sure how he will react to it or what he’ll think of me.  But it’s important for me to know this.

“I would like to continue my studies…would that be an issue?”  Okay, so I chickened out.  I didn’t ask what I initially wanted to.

“It’s definitely not an issue.”  He speaks with finality.  “I, myself, plan on studying further…even if I didn’t…I don’t see why you can’t continue your studies…you’ll have full support from me and my family.”  He looks at me for a few seconds with a smile on his face.  He knows his answer is right.

Point four to Raizada.

“But that’s not what you wanted to ask originally, is it?” He speaks quietly.

My eyes go wide.  How the hell did he know that?  I guess the question must’ve been more or less written on my face because he answered it the next second.

“My profession has contributed to my skill of reading people…”  He shrugs and sits back.

“I…um…”  I don’t know how to phrase the question.  He has me cornered so I can’t even ask another question…he’ll just figure it out again.  “You…I mean…what are your…expectations…no.  Um…”

He leans forward again and looks at me calmly.  “Relax Khushi…”

My heart stutters when I hear my name in his husky voice.  My name has never sounded so…beautiful before.

“You can take as much time as you want…I’d rather you ask me all the questions you want right now…”  He smiles encouragingly again.

What was his Mom talking about?  This guy is anything but shy!  He doesn’t seem nervous at all!  He is a heap of confidence as he sits in front of me, answering my questions.  But he’s right.  This is the time to ask questions.  At the end of it all, this conversation is what my response will be based on.

I am aware that I am torturing my fingers by twisting them together continuously.  I look at my feet instead of him as I take a deep breath and prepare myself to ask the question.

“How important is…physical intimacy for you?”

I refuse to look at him even though I’m dying to know how he has reacted to this.  I don’t know why his reaction is so important to me at this point but it is.  Even so, I can’t bring myself to look at him.

“Compatibility and companionship come first…If I wanted just physical intimacy, there are ways to get that without commitment in this day and age...sure, I expect the physical intimacy to grow naturally with time…but the initial few months will be spent getting to know one another, given the circumstances…”  his voice finally has a faint tremor to it.

Have I finally managed to make this man nervous?  I still don’t look at him but I know he has a clear view of my thoughts because I can feel my cheeks burning.  I can bet anything that they’re crimson red at this point.

“I…uh…Don’t know if that’s the answer you’re looking for…”  He sounds unsure.

I nod tightly, still embarrassed.  Honestly speaking, my lack of a relationship history makes me a novice in the area of physical intimacy.  It is a serious problem for me if he is looking to dive into that aspect soon.   I’m just not ready for that yet...I mean, until a week ago, I wasn’t even ready for marriage.

I guess that’s point five to Raizada as well.

We sit quietly, without saying a word to one another for a few minutes.  I think that he’s waiting for me to ask more questions.

“Uh...I think those are all the questions I had...”  I shrug and look at him.

He holds my gaze for another few seconds and I feel fluttering in my stomach.  Is this what people call butterflies??

“You don’t want to know about my hobbies or anything?”

Strangely, I don’t.  He said that we would have the first few months to figure out each other, get to know one another.  Besides, there will be the time gap between the engagement and the wedding for more questions, right?  His answer to my first question assures me in a weird way.  I believe every word that he has spoken to me today.  There isn’t a single negative vibe about him that I’m picking up. 

He seems like the ideally perfect man.  Good looking. Seemingly a great personality too.  From the way he speaks about his family, with so much warmth, love and affection, he seems to be a sensitive, kind and loving man.  He’s even a doctor! 

How the hell is this man single?

“Did you have to break up with your girlfriend because of this?”  Lo and Behold.  My tongue is functioning on its own again!

He looks at me with amusement twinkling in his eyes.  His smile steadily grows wider and he seems astonished at my question.  “Khushi, do you think I’d be sitting here if I had a girlfriend?  Why would I break up with her because of this?  Why wouldn’t I just marry her instead of going through this arranged marriage business?”

I shift sheepishly in my seat.  He’s right.  All of that hadn’t crossed my mind.  Actually, my mouth had blabbered on before logic had a chance to make its way through my head!

“What if I asked you that question?”  He is still amused.

“What question?”

“Did you have to break up with your boyfriend because of this?”

“Do you think I would have a boyfriend given the fact that Aman is my brother?”

In a second, I find myself mesmerized as he laughs.  It was a short laugh but it sounded......nice.  I feel the heat creep back into my cheeks.  I like the way his laughter sounds.  More than that, I like it more that I’m the one who said something to make him laugh. 

What the hell is happening to me??  I need to go see a doctor.......uh, Never mind.  I’m sitting in front of one right now.  Pfft....as if I’m going to tell him these symptoms...

His laughter stops and he clears his throat before speaking.  “Well...It’s a similarity between Aman and I...It’s something about me that you should know.  I’m possessive too...just like Aman...I’m the same way with my sister.”  He smiles.

“You have a sister?”  I find it odd that she’s not here with them.

“Yeah, she’s—”

His next words are interrupted as my dearest brother rudely interrupts by knocking on the glass door loudly.  It is then that I realize that the entire family may have been watching us through the French doors. 

Just bloody perfect.

“Maa sent me out here to make sure you haven’t ripped him to pieces yet.”  Aman grins at me.

I let out a gasp at his jab.  Count on my brother to say something like that in front of my prospective groom!  As if my mother’s be-nice-to-him lecture wasn’t enough...

“Bhai!”  I glare.  “Not you too!”

“Don’t worry Aman...I’m perfectly fine...not a single scratch.”

My head whips around at supersonic speed to look at Arnav.  Did he just join my brother in teasing me?  I gasped inwardly as another point drove home: is he flirting?!

“Great...well, if you two are done talking, Maa is calling you in for dinner.”  Aman smiles like an idiot as if he can read our minds and walks away.

Then I want to smack myself.  He’s smiling like that because he knows that Arnav has already agreed to this alliance.

Well, well, Khushi.  Everyone has already agreed to this...so no pressure, you know.

I want to roll my eyes but I suppress the urge.  When I feel his eyes on me again, I turn with a neutral expression to face him.

“Are you sure you don’t have any more questions?”  He asks.

I shake my head in a negative.  “Not right now, no.”

He looks at me in that questioning way again for a few seconds before nodding.  “Shall we head back inside then?”

“Umm...just one more thing...”  I speak and he nods at me to go on.  “I...I know that the families are happy with this...and...You’ve said y-yes, too...but...I need some time...”  I nervously reach up and brush my bangs across my forehead to keep them from getting in my eyes.  Ignoring his gaze on my eyes, I continue my speech.  “I know you said you guys were pressed for time but I want to think this through...it’s a big decision and a lot of people’s hopes and expectations are on it...not to mention that it decides the future of a lifetime for two people...”  I pause for a reaction and he nods slowly in approval as he continues to watch me keenly.  “I just want to weight everything properly before I decide, that’s all...”

He smiles and I feel a flutter in my stomach again.  “Spoken like a true businesswoman.”

A small chuckle escapes me and I look at my entwined hands again for a few seconds until he speaks.

“I know it’s a big decision...take your time.”  He speaks so gently and encouragingly.

“Thank you.”  My gratitude is genuine.  I’ve felt pressurized about this thanks to my mother, dad’s illness, and everyone else’s excitement about this alliance.  Arnav’s laid back nature and his consideration of my opinions and feelings is refreshing.

He waves his hand, gesturing me to walk ahead.  As I head to the door, he falls in step next to me and I notice that, for a man, he walks quite smoothly.  Once again, I’m taken by the display of confidence which drips from every pore of his body.  As we near the door, he takes a few steps ahead of me and holds it open for me.  Making a mental note of the chivalry, I say another ‘thank you’ and walk into the house, mentally preparing myself to face the family.

(Third Person POV)

As soon as the glass doors shut, every head in the living room turned to face Arnav and Khushi expectantly.

“Oh, God...”  Khushi muttered under her breath at the look her mother gave her.  It was as if Garima was expecting a yes or no from Khushi right at that moment.

“I concur.”  Arnav muttered, barely moving his lips.  This meeting and conversation had been awkward enough without the family adding to it!

Arnav could see his mother practically jumping in her seat as she looked at them curiously.

“How did it go guys?”  Aman spoke first, sounding excited.

Both Khushi and Arnav glared at him.  Arnav knew that Khushi had been nervous the entire time and Aman’s stupid teasing hadn’t done anything to help.  Meanwhile, Khushi was annoyed that he kept embarrassing her in front of Arnav with his comments.

“I swear, Bhai...you should have been a girl!”  Khushi rolled her eyes.  “I would have a jiji instead of a bhai...you would fit that description better.”

“I agree with her.”  Arnav shook his head at his friend as he took a seat next to Asha, who clutched at his arm excitedly.

“Awww, Look!”  Aman placed his hands on his cheeks gaily.  “They’re even agreeing with each other.”

Before Arnav or Khushi could come up with a retort, a cushion had hit Aman squarely in the face.

“Thank you for that, Papa.”  Khushi sat next to her father, who had thrown the pillow, and wrapped her hands around his torso.

Arnav noticed the instant change in her behaviour.  She was already more relaxed, being around her father.  In the short interactions he’d seen between the father-daughter, Arnav knew in clear terms that Khushi was a true Daddy’s girl.  After all, that’s why she was going through this arranged marriage chaos.

Soon, everyone made their way to dining table for dinner.  Throughout the dinner hour, the table was lively with various conversations.  Arnav and Khushi, however, never really ended up talking directly to each other even if they were a part of the same conversation.  The Gupta’s noticed that Khushi was quieter than her usual self and seemed to be somewhat lost in her own thoughts.  Arnav stole several glances at her and usually found her smiling gently to something someone said, laughing openly at a joke anyone made, and simply enjoying the food.  As the dinner came to end and the Raizada’s prepared to leave, Arnav was sure of three things.

One, he didn’t regret his affirmative answer regarding this alliance.  He was sure that he’d made the right decision when he’d said yes.

Second, even if Khushi said ‘no’ to this proposal, Arnav wanted to try and develop a friendship with this woman.

And third, stunning green-blue eyes would haunt him tonight.

Khushi was all Asha Singh Raizada could talk about on their drive home.  From the girl’s looks to her mannerisms to her personality to her education...Asha talked about everything while Arnav stared out the window, trying to act nonchalant even as his ears were tuned to his mother.

“I can’t wait to tell Anjali!”  Asha chirped.

“Don’t tell her yet...”  Arnav spoke up at last. 

Both Asha and Arvind looked at Arnav who sat in the front passenger seat.  Arnav turned to face them and spoke seriously.

“Mom, I know you’re excited but Khushi has asked for more time.  Don’t get your hopes too high...I don’t want you to get upset if she says no.  And I think you should wait until it’s confirmed before you tell Anjali anything.” 

“He’s right.”  Arvind nodded at his wife, who looked slightly crest-fallen.  “I think it’s best to not tell Anjali until everything is confirmed...we can have Khushi and Anjali talk over Skype after the engagement.”

“Meaning I would get engaged without Anjali here?”  Arnav raised his eyebrows.  That’s not what he was implying when he suggested that Anjali shouldn’t be told anything yet!

Arvind sighed.  “Arnav, her exams are coming up.  You can get engaged and we can tell her about it after.  She’ll be attending the wedding...”

“I think your father’s right....I mean...telling her about this sudden engagement means telling her about Dadi’s second attack and you know that she’ll leave everything and fly down here first thing if she finds out.”  Asha voiced her thoughts.

Arnav sighed defeatedly and turned to look out the window again.  Seeing Aman and Khushi together today had made him miss his sister even more.  It was bad enough that with his residency and her university, they seldom talked in the last two years and now he was maybe getting engaged without her presence.  But his parents did have a point.  They had collectively decided to keep Dadi’s second heart attack from Anjali until she graduated and returned.

But that was all in the future.  Maybe they wouldn’t have to keep more secrets from Anjali if Khushi said ‘no’.  For now, they would just have to wait to hear from the Gupta’s.

The wait was quite short.  The very next evening, while the Raizada’s chatted over dinner, the phone call had brought everything to a standstill.

“Hello Mr. Gupta.”  Arvind spoke into the phone.  Asha looked expectantly at her husband while Arnav tried his best to look nonchalant and focused on the case file in his hands.

“Yes?  I will talk to Asha...she would know all that better..................Sure.  Uh-huh.    Yes.  That’s alright.  I guess it wasn’t meant to be.”  Arvind smiled.

Asha’s smile diminished.  It wasn’t meant to be?  Had Khushi said no?  Even Arnav had turned to look at his father at that sentence.

“What happened?”  Asha questioned as soon as Arvind hung up.

“One of our deals with a boutique owner didn’t work out.  I guess it wasn’t meant to be.”  Arvind shrugged.  Arnav let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding.

“Has Khushi given them an answer yet?”  Asha asked, looking hopeful again.

“We only met them yesterday, Asha...the girl needs some time...”  Arvind chuckled and shook his head.  “But to answer your question...Khushi has said ‘yes’.”

Arnav stilled.  Asha squealed.  And the next thing Arnav knew, his mother had turned to him and gathered him in a rib-breaking hug.

“My son’s getting engaged!!”  She announced to no one in particular while Arvind just chuckled at her.  “Wait until I tell Maaji!”

And with that, Asha had run off towards Devyani’s room to give her the news.  Arvind and Arnav looked at her retreating back, both smiling to themselves.

“You know...the last time she was this happy was when Anjali was born.”  Arvind looked at his son fondly.  “Thank you, Arnav...for bringing your family happiness...quite literally”  Arvind chuckled.  “Asha and I are lucky to have a son like you...really proud of you...”

Arvind stood up, patted Arnav’s shoulder and followed the direction in which Asha had hurried off.

Arnav allowed his smile to grow a little wider.  She had said ‘yes’.  His family had been washed over with happiness.  A chuckle escaped him as he recalled his father’s words.  Happiness.  Khushi.  Such an apt name for the woman...for his to-be-fiance.


  1. Khushi seems to be a very straight forward person. The kind of questions she asked Arnav point towards an intelligent and practical girl. Asking a guy about his hobbies etc. seems so silly. Loved the way the two conversed at their first meeting. I loved the two families. Its so heartwarming to see good loving people in both families. I am sure Khushi will be lucky to marry Arnav and will find love and affection in his parents. Waiting now for the engagement to take place.

    1. They're both straight forward in this fic...for the most part, each speaks their mind and expresses their opinions. You're right...two people can make a great couple even if their hobbies don't match...its more important to know how much their values and principles match...There isn't must family conflict in this FF...everyone for the most part shares great bonds....here, life will interfere in Arnav-Khushi's relationship...
