Friday, November 28, 2014

Chapter 12

The car rolled to a stop and Khushi heard Arnav open his side of the door. Once he closed the door after stepping out, Khushi adjusted the skirt of her lehenga to make sure that she could step out gracefully. As if on cue, her door opened and she placed her hand in his extended one.

Once she stepped out, he let go of her hand as he closed the door behind her. Anjali, who was already waiting for them impatiently, waved them forward and then guided them towards where they were supposed to make the grand entry from.

The same round of compliments and wishes took a couple of minutes as Arnav and Khushi greeted their families and close friends.

"Okay. Your entrance! It's nothing too two walk in, pause for a quick dance on the dance floor and then walk over to the stage. Not a slow dance that for later. Just bust out some impromptu moves, yeah?" Anjali clapped her hands together excitedly.

" know I don't dance." Arnav frowned.

"Oh come on Bhaiyya!" his sister whined almost immediately. "It's just a small segment...we have the Dhol group on standby too! I swear it's a short segment!" Anjali pleaded with her brother.

"So you want me to make a fool of myself out there? Forget it. I don't dance." Arnav deadpanned.

"But Bhaiyya"" Anjali began but stopped when Khushi put a hand on her shoulder.

"If he doesn't want to, don't force him, Anjali." Khushi turned to look at Arnav and smiled. "Don't worry about it. We'll make a simple entry."

Before Anjali could argue further, the DJ announced for everyone's attention. She threw a dirty glare in Arnav's direction and then focused her annoyance on Khushi. Arnav and Khushi gladly ignored the glare and pretended to be paying attention to what the DJ was saying.

After a short speech over viewing the event, he announced for Khushi's parents to enter the venue. Applause and cheers sounded as they walked out from behind the hedge into the entrance tunnel.

Khushi felt the odd fluttering in her stomach return at the sound. This was like the engagement party all over again. Oh, how she hated being in a spotlight. For someone who had made countless presentations, she was oddly nervous through all these wedding ceremonies.

Next, Arnav's parents walked through the tunnel and Khushi felt the nervousness increase as her turn got closer. Devyani entered next flanked by Akash and Payal.

"Ugh...I can't believe you two are ruining what I had planned...and to make things worse, I have to make my entrance with this loser..." Anjali muttered crossly, adjusting the pins in her hair more securely.

"I'm not particularly fond of the idea either Miss Raizada, but if you wipe off that sourpuss expression from your face and smile instead, you might not ruin your brother's reception pictures." Aman smirked.

"Khushi! You're brother's being mean!" Anjali whined. Everyone was being mean. All of her plans were going down the drain tonight, apparently.

Khushi threw her a dirty look and then glared at Aman. "Bhai, stop it!"

"Just go!" Arnav groaned when the DJ announced their name, equally annoyed of their constant bickering.

"Oh god..." Khushi muttered once Aman and Anjali walked into the passage.

Reaching out, she held Arnav's upper arm for support, very aware of the fact that his eyes were set on her.

"Thank you for understanding about the whole entrance thing." Arnav shrugged apologetically.

"You shouldn't have to do what you really don't want to." Khushi shook her head, dismissing the topic. "Won't let me trip?" She gazed up at him expectantly.

Arnav smiled, recalling the same moment from the engagement that she was referring to. He snuggled his arm closer to his body, locking her slender hand between his arm and his torso.


"Now, ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for the newlywed couple, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada and Mrs. Khushi Gupta Singh Raizada."

The enthusiastic and welcoming cheers were twice as loud as Arnav led her into the entrance. Khushi took a couple of moments to take in her surroundings.

The tunnel she walked through was formed by a canopy of silky white drapes with chandeliers hung overhead at consistent intervals. The path she walked on was covered in white and red rose petals, filling the small enclosed area with the heady, summery aroma. Any trees in her view at the end of this fairytale tunnel were covered in fairy lights. Crisp off white table cloths with matching elegant white and red table settings took over the entire garden area.

She didn't even realize that her face was currently lit up brightly by a brilliant smile which had nothing to do with the spotlights that focused on the two beautiful people as they made their way towards the small makeshift stage at the farthest end of the garden.

Amidst all the smiling faces, two faces showed some traces of disappointment. Anjali, because they'd ruined her entrance plans. And Khushi's mother.

Khushi grimaced inwardly knowing that this time, her mother was disappointed because she hadn't dropped the Gupta' from her name. Khushi brushed off the sliver of worry realizing that once Garima figured out that Arnav wanted the same, she would be fine. Funny how with the traditional customs, your daughter's wishes never took precedence before the family's Damaad's wishes.

Aman gave them two thumbs up and Khushi raised her eyebrows in confusion. She was just about to look at Arnav to see what was going on when she felt him pry her hand off of his arm. With a smirk on his face, he took her hand in his and held it over her head, twirling her three times before pulled her a tad bit closer. The disbelief of the small surprise had Khushi in a bout of giggles which echoed in the depths his hazel eyes.

"You are so unreal..." Khushi muttered, looking up at him. Her statement was a compliment in every sense of the word. Sometimes she wondered whether this was a dream. She loved her brother to bits and even he had his far, this man that she had married was a character right of a perfect love story novel!

With a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips, he lifted her left hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles briefly in a gesture of admiration. "Just trying to keep you entertained..."

Her hand still held delicately in his, he led her to the stage and sat her down on the love seat before taking his own seat next to her. Khushi's eyes scanned the crowd and all the smiling faces raised a wave of warmth which took over her being, brushing away the initial anxiety.

Anjali walked up onto the stage and blew a flying kiss in their direction before taking the microphone that someone offered to her.

"Good Evening everyone." She paused to ensure that she had the crowd's attention. "Thank you all for taking out the time to be a part of this joyous occasion for my family on this beautiful evening. Of course, marriages tend to be a happy event for everyone...okay, well...most people...Some, like me, would agree that marriage is an institution formed for some kind of psychological torture." Anjali corrected, earning a few chuckles here and there while Arnav simply rolled his eyes.

"For Brother's wedding has brought me thrice the joy. Firstly because it is my brother's wedding! Secondly because it is my best friend, Khushi's wedding! I had never given it much thought but today I'm realizing how fast time flies. It seems like just yesterday that I was chasing my brother around on holi or bothering him while he tried to study his butt off to become a doctor! With Khushi, it seems like the two years I have known her were as long as a lifetime...simply because she loves and cares unconditionally...Only in the two years that I've known her, I was already making plans to somehow play the cupid in their now that they're married, my third biggest reason to be happy is because it's one of my long cherished wishes come true!"

Aman's eyebrows raised higher up on his forehead as he watched Anjali become sentimental for the first time since he'd met her. The notion that this woman could be serious and mature was news to him. Pleasantly surprising news.

"Now of course...I need to warn you, Khushi, that my brother can be very irritable at times, he can be snappy, and he can be as moody as a pregnant woman who didn't get the item she was craving for. he's particularly picky about his coffee...don't you ever put a single molecule of sugar in it! Andplease, I beg you, do not touch his plants! he's as possessive and protective of them as he is of us. When we talk more, I'll tell you ways to calm him down and cheer him up and then finally, I'll show you where we lock him up when he becomes annoying..."

Arnav glared and rolled his eyes at his sister who smirked at him.

"but with all of that, I have to admit that he's kind, considerate, and and loving. We're all like his beloved plants to him. He burdens himself with the responsibility to take care of all of us...without thinking about himself...So I ask that from you...Please take care of him..." anjali's eyes brimmed with tears, as she looked at her brother, the strength of their bond obvious and pompous in the moment.

"Khushi...You have always been like a sister to me but today, I want to officially welcome you to our my sister-in-law!" Anjali went on, smiling brightly at Khushi. "We promise that we'll love you enough so that you never have to miss your maternal family...we'll have enough fun to make your brother jealous...and I will be claiming enough of your time to make your husband jealous. And with that, I wish you both every joy in the world because amazing people like you two deserve every bit of it. I love you guys!"

Anjali ended her speech with her voice getting just a tad bit shaky from the sentiments rushing within her. Walking up to Arnav and Khushi, she gathered them in a long, loving embrace while the crowd applauded the display of affection between siblings and friends.

No sooner had she parted than Aman and Payal stepped up on the stage, picking up their own microphones. Anjali walked off the stage to join the table where her parents and Khushi's parents were seated.

"Good Evening everyone! After Anjali's surprisingly sentimental wish to the newly married couple on everyone's behalf...I think it's time to unfold some of Khushi's secrets to Arnav. What do you think?" Payal's short pause was awarded by encouraging cheers from a few youngsters. "So Arnav Jiju...and that's the only time I will be calling you that...listen up because I'm about to tell you a few of Khushi's secrets."

Arnav watched Payal with interest while Khushi touched her forehead with her fingers, dreading the kind of embarrassing things Payal would say out loud here, in front of all these people.

"Now, let's start with all the good stuff. Khushi is one of the most amazing people I have met in my life." Payal smiled at Khushi.

"She cares like a mother, protects like a brother, scolds like a teacher, and motivates like a true good of a wife she'll prove, I can't say..." Payal shrugged shortly, looking at Arnav with a friendly warmth in her gaze. "But considering what a caring, loving, and warm person she is...I'll bet my money that she'll be an amazing life partner. She tends to be like a burst of sunshine and her presence brings liveliness in her surroundings...when she's not around...there is a tangible decrease in the energy. Trust me; I know...I've had to spend two years without her!" In the short pause that followed, Payal and Khushi shared a look that wordlessly expressed how much they had missed each other in those days.

"You won't ever have to worry about boredom with her because she can talk days at ends about anything and everything! She'll hold your secrets, understand your worries, double your happiness, and help you battle difficult hurdles...and in return, all she asks for is a tad bit of companionship. What you invest in her will be returned to you twice as more. Khushi, I know I don't say this often but I'm lucky that I have you as my best friend."

Arnav heard Khushi squeal lightly in awe before she stood up to embrace her friend. Out of an emotion he couldn't quite pin-point, Arnav stood up as well. In that moment, Payal let go of Khushi and gave Arnav a hug which he returned stiffly, feeling a tad bit awkward. He was never the hugging type of guy. He'd made exceptions for his Dadi, his mother, his sister, and now...his wife. Others' embraces still made him feel a bit weird. Nevertheless, he smiled at Payal as she pulled away from him.

"Now the bad stuff..." Aman's voice caught their attention. "The things that you actually need to know. First thing...don't ever mess with her laptop. I don't think I'm wrong when I say that a part of her soul lives within that thing."

Payal smirked, seeing the glare Khushi threw his way. Arnav pressed his lips to keep from chuckling.

"Don't ever try to stop her from making jalebis..." Aman shook his head vehemently. "She will put you on the worst guilt trip ever!"

Aman, Payal, and Anjali burst into laughter at the revelation, because they'd both experienced that.

"But when she is making jalebis...and I mean a mountain of them...that's your biggest clue that she's upset." Aman smiled at Khushi. "When she's upset...if she's not making jalebis, she's either screaming, crying, or absolutely quiet. Now there are general guidelines, you see...

"The screaming is good...that means she's not that upset. The crying is a little more serious...but if she's completely quiet, you know you're in a lot of shit!" Aman paused strategically, letting everyone's chuckles subside. Khushi's cheeks burned from the embarrassment but she couldn't deny anything he was saying. It was all true.

"You have messed up BIG time if she's giving you the cold shoulder." Aman nodded at Arnav. "Now...of course I can continue the list, but I'm thinking I'll terrify you in installments rather than have you go screaming from this for now, make a note of those things and make sure you keep her happy because if you hurt her...You'll have to go through me." Aman ended the perfectly cheerful speech with a stern look in Arnav's direction which was more serious than the preceding words.

As the crowd applauded and cheered for Aman, Arnav leaned closer to Khushi. "You know...for someone who thought of this possible relationship, he isn't showing a lot of trust in me."

Khushi chuckled and shook her head, looking at Arnav with a teasing glint in her eyes. "Don't tell him I said this but I've always thought that Bhai's a little crazy..."

"We're in agreement on that." Arnav chuckled, ignoring Aman's narrowed gaze.

"And now I shall hand this mic over to my sister so she can bore you further." Aman gestured towards Khushi who stood up at strode towards him with a grin on her face.

Arnav looked on surprised. He had no idea that she was making a speech too! Had he known, he might have prepared something too.

"Thank you Payal for your exaggerated yet kind words. I'll have you all know that I bribed her to give that speech..." Khushi joked. "And Bhai, just so you know, you're not getting a single penny from me after your listing of my bad habits." Khushi turned to face Arnav and smiled at him, nodding slightly, silently asking him to join her.

Immediately, he stood from his spot and walked up until coming to a step beside her.

"Once again, thank you everyone for being here today. From family to friends, your presence here means more than I can ever describe in words." Khushi resumed.

"I would like to send out a special thank you to my parents. Maa, Papa...Thank you for all the love and affection you have raised with me with. You've supported all my goals and all my whims. You've always believed in me far more than I have and I know that wherever I am today, it's all because of your never ending support." Khushi blinked rapidly, feeling the tears begin to prickle the backs of her eyes.

"Papa, you have always been my backbone in life and Bhai has been my pillar of strength, constantly seeing to my happiness and success. I just want all three of you to know that whichever corner of the world I end up in, you will always reside in my heart. I love you so so much." Her voice shook dangerously and she took a pause to gather herself again.

She smiled to herself and took a deep breath, feeling Arnav's hand patting her back gently, encouraging her to go on.

"I would like to extend another thank you to my best friends, Anjali and Payal. You two girls bring out the best, the craziest, and sometimes the angriest in me but I love you both to bits. My life, as I know it, is incomplete without you two in it...and I think I'm just lucky to have the bonus of being Anjali's sister-in-law...and I'm sure she agreed." Khushi looked at Anjali with raised eyebrows.

"Hell yes!" Anjali bellowed cheerfully and the crowd laughed yet again.

"I would also like to thank my in-laws." Khushi smiled warmly at her new family. "Mom, Dad...Dadi...Thank you for welcoming me into your family with open arms and hearts filled with warmth and affection. For a girl, leaving her parents' home to go to a new one is a difficult step but the way you have accepted me has made me realize that I haven't left my family, I've found a new I'm lucky enough to have two sets of parents, and a grandmother. I hope that I can return all your affection and spread nothing but joy in our family."

While Devyani and Arvind smiled at Khushi, Asha blew her a kiss which Khushi returned. Arnav watched the exchange with peace surrounding his heart while his mind busily logged every word coming out of Khushi's mouth.

"Last but definitely not the least, my most special thank you goes to my husband." Khushi turned to face him and held his surprised gaze as she spoke again. "Arnav, you have lived up to the promises of the seven vows from the very first day this begun. You have been patient, understanding, considerate, and very supportive thorough this journey which began with our engagement. It is through you that I've become a part of this beautiful family and I look forward to our lifetime together."

"Me too, Khushi." His deep voice was amplified by the mic Khushi held between them. "In the short while that I've had the chance to know you...I've figured that life is never going to be boring with you."

Aman circled his thumb and index finger, using it to blow a loud whistle in response which was accompanied by Anjali's 'woohoo' and Payal's 'aww'.

And then there was no time for serious words as the music was turned up. The crowd mingled along with each other, while Khushi and Arnav sat on the stage, greeting the guests as they came up to wish them. Half an hour later, Khushi's face was in pain from smiling for all the pictures and she was sure that she would go blind from the flashes.

The dance floor was already occupied by a few of the guests and the fun-loving members of the family, namely Asha, Akash, Aman, Anjali, and Payal. For once, Khushi's eyes didn't wander in that direction too often because they were too busy trying to catch her husband's. She was feeling his gaze on her occasionally but almost every time she looked, he had looked away. The few times she had caught his eye, though, she had noticed an emotion in his eyes that she'd never seen before.

At last when the visitors diminished, Aman picked up the microphone and asked the couple of the night to grace the dance floor with a slow-dance. Hand-in-hand, Arnav and Khushi made their way to the makeshift dance floor which was patterned like a chess board with rose gold tiles instead of black.

As his arms snaked around her waist, her hand found its place on his shoulder. After giving them a minute of solitude on the floor, other couples joined in to share a moment of the romantic song with their beloved.

"You should have told me you were going to give a speech." Arnav spoke quietly once there were enough people around to take everyone's attention off of them. "Now I feel bad for not having anything ready."

"I liked your short and impromptu speech..." Khushi smiled recalling the dreamy words he had spoken regarding their married life together. "By the way...for someone who doesn't like're pretty good with this."

"You have no idea how much I'm focusing right now to make sure I don't step on your toes." Arnav spoke seriously, the faintest crease appearing between his brows.

Khushi threw her head back slightly and laughed out loud at his comment. Her tinkling laughter brought a wide, care-free smile on Arnav's face and warmth in the hearts of the four parents who watched them.

" monopolizing the bride." Aman poked Arnav's shoulder teasingly.

With a gentleman's grace, Arnav gently handed Khushi's hand to Aman and took a step back. Almost immediately, Anjali took her brother's hand and began moving in the time to the music. It wasn't very often that one could find Arnav Singh Raizada on the dance floor. Today, he was in a good mood too. How could Anjali possibly let the opportunity pass her by? In all this shuffling of dance partners, Akash and Payal's romantic dance didn't seem out of place.

For the rest of the night, the guests danced and celebrated away with Aman, Khushi, Payal, Akash, and Asha while Arnav spoke to more people. He found himself gazing at his wife more often than he had all these days.

Something about the atmosphere, or maybe it was the words she had spoken earlier but he could not keep his eyes off of her. He noticed more things about her and immediately took a liking to her little quirks. From the way she flipped her hair over her shoulder with a small jerk of her head, the way she smiled warmly at anyone who greeted her, the way she pouted when Aman or Anjali seemed to be teasing her, the way she would playfully glare at Akash and Payal from time to time, and then his favorite...the way she would look at him, hold his gaze for a couple seconds, smile and then look away. Everything about her was drawing him in.

On the other hand, Khushi was in no different place. It brought her an unexplainable joy, knowing that she had his attention. All night she had had wanted to break away from the crowd to go speak to him but the celebrations had kept her somewhat occupied.

"Instead of staring at him from here, you could go join him, you know." Payal elbowed Khushi gently at last, having noticed that her friend was very distracted by a certain Dr. Raizada.

"I think I will." Khushi smirked and winked at Payal.

Ignoring the howls and whistles behind her from her brother and her friends, Khushi lifted the skirt of her dress slightly and began walking towards Arnav when her mother caught up with her.

"Maa!" Khushi hugged her mother. "I haven't gotten a chance to talk to you all night...I wanted to explain the whole last name thing."

"It's okay Khushi. Arnav bituwa already told me that he asked you to keep your name." Garima smiled.

Khushi's eyes immediately darted towards Arnav but he was busy speaking to one of his colleagues she was introduced to earlier.

"I don't understand you kids and your issues with these traditions...but as long as you guys are happy, I won't complain." Garima smiled somewhat ruefully.

"I am happy Maa. Very happy, in fact." Khushi reassured.

"It makes me really happy to see you like this..." The corners of Garima's eyes crinkled with the brilliant smile.

"Yeah?" Khushi chuckled, basking in on the rare moment in which her mother was speaking like a friend rather than a strict traditional mother.

"Yes, Khushi." Garima's tone became serious. "I know you and Aman, and even you Papa, think that I'm too traditional...too backward minded but I have my reasons. Your generation scares me when it comes to the institution of marriage. You kids take it all so lightly and immaturely. That's why the rate of unsuccessful marriages is increasing day by day...I didn't want my kids to end up like that and that's why I have been so hell bent in instilling our traditions into your minds."

Khushi watched her mother with interest, having the first glimpse of her mother's thought process.

"Just like any mother would, I want my son and my daughter to have a happy married life. Is it really that bad that I've adapted to the more traditional way of discipline to ensure that you two didn't stray?" Garima sounded unsure and suddenly Khushi realized that she was seeking reassurance.

Garima wanted to know that she hadn't upset her kids, that they understood her reasons. All she wanted was a good future for them and she believed that she had to shelter them in their tender age to ensure that.

Khushi stopped walking and embraced her mother. "No Maa...I've never felt that you've changed my life for the worse." She pulled away and smiled down at her mother. "I admit that I may have been apprehensive about the whole arranged marriage thing but I'm beginning to realize that a love marriage doesn't guarantee success either. Ultimately it's in our hands to make or break a relationship."

Feeling Arnav's eyes on her, Khushi turned to look at him. He gave her a small embarrassed smile at being caught and turned away. Khushi chuckled softly and turned to face her mother before embracing her. "You can rest assured that your daughter has every intention to make her life as blissful as her mother's has been. Your daughter is going to give it her all to make sure that she has a successful marriage."

"I know...and that's why it makes me happy to see you like this." Garima pulled apart and kissed Khushi's forehead affectionately, both women equally unaware of the pairs of eyes that observed them from two different corners of the venue. With an affectionate kiss to Khushi's forehead, Garima walked away from there, knowing that Khushi was headed in Arnav's direction before she interrupted.

"Hey you." Khushi chirped as she walked up next to Arnav. "What are you doing here alone?"

"Just needed a break from all the socializing." Arnav shrugged and took a sip of his drink.

"Is it okay if I stay here?" Khushi asked with raised eyebrows.

"You don't have to feel obliged to stay looked like you were having don't have to stay here to keep me company." Arnav fixed her with a gaze.

The next moment, they were surrounded by their dear friends, putting an end to their solitude. From that point until they got home, Arnav didn't get the break from the crowd that he wanted nor did Khushi get the moments alone with him to discuss the pace of their relationship.

Even once they bid goodbye to everyone well past midnight, Anjali unceremoniously plopped down between Arnav and Khushi in the car on their way home. The small closing conversation and the good-night wishes took up more time and by the time Arnav and Khushi finally retired to their bedroom, it was a quarter to 3 in the morning.

While Khushi took off her jewelry, Arnav freshened up and changed into his night clothes in the washroom. Once he stepped out, Khushi walked in, smiling at him thankfully.

Arnav stretched his back one more time as soon as the washroom door closed. The back was sore in the morning but after the busy day and lots of standing at the reception, he was in more pain now than ever. As he picked up the pillow and a blanket from the bed, he decided that he would take a pain-killer before sleeping tonight. After placing the articles on the lounger, he headed towards the kitchen to fetch his pain-killer and water.

He's been gone all of three minutes when Khushi stepped back out of the washroom, wiping her face with a towel, feeling light after removing what little make up she had on and changing into her pajamas. Seeing the pillow and blanket set on the lounger already, she paused in her actions and glanced around the room and the poolside for signs of Arnav.

This was the moment to put her decisions into light. The fact that she felt no hesitation going forward with her decision gave her more strength as she walked towards the lounger, picked up the pillow and the blanket, and returned them back to the bed. Feeling oddly content, she returned back to the mirror and began brushing her hair.

Once she finished, she walked to the French doors leading to the poolside and watched the sky reflect in the still water of the pool. Her thoughts wandered back to the countless memories from tonight. From the wishes of the guests, to her friends and brother's speech, to her mother's worries, to Arnav's silent glances that promised more than words could...every moment was etched in her memory with minute perfection.

A slow blush spread across her cheeks as she recalled her own words to Arnav. The gratitude she extended to him was never a part of the speech but rather an improvisation in the spur of the moment. However, that fact did not diminish the truth in her words.

Hearing the faint click of the door closing, Khushi turned to look at Arnav and found him standing by the bed, looking between it and the lounger confusedly.

"I put them there." Khushi spoke, offering an explanation to his wonderment. The question in his eyes didn't changed.

His eyes and expression silently asked why she had moved the pillow and blanket to their rightful place.

Khushi walked up and stood in front of him, looking up at him with a calm expression. "I can't tell you how grateful I am to you for what you did last night. I was nervous beyond reason yesterday and you were kind enough to sleep on the lounger. I know that all day your back has been bothering you because of it, but you haven't complained even once."

Arnav's lips parted in surprise and the emotion was clear in his eyes. Khushi chuckled and shook her head.

"I may not be a doctor but I'm fairly observant, Arnav." Khushi smirked in response to his sheepish smile.

"Look, if you're doing this because of that..." Arnav began but Khushi interrupted him by putting her hand on his arm.

For a second, both seemed a tad bit taken aback at the feelings the casual touch invoked within them. Khushi's eyes lingered on her hand on his arm, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering slightly but then she dragged her eyes up to meet his.

"I'm not doing this out of guilt...If I felt uncomfortable with you on the bed, I would have volunteered to sleep on the lounger tonight..." Khushi reassured. "I can give you a lengthy explanation but the simplest version is that I trust you. I don't have a single reason to not. We're both mature adults and now considering the relationship that binds us both...sharing a bed is very normal, is it not? And what's the worst that could happen?"

"What's the worst that could happen?" Arnav crossed his arms and tilted his head slightly. "Really?"

Khushi tilted her head challengingly. "I'm not worried about you crossing your any case, I can protect myself."

Arnav chuckled softly. "That's good to know..."

"Remember our conversation this morning?" Khushi raised her eyebrows. "You're right. We haven't set a pace. And I think it'd be best if we do."

Arnav's amused smirk lifted just a tad bit more. "Yes M'am...but can we do that tomorrow? It's a quarter past three in the morning."

Khushi grinned. "So we're cool? If you're so afraid to sleep on the same bed as me, then I'll take the lounger today."

Arnav watched her for a long second before an almost devilish smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I'll sleep on the bed...on one condition."

Khushi's smile faltered just a tad bit and a perfect eyebrow arched up.

"You'll have breakfast every day." Arnav smirked. "Starting tomorrow."

Khushi threw her head back and laughed out loud at his condition. "Seriously, Arnav...breakfast?! Of all the things you could have asked for..."

"Nothing as important right now." Arnav shrugged. "What do you think?"

"Fine!" Khushi grumbled and walked around to her side of the bed. "I wasn't aware that striking deals was a skill on a doctor's resume."

"It's not." Arnav walked to his side of the bed and lifted the covers to slide in. "But since my wife is a businesswoman, I figured that it's best that I master this skill. I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of deals to be cracked."

"Maybe...Maybe not. We'll see" Khushi giggled, pulling the covers up to her chest.

With considerable distance between them, both stared up at the ceiling quietly. The satisfaction of taking this step didn't evade Khushi. She felt contentedness settle in as slumber followed shortly. Reaching over, she turned off the lamp on her side of the bed.

"Can I ask you a question?" Arnav spoke into the dim light.


"When we first met, why did you ask me about my thoughts on divorce before anything else?" The question had clouded his mind for days. Was she hoping that if he would consider divorce then there was an escape set aside for her? Was she checking how quickly he would leave her if the opportunity ever presented itself?

Khushi turned to face him and feeling her gaze on him, he turned to look at her as well. Her expression was oddly blank as she spoke, the slightest hint of amusement in her eyes.

"I needed to know that the man I may end up marrying would fight to save the relationship." Khushi smiled. "There is no point in taking the seven vows with someone who doesn't want to make an effort to save the marriage when things go wrong. Why do you ask?"

"I'd always been curious about that question..." Arnav turned back to look at the ceiling.

"Well, I hope my answer was satisfactory. Good night, Arnav." She spoke quietly, turned her back to him and closed her eyes to embrace the sleep.

A small nudge on her back a minute later made her open her eyes. She turned slightly to look at him again.

"When do you start office with Papa?" He questioned.

Khushi shrugged. "When your leave from the hospital is over."

"Oh. Okay."

Confused at the randomness of the question, Khushi turned on her side again and closed her eyes one more time. This time, when he nudged her again, Khushi wanted to groan and laugh at the same time but sufficed with a smile.

Instead of turning to face him, she rolled over completely so that she lay on her side, facing him. He imitated her movement until he lay on his side, facing her.

"Go on a date with me." He spoke gently.

Khushi's eyes widened slightly and her lips parted in surprise. Whether it was a question, a request, or a demand, she wasn't sure. "w-what?"

"I'm asking you to go on a date with me, Khushi." He repeated patiently.

There. He said it. He was attracted to her, he liked being around her, and he was going to let her know that.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Khushi chuckled. For some reason, the idea of going on dates with your husband seemed absurd to her.

"Believe me, I'm not." Arnav held her gaze, compelling her to pay attention to the seriousness with which he spoke. "I still have a week away from work and so do you. Once we go back into that routine, we'll both get busy...I say let's make the best of the week we have. And if you agree, then this is us setting the pace, so to speak."

Khushi thought for a few seconds before the puzzles fit together. "As in we set a sort of schedule, a time-line for our relationship?"

"Not as definite, no. that would be like hustling to meet deadlines..." Arnav frowned slightly.

Khushi mirrored his frown. "So let's say we start thing. Then what?"

Arnav shrugged as if the answer was obvious. "And then we let the chips fall where they may. We follow our instincts and see where this leads..."

Khushi was quiet as she contemplated and deliberated over his words.

"There's no rush. Think about it and let me know." Arnav smiled with the kindness, which Khushi was quickly learning, was one of his profound characteristics. "Goodnight Khushi."

This time, he turned his back to her while she chewed on her bottom lip, thinking about what he'd said.

His suggestion was logical and it made sense. They were married, yes, but their relationship was sort of like those two people who were fully aware that their friends were trying to hook them up.

The dating phase that he was suggesting would give them the time that they didn't have before getting married. It would be the time to get to know each other better, the time to make note of each other's perfections and flaws, the time to admire them, the time to perhaps fall in love, the time to give the obvious chemistry between them a chance to bloom and lastly, it would be the time where the pace if their relationship"in all aspects"could grow at a steady pace.

Reaching out, she poked his shoulder twice with her index finger and waited for him to turn to face her.

"A date sounds great...just...Don't tell my husband. I don't think he'll be too happy." Khushi unsuccessfully tried to suppress the shy smile that lit up her features.

A moment later, both of them burst into quiet laughter, both hearts silently sighing at the first step forward in the sudden relationship they'd found themselves in.

That night, both dreamt of a bright and a happy future together.

Author's Note:

The chapter may seem wordy with the speeches and what not but none of that is 'for no reason'. those speeches were put in very deliberately and I've taken more time on them than you would think...there is a lot of foreshadowing and a lot of things pointed out which will play a significant role in how the characters change in the story.


Katie <3

Monday, November 24, 2014

Chapter 11

He sat somewhat displeased, somewhat amused, somewhat mesmerized as he watched his family--including his wife--flip through his childhood album. He was displeased because his father, mother, and grandmother were overly keen on telling Khushi every embarrassing story that any picture warranted. Then, he was amused because Khushi paid apt attention and the myriad of expressions on her face was intriguing. And, finally, he was mesmerized because Khushi had a captivating laugh.

He found himself stealing glances at her whenever she laughed. The simple and frequent sound was quickly becoming one of his favorite. The tinkling laughter brought with it a feeling of peace and happiness. It was the kind of sound that could erase the worst of one's worries. It was the sound that could brighten up a glum day.

What the hell is wrong with you, Raizada? You've been married less than twenty-four hours and you're already turning into a freaking poet. Get a grip! If she weren't your wife, your thoughts would be classified as creepy'. Stop it!

"I completely understand you, Arnav...but it's rude to stare." Arvind muttered under his breath so that only Arnav could hear.

"Huh?" Arnav snapped out of his reverie and turned to look at him.

"She's your wife, yes...but staring is still rude. Especially at the dining table." Arvind smirked, seeing the expression on his face.

"I wasn't staring." Arnav whispered back, on the defense.

Arvind snorted and shook his head. "If you say so."

"I was just making sure she's comfortable here..." Arnav whispered exasperatedly, frankly flustered because he was caught.

If Khushi hadn't spoken up at the moment, Arvind probably would have said something more. Arnav turned to look at her as she scanned the last picture in the album.

" seems like you had your hands full with Arnav and Anjali all these years!" Khushi chuckled as they finally, much to Arnav's relief, closed the album.

"Oh yes...which I why I'm glad that he's handed over to you now." Asha smiled. "I can stop fretting over him."

And just when would they stop talking about him as if he wasn't here?

"Oh please!" Anjali scoffed. "We all know that Bhaiyya is going to be the one fretting...did you not see his face when Khushi refused breakfast?"

Arnav gazed at Khushi sheepishly, knowing in his mind that Anjali was right. Khushi turned her head until the questioning emeralds settled on Arnav's face.

"I'm surprised he didn't force her to have at least something for breakfast!" Anjali rolled her eyes. "If it were me, he would have spoon-fed me a bowl of cereal! So unfair!"

Arnav was surprised himself that he didn't force her to have breakfast. Maybe because it wouldn't bode well for him to be telling her what to do already!

"There's an easy fix for that..." Dadi perked up in response to Anjali's comment. "You can escape him once and for getting married."

A round of chuckles issued from the table at Anjali's sullen expression.

"Don't start that with me." Anjali sat back in her seat. "Let's not take away from Bhaiyya and Khushi's thunder."

Okay. That's it. Time to get out of here, Raizada.

"Right. Khushi, we should go if we want to be back in time for the reception." Arnav pushed his chair back, not wanting to sit through another round of awkward teasing.

Thankfully, Khushi seemed just as eager to escape for she also stood up right after him. They courteously took their leave from everyone and listened intently as Asha and Dadi explained the pag-phere ritual. Even they stopped at the entrance of the house while Khushi and Arnav continued on towards the car.

They walked in silence until they reached the SUV where Mohan held the door open for Khushi. As she took her seat and fastened the seatbelt, Arnav took the keys from the driver and walked around to the driver's seat. He slid in behind the steering wheel with familiar ease and pushed the key into the ignition.

Khushi couldn't help but note the languid movements with which he carried out the most mundane task of maneuvering the car off the driveway onto the bustling roads of Mumbai. Feeling her gaze on him, Arnav decided to answer the question he had assumed she must've had.

"I like driving." He shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable which was a mission in its own with the sore back. "Are you excited?"

Khushi nodded thoughtfully. "I think this will reassure them that I'm alright and it will reassure me that they're fine."

"And I'm sure there won't be any leg-pulling with your parents." He muttered grumpily, recalling his mother and Dadi's teasing sessions fuelled by Anjali's craziness.

Khushi giggled. "Not with Maa and Papa...but, I can't guarantee the same about Bhai and Payal, though."

As if Arnav needed to be afraid of Aman...well, actually...maybe he should be.

"I apologize on behalf of mom, Dadi, and Anjali...they get carried away sometimes." He cringed inwardly as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat once again, his lower back aching in protest.

"There's nothing to apologize about. All the teasing is done out of love...they don't mean harm." Khushi smiled. "We may have mutually set a pace at which we want to move forward but to everyone else we're husband and wife...not many will look past that."

"But have we set a pace?" He couldn't help but ask. It was something that he wanted to bring up with her to make sure they were on the same page. After seeing her nervous and flustered last night, he didn't want to have this conversation and make her even more nervous.

"I...we...well..." Khushi fumbled, having been caught off guard with his question. "No, I guess not..."

"We have a lot of time to decide." He declared, letting her know that she didn't have to worry about it.

Sleeping on the lounger wasn't exactly a party for Arnav. His back was sore now because of it but in the middle of the night, when he had woken up from the discomfort, he'd found her asleep on the bed. She looked content and at peace. The small smile on her face was enough for him to decide that if this is what she was comfortable with then this is how it shall be until she decided to change it.

For Arnav, his family has always been a priority after his duty as a doctor. Khushi was an integral and a large part of that family now considering that she was now his wife. For him her comfort, her happiness, and her wishes preceded his own.

"So what was that this morning about breakfast?" Khushi questioned, curiosity getting the better of her.

"its one of my issues." Arnav grimaced. "I insist on everyone in the family having a healthy breakfast to start the day...a doctor's mind you can't comprehend the idea of people skipping the most important meal of the day."

"Really? It bothers you that much if someone skips it?" Khushi bit her lip to keep from laughing.

"I know it seems ridiculous but it is what it is..." Arnav mumbled, eyes trained on the road.

"just out of curiosity...why didn't you push me to eat this morning?"

Arnav looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Would you have been impressed if I'd tried to boss you around?"

"a fair argument." Khushi accepted. "I think we need another round of question answer tonight. There is still so much about you that I want to know."

"You make me sound like a complicated human being." Arnav chuckled.

Khushi laughed shortly. "Not complicated...just...still very new to me."

The rest of the drive was spent in companionable silence"something that Arnav already liked about them. There was no need to constantly have a word exchange. Silence loomed between them without any awkwardness. This will be very handy in the future considering that he doesn't speak all that much.

Once he pulled into the driveway of the Gupta House, Khushi was out the door and rushing towards her waiting parents before he even step out of the car. He approached at a casual pace, giving them time to share their greetings and hugs. He should have expected that they would treat him no differently but because of his own lack of attention, he was surprised when Garima, Shashi, and Aman gathered him into welcoming embraces as well.

After a warm welcome, everyone settled in the living room and that's when the conversations begun. Various moments from the wedding ceremony were spoken about as if they were filling Arnav and Khushi in on them. The two of them had been so focused on their weddings hymns and vows, they didn't know about anything else that had gone on.

Closer to lunch time, Garima retired to the kitchen to overlook the preparations while Payal whisked Khushi away for a much needed girl talk. Aman and Arnav's curious eyes followed them.

"don't even bother...In all these years of my life, I've never figured out what about weddings makes women act like they're fifteen years old." Shashi shook his head and chuckled.

Arnav and Aman focused on the TV once Shashi switched it on and tuned into a sports channel. Immediately, the topic of discussion changed into the match on the TV at the moment.

On the other hand, Payal pulled Khushi into Khushi's bedroom"ex bedroom"and closed the door behind her. "Tell me everything!"

"What?" Khushi tried to play dumb, hoping to avoid this conversation.

"Oh don't act smart. Tell me how it went. Was he considerate? Did he try something? You two didn't..." Payal trailed off suggestively.

"No!" Khushi answered at once. "Nothing like that. My God! What is wrong with you and Anjali?"

"Hey!" Payal crossed her arms. "Don't even deny that you wouldn't have asked the same things had you been in our shoes!"

"Oh whatever...just because you and Anjali have become great friends in the span of four days, it doesn't mean that you two can gang up against me." Khushi plopped down on the bed.

"I'm just trying to get information...I need to know if I need to go down there and beat him...that's all." Payal shrugged and sat next to Khushi.

"No. there's no need to beat him. Anyway...tell me how Maa and Papa were afterwards..." Khushi chewed on her bottom lip.

"Aman calmed them down fairly quickly...and then when they weren't looking, he cried like a baby...right here." Payal patted her own shoulder. "By the time you called, everyone was fine and chatting, trying to wind up everything here. Uncle and aunty were worried about you more than anything...after they spoke to you they really relaxed...that was a good idea on your part."

"It was Arnav's idea." Khushi admitted. "He assumed that they'd be worried here."

"That's very considerate of him." Payal smiled. "Was it awkward last night?"

"You have no idea...stupid Anjali scared the crap out of me, of course...I couldn't keep the nerves in control after that...He obviously noticed so he made me talk to Maa and Papa...then we sat and talked until we got sleepy..." Khushi sighed. "He knew how nervous I was and the reason behind slept on the lounger."

"And you're not pleased about that because..." Payal prompted.

Khushi smiled. "You catch onto everything, don't you?" A sigh escaped her as the guilt put its foot down in her mind. "He slept on the lounger to make sure I wasn't nervous or uncomfortable around him and now he's got a sore back."

"He told you that?" Payal raised an eyebrow.

"No...he keeps stretching and twisting to make it better...I don't think he knows that I've caught him a few times." Khushi shrugged.

"Are you uncomfortable around him? Do you think he'll try anything? I far as I trust him...especially after he made your dream proposal come to life...right?" Payal spoke seemingly nonchalantly.

"I do trust him...I think it was just the stereotype of a nuptial night and then Anjali's stupid comments..." Khushi trailed off.

"You should do what you think is right. If you think that you need a bit more time, a bit more space...let it go on but if you think that you may have overreacted last night, then you need to change the situation." Payal suggested.

Khushi nodded. "I know...I'll talk to him about it. We're both mature adults...we should be able to handle this better. I don't see any disadvantages of this settlement."

Payal's jaw dropped. "Listen to yourself! God bless Arnav! He's all empathetic and warm and considerate and you're not leaving your business mind out of this! Will you take a piece of advice from your friend?"

Khushi raised an eyebrow questioningly, asking Payal to go on.

Payal placed her hand over Khushi's and squeezed encouragingly. "Try to decide with your heart when it comes to Arnav...let your heart precede your mind. I say this because I want you to find your happily ever after with him. Sometimes you tend to over-think and over-analyze situations...but when it comes to your married life...your relationship with Arnav...go with what your heart says...follow your instincts. It's the only way that leads to love."

Khushi smiled and nodded thoughtfully. Her choices were always in front of her but sometimes it's good to confide in friends and know that they agree with your thought process. Frankly put, Khushi didn't know what love was. What she did know was what a successful marriage looks like...because she had grown up witnessing one. Her parents'.

She didn't want much in life; a career where she felt at home, where she could enjoy her work and a loving family to come home to. She was no different than she was a few weeks ago before she had met Arnav. Her priorities and wishes hadn't changed in that time. What had changed was the fact that her arbitrary loving family now consisted of clear faces: Her in-laws and her husband. Her maternal family and Payal just completed the picture.

Payal was right. The mind's work was until she had to think and make a decision, until she agreed to marry him. Now all the logical thinking and consideration was done. Now she was Mrs. Khushi Gupta Singh Raizada and it was time to embrace that with all her heart. Apparently, Arnav had already embraced the idea for he was trying his best to put her wishes first and not just last night. Her mind immediately raced to the conversation they'd had on their engagement day about her finishing her degree.

He had been putting in effort to ensure her happiness from the get go and now it was time for her to match that effort.

"I've never seen you so quiet and quite frankly, its scaring the crap out of me." Payal rolled her eyes.

"I'm just wondering how you became such an expert on this topic." Khushi smirked.

A fleeting flustered expression crossed Payal's face before she masked it into a grin. "A lot of movies and tv serials and mills and boons books will do that to you..."

Khushi threw her head back and laughed, absent mindedly adjusted the fall of her sari.

"That's another thing I wanted to ask the hell did you end up in that?!" Payal pointed her chin towards the sari.

"That's tradition." Garima entered the room and the two young girls stood up out of respect. "I would have been very upset with her if she had shown up here in t-shirts and jeans."

"I hope you prefer a daughter with broken limbs then because I keep tripping in's a miracle that I've survived so many hours without cracking my skull open!" Khushi rolled her eyes.

"You'll get used to it." Garima shook her head. "Lunch is set..."

"Oh good!" Payal rushed towards the door. "I'm starving."

Khushi put her arm around her mother's shoulders as they followed Payal. Garima smiled up at her daughter as they walked downstairs.

Arnav fell in pace with Khushi as everyone headed towards the dining room.

"Everything okay?" He questioned. He's been somewhat worried when Payal and Garima both had disappeared upstairs with Khushi. His first thought was that there must've been something that she couldn't share with him...perhaps something that was worrying her, or something that had upset her.

"Everything's great..." Khushi smiled at him warmly. "Just some girl talk..."

"Ah...Anjali's going to be upset that she missed out on it." Arnav chuckled.

"Oh I'm sure she is having her own fun terrorizing everyone at the reception venue." Just as she finished the sentence, she tripped on her pleats.

Just like this morning, before she could fall, Arnav's arm shot around her waist and put her in a stable stance immediately.

"Thank you." Khushi muttered, quickly thanking her stars that no one saw the incidence. The next moment she cursed inwardly when she saw Aman grin goofily at them.

"Don't you dare." Khushi jabbed Aman's chest and proceeded towards the dining table.

"I second that." Arnav narrowed his eyes at Aman in warning.

Aman held his hands up defensively. "I don't plan on messing with Mr. and Mrs. Raizada just yet."

"I'm here! You can go ahead. I'm on your team bro." Akash settled in the chair across from Payal, while Arnav, Khushi, and Aman raised their eyebrows at him.

"What?" Akash shrugged innocently. "Aunty invited me...and after this, I'm supposed to drive Payal to the reception venue so that she can help us out."

Aman raised an eyebrow in response. "I could have driven her there, Akash...I was headed there after lunch any way."

"Right..." Akash took a long sip of water, buying himself time to form a supporting lie. The truth was that he wanted to see Payal. "I guess I didn't think of that. Oh well."

Payal narrowed her eyes at him, which didn't go unnoticed by Arnav and Khushi. Throughout lunch, Khushi watched Payal squirm and suppress giggles, though she wasn't sure what exactly was so funny about the current stock market discussion. It was when she caught a smug expression on Akash's face that she realized that the two things were tied together.

Moreover, she saw Aman keep glancing at the two and smirking as if he knew a secret. She would confront him about it later to avoid embarrassment for Payal and Akash just in case her mind was wandering off into nonsense land.

"Can you please pass me the pepper, Arnav?" Khushi pointed her chin in the direction of the pepper shaker and yelped the next second when Garima slapped her arm.

"Khushi!" She reprimanded. "What did I tell you about addressing Arnav Bituwa?"

"It was my idea." Arnav defended at once, handing the pepper to Khushi. "I...I'd rather she call me by my name than add a ji' to it."

"See, Garima?" Shashi chuckled. "I've been telling you for years to call me by my name but you insist on adding the ji' and continue to make me feel old...You're lucky least Khushi listens to you unlike your mother-in-law."

Shashi's comment instantly lightened the mood and Garima resumed eating without a comment. She wasn't too impressed but if this was Arnav's wish, then Khushi was right to abide by it.

After lunch, Khushi bid goodbye to her family once again, but unlike last night, there were no tears today. The drive back to Raizada mansion was spent in companionable silence again with small spurts of random conversation.

No sooner had they stepped into the living room than Anjali came rushing.

"You're late! You were supposed to be here exactly six minutes and twenty seconds ago! Now I won't have enough time to get you ready, Khushi!" Anjali grabbed Khushi's arm and pulled her away.

"When did we decide that you were going to help me get ready?" Khushi sounded terrified of the idea.

"Just now." Anjali waved off her queries and turned to face her brother. "Bhaiyya...we will see you here in exactly two hours. Don't you dare be late. I want you two to practice your entrance one more time."

"We have an entrance?" Arnav wondered out loud although his question was unheard by Anjali.

Arnav adjusted his cufflinks as he looked at the reflection in the mirror. Compared to the attire he was in yesterday, this was much more comfortable. A fitted Navy blue Armani suit paired with a crisp white shirt. The tie that Anjali had thrust into his hands lay on the bed.

"I don't care that it's not matches Khushi's outfit and you're going to wear it." was what Anjali had said before walking away haughtily.

He picked up the silk strip of fabric in deep blood red and put it over his head. He tied it with expert ease and closed the buttons of the vest. Just as he threw on the coat, Akash walked into the room, without bothering to knock.

Without warning, Akash all but showered Arnav in sprits of cologne.

"What the--!" Arnav made a face at the strong scent. "What the hell are you doing?"

Akash shrugged. "Thought you might perspire excessively because of nervousness."

"I'm not nervous and with this much cologne, everyone is going to faint." Arnav waved the air in front of his face to breathe easier.

"Stop being dramatic like your sister. It was only four sprits. And speaking of your sister, she's going to murder you." Akash shook his head. "You're late."

Arnav glanced at his wrist watch. "No I'm not...I still have fifteen minutes left."

"No you don't. Not when her and Khushi are already downstairs." Akash folded his hands.

"Oh damn!" Arnav turned on his heels and left the guest room.

On his way o the staircase, he noticed that his bedroom"the same room out of which he'd been thrown out by Anjali"was closed with the lights turned off. Arnav rushed down the stairs with Akash on his tail and immediately launched into an explanation when Anjali frowned at him.

"Its Akash's fault...he kept me distracted with conversations. He went on and on about how gorgeous you look and he's not wrong. You look stunning." Arnav kissed Anjali's cheek, putting all his charms into effect.

Anjali rolled her eyes. "Save these compliments and excuses for Khushi...I know you inside out, Bhaiyya."

"If you two have finished arguing, can we go?" Asha walked up to them impatiently and stopped to look at her son. "You look so handsome Arnav."

Arnav smiled and thanked his mother while returning the compliment. After a quick round of appreciating everyone's attires, Asha and Arvind made their exit followed by Akash.

"Oh, Khushi, there you are!" Anjali looked over Arnav's shoulder.

Arnav instinctively turned to look at her and froze. Dressed in a deep red and blue lehenga dress, she looked an epitome of grace as she walked up to them, holding Dadi's hand. As usual, minimal make up and jewelry completed her look along with the long hair that fell around her in loose curls. The scent of vanilla mingled with the usually lavender scented air of the Raizada mansion, the mixture hitting Arnav's senses like a wall of bricks.

To him, she was ethereal in the sense that she was a perfect combination of beauty, intelligence, and a golden personality. He had never met someone who had all these qualities and still had their feet rooted to the ground.

Anjali snapped her fingers in front of Arnav's face. "Take a picture, Bhaiyya, it will last longer."

Arnav looked away sheepishly while Khushi smiled at his expression. Dadi stood in front of them as Khushi halted next to Arnav. Smiling at the two of them, the elderly lady wiped a bit of kohl from the corner of her eyes and briefly touched the backs of their ears, warding off any evil.

"No dramatic scenes right now Dadi...we need to go!" Anjali wrapped an arm around her grandmother and led her towards the exit, leaving Arnav and Khushi to follow.

"Thank you for the compliment." Khushi rolled her tongue into her cheek.

Arnav frowned in confusion. "I...didn't say anything."

Khushi looked at him and grinned. "You didn't have to. You're looking quite dashing yourself."

The faintest tinge of red made its way to his cheeks and Khushi's heart faltered. Was he blushing?! A triumphant wave took over her senses for a brief moment. She found herself blushing around him all the time and the fact that she was blushing was out of character for her only added to her annoyance at not being able to control the blood from rushing to her face. The fact that she had turned the tables on him this time was oddly exhilarating.

Their faces had smiles plastered on them as they made their way to the awaiting car. It was a beautiful night with a clear night sky where stars glimmers pompously, drawing attention of anyone who glanced up towards the infinite ceiling. A soft breeze was constant in the atmosphere, bringing with it a soft wave of serenity.

Khushi stared out the window as Mohan veered the car towards their destination. It was hard to believe that just a few weeks ago; she'd been on her way to her engagement venue in a similar fashion. Just twenty four hours ago, she was seated in a car, decked up in her bridal attire next to her husband as they'd headed towards Raizada Mansion. She'd had her head rested on his shoulder while his hand had held hers quietly while she tried to regain control of her tears. Today, those tears were far away in another world.


His voice brought her out of her reverie and she turned to look at him, realizing that he must have been speaking to her.

"Sorry?" She questioned.

Arnav looked at her scrutinizing her expression for a couple seconds before repeating his question. "Do you know what entrance Anjali was talking about?"

"I have no idea...she didn't mention anything to me..."

Arnav nodded towards her window. "I guess we're about to find out."