Thursday, September 11, 2014

Chapter 7

Khushi took deep breaths as she saw the crowd of people heading toward the exit gate from customs at the airport. Her heart had been erratic the entire drive here. Was it the nervousness of seeing him again, the excitement, or the worry of Storm Anjali' which undoubtedly awaited them back at home? Whatever the feeling was wouldn't subside.

When she caught a glimpse of his handsome face, her heart jumped into her throat and then back into its usual spot. She felt the muscles of her face relax and contract to form a smile on their own and she felt joy rush through her veins when she saw him return the smile.

Unconsciously, her hand ran down her abdomen, fixing the invisible creases on her white top and peach coloured cardigan. The butterflies fluttered gently as he came to a stop in front of her, standing tall and handsome in his white chinos and navy blue polo shirt.

"Hi." He spoke in his husky voice with a half smile.

"Hi..." Khushi smiled a tad bit wider in acknowledgement of his greeting.

Before the second long pause after the greetings could get awkward, Khushi took a step closer and gave him a friendly hug, just like she had when she left. This time, Arnav had prepared himself. He returned her gesture by putting his hand on the small of her back and applying the slightest bit of pressure.

"It's nice to see you alive in one piece." Arnav teased as she pulled away--very aware of the way he moved his hand away slower than normal.

Khushi began to chuckle and then registered his words truly. She narrowed her eyes at him ever so slightly.

"It won't be funny when you'll have to deal with her." Khushi rolled her eyes.

Arnav chuckled and shook his head while waving his hand ahead of them, gesturing her to start walking.

"I can't believe she didn't come with you..." Arnav scanned the crowd for his sister but didn't see her.

"She's busy sulking at home."

"She'll come around...especially since she wanted this to happen..." Arnav couldn't help but smile as he recalled his surprise when Khushi had told him how Anjali was scheming to bring him and Khushi closer.

As annoyed as Anjali was going to be with him for getting engaged without telling her, the fact that she wanted this to happen way before it had crossed any of their minds would calm her down.

"I sure hope you're right...I don't want my best friend and your sister sulking through our wedding ceremonies." Khushi blurted. She looked at him from the corner of her eyes but she found no change in his calm expression or in the small smile which seemed to be glued onto his face.

"Err...we're going to have to take the cab home...Sorry..." Khushi changed the topic as they walked through the parking lot to reach the cab stop.

Arnav shrugged. "It's not a problem."

Khushi glanced at him head-to-toe once. Where was the damned jet lag? He was full of energy even after that long flight.

Could it have absolutely anything to do with me? Wait...what?! Khushi Kumari Gupta Soon-To-Be-Singh Raizada...get a hold of yourself. He's probably excited about seeing his sister after two long years...

Even though she knew he didn't need it, she helped him toss the luggage bag into the trunk. Being the gentleman that he was, he held the door open for her while she got in. When he slipped in next to her in the backseat of the taxi, she was already instructing the drive on the route and the destination. He pulled the strap of the carry-on bag off his shoulder and over his head, letting the bag rest between him and Khushi.

Khushi felt the slightest hint of annoyance kick in when he opened a zipper and pushed his hand into the bag. She rolled her eyes and looked out the window.

Seriously? Is he going to work?! What the hell? How rude!

She was forced to look at him when he cleared his throat deliberately to get her attention. He held out a deep red envelope to her and her earlier annoyances faded immediately as she registered what he was holding.

"I hope you like it." His voice was quiet.

She hoped that he wouldn't register the slight trembling of her hand as she reached out and took the envelope. She could feel his eyes watching her face"evaluating every expression, no doubt.

She flipped the envelope to see its front and the corners of her mouth lifted up. There it was. Her wedding card.

Arnav weds Khushi' was written in elegant gold script amidst intricate designs in the same golden hue. Khushi pulled out the card from the envelope and her lips parted in a pleasant surprise. The card was done in the traditional style. The announcement of the wedding was repeated on the card the same way it was on the envelope. Inside the card were the details of the bride and groom's parents, the days and times of the ceremonies.

"This is better than what discussed on the phone..." Khushi noted.

"Aman added a few touches that he was sure you'd love..." Arnav looked at her keenly, celebrating the joy on her face. "So you like it then?"

"Like it?" Khushi looked at him with raised eyebrows. "I love this! It's beautiful..."

"You might want to hide that copy then...don't let it get in the way of Anjali's rage."

Khushi's fingers caressed the faint grooves of the golden designs as she spoke to him. "How are we going to break to her...I mean...we've planned on how we'll deal with her do we tell her."

Arnav reached into his bag again and pulled out another copy of the wedding card. "This is for Anjali."

Stupid...stupid stupid stupid. Who does this these days? And Khushi of all people? I swear if I was there, I would have never approved...I would have kidnapped her and stopped the engagement if I could have...her and Bhaiyya would look so much better together! Tsk. All my dreams and plans and schemes down the drain. Who knows what dumba$ she has gone ahead and gotten engaged to!

Anjali was just grumbling in her mind while starting at the TV screen unseeingly when the doorbell rang. She crossed her arms with the stubbornness of a five year old and started at the TV harder, not making an attempt to move.

Let her get the stupid door. Must be her with her stupid fiance.

The doorbell rang again and Anjali frowned.

"Open the damned door yourself, Khushi Kumari Gupta!"

Arnav's eyebrows rose higher on his forehead in amusement while Khushi rolled her eyes on the other side of the door. Khushi slid the key in and turned it to a click before pushing the door open.

Arnav's lips widened into a full grin as he saw his sister sitting on the couch, with her back to them, watching TV.

"Anjali...look who's here!" Khushi chirped.

Anjali stood up stiffly and took a deep breath. She turned around in a huff, with a haughty expression on her face which dissolved as soon as she saw Arnav standing there.

The next moment, Anjali's scream of excitement echoed in the apartment while she climbed on and over the couch to get to him. Arnav opened his arms just in time to catch her as she threw herself into his embrace.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh. My. God!!!!" Anjali laughed wholeheartedly while Arnav gave her a small twirl. "Bhaiyya!! What the hell are you doing here? What a pleasant surprise! We have so much to catch up on!! Come!"

Anjali held his hand and dragged him towards the couch, momentarily forgetting just whom he had come home with. In her excitement of seeing her brother, she had forgotten that Khushi was standing in the same room!

For the next few minutes, Anjali tried to give Arnav all the updates of her life that she hadn't since their last phone call. Giving the brother-sister duo time to catch up, Khushi headed off into the kitchen to make coffee.

By the time she poured three large mugs of coffee"two regulars, and one black with no sugar"Anjali's squeals and screeches had died down. The happiness and positive energy was so tangible in the atmosphere that Khushi found herself smiling widely as she approached them with the tray in her hands.

"Oh! I completely forgot to introduce you two! Bhaiyya...Meet roo"I mean my friend...and Khushi...this is my brother, Arnav..." Anjali smirked smugly.

Khushi smiled at Arnav as he took his mug of coffee.

"Well...take a good look at him...this is what you're missing..." Anjali clapped Arnav's shoulder while he took a sip of coffee sheepishly.

"Excuse me?" Khushi raised an eyebrow.

"Oh come can't tell me that your gorilla is better than my brother!

Arnav choked on the coffee at the word gorilla' while Khushi suppressed a laugh.

"Wait a minute...where is he? Didn't you say you were going to pick him up? How the hell did you run into Bhaiyya?" Anjali frowned in confusion.

Khushi looked at Anjali with an expression which said, really?'. How could she not have put two and two together by now?

"Um sorry...rewind a bit...Gorilla?" Arnav questioned.

"Yeah." Anjali waved her hand dismissively. "Her Fiance. I don't like I call him a gorilla..."

Arnav pressed his lips together to keep the laughter at bay. "Why don't you like him?"

"Oh...umm...well...don't get mad, okay?" Anjali bit her lip nervously. "I was...I was going to plan and scheme to hook you up with Khushi..."

"What?!" Arnav feigned shock. His reaction had been identical when Khushi had told him of Anjali's plans on the phone call while he was waiting for his connecting flight in Amsterdam.

"Yeap..." Anjali grinned.

" can't do that..." Arnav frowned.

"Why not?" Anjali questioned at once.

"Hold on." Arnav got up and walked to the bags on the floor near the entrance. A few seconds later, he returned holding the ominous deep red envelope. Noting the way Khushi was twisting her hands nervously, he stood next to her as he handed the card over to Anjali.

As confused as she was, she took the card from him and glanced at it. Her eyes widened as soon as her eyes caught the words.

No...It can't be...holy mother of God...I want to see them together so bad...I'm even imagining their names on this stupid card.

Anjali closed her eyes and shook her head jerkily as if that would change the print. She opened her eyes again and this time, her eyes remained wide while her jaw dropped open. Khushi twisted her fingers nervously while Arnav watched Anjali's reaction with a small smile on his face.

"W...what?!" She looked up at them over the edge of the card. "This...You...This...No...How...when...what?!?!"

"I guess we won't need your planning and scheming, after all." Arnav crossed his arms and winked.

"You two are really engaged?!" Anjali spoke surprisingly calmly. "You engaged?? What the fuck! You two got engaged without me!!!" She shrieked.

"Uh oh..." Khushi muttered under her breath.

Arnav held up his hands defensively. "Hear us out..."

"You two went and got engaged...and I don't know anything about!" Anjali pointed at Khushi, "forgot your best friend and you," Anjali's finger turned to Arnav, "Forgot your own sister! And I'm supposed to hear you out? The hell I'll hear you out...youhear meout..."

"Run." Khushi warned Arnav under her breath while she retreated a couple of steps.

Arnav looked back her and she titled her head in the direction of an open door. No sooner had he turned back than the small decorative candle holder on the table went flying past his head, hitting the wall behind him.

"Run!!" Khushi warned as she dived for the door. This time, Arnav followed without missing a beat. He made it in through the door, but not quickly enough to avoid the pillow which Anjali had thrown at him on target at his back.

Khushi shut the door and the two of them leaned their backs against it, catching their breaths while Anjali continued to scream, screech, and cuss on the other side. Arnav and Khushi glanced at each other with a wary expression which dissolved into smiles followed by laughter.

A few long seconds later when Khushi stopped laughing, she realized that Arnav had stopped laughing long ago. She had an odd feeling that if she looked his way now, she would find him watching her. Just at the thought, blood rushed up to her cheeks and she looked at her toes. Her doubts were confirmed when he cleared his throat before speaking.

"So this is exactly what she did last night?"

Khushi nodded in response. "Last night it was the kitchen...fruits, spatulas, one point she picked up a knife..."

"You two better stay locked in there because when you step out, I am going to kill you both!!" Anjali's yell was followed by a loud thud as something hit the door.

"Let's just wait out the storm." Arnav suggested.

It took all of fifteen minutes for Anjali to calm down outside. The silence that followed her outburst was eerie.

"I feel like she's waiting right outside this door with a weapon in her hands." Arnav rolled his eyes, making Khushi chuckle.

Arnav turned and opened the door ever so slightly. As he peeked through the small gap, he saw Anjali sitting cross-legged on the couch; her arms folded stubbornly, an angry frown etched on her face.

He approached her cautiously with Khushi following him. It wasn't until they were a few steps away that he noticed the tears in her eyes. Khushi reacted quicker than her did. Within a couple of seconds, Khushi was seated next to Anjali, a hand on her shoulder.


"I'm really hurt Khushi...I understand that for you it was a rushed matter because of your dad's health and what not... how could he not tell his sister about his engagement?! He has no excuses..." Anjali glared at him pointedly.

"He does." Khushi squeezed Anjali's shoulder. "His reason for not telling you is the bigger part of the reason why I didn't tell you..."

"What could possibly be the reason for this, Khushi? Mom, Dad, Dadi, Bhaiyya, and you...everyone that should have told me...didn't. What am I supposed to make of that?" Anjali accused.

"All of us wanted to, Anji..." Arnav started. He knew that he had to tell her about Dadi's second heart attack...

"But you didn't!" Anjali picked up the wedding card and waved it in her hands. "This is how I find out! You didn't even confirm with me whether or not I'll be able to make it to your wedding!"

"He knew you'll be able to...we both knew...we know you enough to know that if you found out about the wedding, you'll leave everything and rush there...just like you would have for the engagement and that's why we didn't tell you...This wedding was supposed to take place a week ago, Anjali...which means that I couldn't have made it for my exams...he pushed the date back so that both of us could write our exams and so that you can be there for the wedding." Khushi squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

Anjali stood up angrily and stalked towards Arnav. "And you couldn't have just pushed the engagement back so that I could be there for it?"

"No, I couldn't have Anji, otherwise I would have!" Arnav argued back. "You know how Dadi and mom are about the auspicious dates and stuff and this wedding date that we have settled on is the last one until the next 8 months or something like that...we had to rush...and are you telling me that you wouldn't have questioned the rush if I had told you about the engagement?"

"I would have but you could have easily told me that it's because of Khushi's dad and"" Anjali was cut off by the shake of Arnav's head.

"That's not the only reason." Arnav's voice was suddenly serious.

Anjali opened her mouth to argue but then clamped it shut seeing the serious expression on his face. His eyes held pain and guilt as he glanced at Khushi, almost as if seeking approval. He must've found it because he turned back to Anjali and broke the news.

"Khushi's family was in a rush because of Shashi uncle but our family was in a rush because of Dadi..." Arnav held Anjali by the shoulders, already providing the support he knew his sister would need soon. Khushi also walked up to stand beside her. "She...she had another heart attack."

Anjali froze and stared at her brother as if expecting him to announce that this was all a joke. The seconds stretched to a minute but Anjali didn't move another muscle. The blankness on Anjali's face scared Arnav and when she didn't say anything for a few more long seconds, Arnav shook her gently.

"When?" Anjali's question was flat and Arnav knew he was doomed no matter what answer he gave her. No matter what the answer to this question was, it wouldn't be right because regardless of the day it happened, she didn't know until now and she would not take that well. He decided to answer her question honestly.

"A couples weeks ago." Arnav answered, pleading with his eyes for her to understand.

She didn't. Her eyes flashed dangerously and she shoved his arms off of her shoulders. Khushi staggered a step back from the force and looked at Anjali warily.

"I can't believe you would hide that from me too, Bhaiyya..." Tears rushed into Anjali's eyes.

And with that, she ran off towards her room. Arnav took two quick steps to follow her but stopped when he heard Khushi speak.

"Wait..." Khushi said in a non-commanding tone. "Give her time...let her come to terms with the news...I'm sure you know that she won't listen to anything right now."

Arnav looked at Anjali's recently closed door with a torn expression on his face. As much as he wanted to go and explain himself to Anjali, he knew that Khushi was right.

He nodded in response to Khushi's statement and ran a hand through his hair frustratedly. He had expected Anjali to freak out regarding the engagement and then accept it gracefully. He had planned to divulge the information about their grandmother once she was calm again.

"I...I'll call mom and let her know that I've reached." He pulled out his cell phone from his pocket and started dialling as he walked towards the balcony.

Khushi sighed. She knew he wasn't making any calls. It was the middle of the night in India right now. She had an inkling that he'd gone away to hide his vulnerable side from her.

She contemplated who to go to first...Anjali or Arnav? She debated regarding her responsibility towards both of them in her mind as she picked up the now cold cups of coffee and walked into the kitchen to brew a fresh batch.

When she walked back into the living room, Anjali's door was still closed. She took a step towards the door but caught Arnav's still figure in the balcony. He stood with his elbows resting on the railing while he looked down at the street.

Making her decision on pure gut feeling, she walked confidently towards the balcony. He showed no change in posture when she came to stand next to him. He offered a slight smile when she offered him the steaming cup of coffee.

"I feel like a horrible brother."

His confession came as a surprise to her. She remembered Dadi telling her that Arnav tends to keep his feelings private...that he doesn't like talking about himself or his emotions. But he was choosing to share this with her...

Khushi wasn't foolish enough to disregard any attempt he made towards this relationship. The circumstances may not have been of her preference but she had agreed to this marriage wholeheartedly and she would be putting in every effort to make it work. The fact that he seemed to be going out of his way, out of his comfort zone, to open up to her was more than the encouragement she needed.

"You're not a bad brother..." Khushi hoped that he heard the underlying honesty in her words. "I understand why the news of Dadi's heart attack had to be kept from her...and I understand that that's the reason why the engagement had to be kept a secret too..."

She turned on the spot so that she was leaning her back against the railing. He continued looking ahead of him when all he wanted to do was look at Khushi to see the assurance of her words reflect in those deep, warm, emerald eyes.

"With that said...I don't disagree with her reaction either." Khushi shrugged. "I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't have reacted that way if I were in her place. Bhai didn't tell me about dad's recent diagnose and if Maa hadn't ended up crying over the phone, I wouldn't have found out then either...I was really hurt and angry with Bhai at the time so I understand where Anjali is coming from...

"You see, we already feel detached from our families, living here alone and everything...and then to find out that your family has been dealing with important life events in your absence without informing does hurt a little...even if you know it's for your own good."

Arnav finally gave in to the urge and turned his head to look at her. Hazel eyes met emeralds and held for a couple seconds. Concern in one pair, gratefulness and pain in the other.

Arnav had just opened his mouth to respond when the rattling of wheels on tiles caught their attention.

"Anjali?" Khushi moved into the living room in three long strides, leaving Arnav to follow.

Anjali paused for a second, looked at them accusingly, and then hauled the bag towards the door. "I'm taking the next flight to India. I want to see Dadi."

"Anjali, wait." Khushi walked briskly towards her friend and held her by the shoulders. "Anjali, I'm sorry for hiding about the engagement for you but please hear us out..."

"I just want to see Dadi right now, Khushi..." Anjali looked defeated.

Khushi noticed the tear stains on her friends face and her heart wrenched painfully. She moved her hands from Anjali's shoulders to cup her face.

"Anjali look at me...and listen to me...Dadi is fine. She is absolutely okay. Even she didn't want you to find out about her health. They all knew that you would fly there right away and they didn't want you to miss your exams. They hid it from you because they didn't want you to be hurting here alone...even you hid from them that I'm your roommate because you didn't want them to worry about you living with someone they didn't know, right?" Khushi dropper her voice so that only Anjali could hear. "And we've both kept a major secret from our families, haven't we?"

"But Khushi...D-Dadi..." Anjali hiccupped in an attempt to suppress a sob.

Khushi gathered her friend in a tight, comforting embrace which Anjali gladly accepted. "I promise she is absolutely fine, Anjali. She has recovered really fast."


"I swear to you. She is fine...and don't you worry...I'll be a Raizada soon enough...then both of us can fuss over her and make sure that she's as healthy as a horse!" Khushi chuckled.

Anjali giggled through tears but then let the tears flow. The thought that she could have lost a family member was a huge shock to her and if there was one place where she always found it easy to express every emotion, it was in the embrace of her best friend.

Arnav stood in his spot, watching the two women's bond on display. It almost seemed as if they'd forgotten all about his existence in the room for the time being.

When Khushi had told him that Anjali was her best friend, he hadn't expected their bond to be this strong. He hadn't expected to see this understanding and communication that seemed to exist between the two. The way they reacted to each other clearly showed that both had entitled the other with a right over them.

In that moment, he learned that Khushi had been a major source of support for his sister. That the two women's friendship was identical, if not stronger than what he shared with Aman. As he watched Khushi reassure his sister and try to make her laugh, he felt his respect increase three folds for her.

Anjali pulled away from Khushi and turned to her brother with her hands on her hips. "I can't be mad at Khushi about hiding Dadi's heart attack but you...I'll forgive you on one condition."

"What's that? I'll do anything..." Arnav asked at once.

"You have to promise me that you won't ever hide anything from me again...except for the plans for my surprise birthday parties." She raised her chin stubbornly.

Arnav couldn't help but chuckle at that. "I promise."

Arnav opened his arms and Anjali stepped into her brother's embrace, wiping her cheeks dry.

"I'm sorry for my dramatic reaction..."

"Don't apologize...I...I understand why you reacted the way you did..." Arnav glanced at Khushi thankfully. "I'm sorry that I had to keep these things from you."

Khushi smiled at the adorable brother-sister duo and feeling as if she were intruding a private moment, turned to leave when Anjali spoke again

"Where do you think you're going bhabhi?" Anjali stressed on the word, making Khushi whirl around in surprise while Arnav looked between the two of them with amused, wide eyes.

"What? Don't look at me like that...I'm not going to call you Bhabhi' or sister-in-law regularly or were my best friend before you even met him so you'll remain just Khushi for me...come here!"

Anjali rushed to Khushi, grabbed her hand and pulled her towards Arnav. Positioning Khushi next to Arnav, Anjali took a few steps back and held up her hands as if making a photo frame with it. She twisted her hands this way and that, looking at the two of them while they resolutely avoided looking at each other.

"Alright!! Good Job Anjali Singh Raizada!" Anjali patted her own back. "What an imagination you have! You two are perfect...just like I'd imagined you two would be."

Blood rushed to Khushi's cheeks and Anjali laughed out loud. "Oh God! Khushiblushing?! There's a sight you don't see everyday...okay okay...I'll shut up" Anjali rolled her eyes when both Arnav and Khushi glared at her.

"Now stop busying me with this useless conversation...I have to reschedule my tickets so that I can attend your stupid wedding. I'll never forgive you two if I miss a single ceremony." Anjali walked towards the phone at the same time Khushi walked towards the classy glass unit which housed the TV along with a few cabinets.

Khushi pulled out a novel and from between the two pages, pulled out a thin long piece of card.

"Ahem." She turned to face Anjali and waved the tickets in her hand.

Anjali snatched the tickets out of her hand and scanned them quickly. "These are for tomorrow night..." Anjali gasped. "It's a direct flight!"

Khushi nodded. "The day after we'll land is the sangeet."

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