Sunday, November 23, 2014

Chapter 10

She sat in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection with an amused expression. She was dressed in a deep red Bridal Lehenga, with a range of jewelry, and simple make up to complete her look. The calmness of her posture betrayed the nervousness she truly felt. She couldn't believe that the girl in the reflection was her!

This was it. In a matter of a few hours, her life would change forever. She could hear the baraat get closer and she could hear the hustle and bustle outside her room as everyone prepared to welcome to Groom and his relatives.

Why they'd stuck her in here to deal with the nervousness on her own, she'd never understand! The few minutes that she was left in solitude felt like an hour on its own and Khushi was pleasantly relieved when her friend, Payal, burst through her room's door.

"Oh my God, Khushi...Arnav looks like a prince!" Payal gushed as she walked into the room, slamming the door shut behind her. "I'm not a fan of Sherwanis but your husband-to-be is rocking it! And when he was getting introduced to the relatives, he was ever so polite, ever so charming...I swear to God...this man is a character right out of a love story novel!"

Khushi glared at her friend through the mirror. She was annoyed with all the jewelry as it was and the fact that Payal was here gushing over Arnav irritated her further.

"Don't glare at me like that...he's my Jiju...You might need to glare at the other women downstairs though..."

"Downstairs?" Khushi raised an eyebrow.

"Yes...the Jaimala ritual, remember?" Payal shook her head vehemently. "Jeez, Khushi, it's your're supposed to know these things...get up! I need to take you downstairs!"

"Hey!" Khushi admonished. "Be nice to the bride!"

Khushi lifted the skirt of the lehenga as she stood up and walked towards Payal. Payal adjusted the already perfect veil on Khushi's head and then the necklace.

"You are the most beautiful bride I've seen, Khushi!" Payal smiled genuinely at the young bride. "I hope you find all the happiness and love in your new home with your new family."

Khushi took a deep breath and sighed. "It's time, isn't it?"

Payal smiled. "Yes it is...Everyone is waiting for you...Aunty will be coming up any second..."

Payal embraced Khushi tearfully. Khushi blinked to keep her own tears at bay.

Stupid weddings! They make everyone so damned sentimental!

Khushi pulled away from Payal and smiled. "Don't make me cry...otherwise all your hard artwork on my face will go to waste."

Payal chuckled and touched the corner of her eye with her fingertip to wipe away the sole tear that was trying to escape. "Don't worry, honey...its all waterproof. I know your Bidai is going to be very very tearful."

Khushi immediately put a mental block on that though. The moment of her bidai was something that she was trying hard not to think about. She will deal with that tirade of emotions when she got to that point in time.

For now, she tried her best to keep the nervous flutterings to a minimum as Payal guided her out of her room. Her mother and a few other female relatives met Khushi at the top of staircase and surrounded by all these women, Khushi descended the stairs ever so gracefully.

Arnav, who stood between his happy father and his ecstatic mother with his somewhat sentimental Dadi in the mandap, couldn't help but admire her as she made his way towards him.

She was beautiful, of that he had been sure since he'd set his eyes on her. Somewhere in his mind, he got the feeling that she wasn't aware of the fact. The confidence she portrayed when she wasn't busy blushing didn't indicate that she was someone who struggled with insecurities. In the short time that he had gotten to know her, he'd figured out some things about her but there was still so much that he didn't know...and for him, at this moment, it was the fact that in the following days he would learn more about her that was the most exciting.

He let the optimism show on his face and in the small smile that was plastered on his face as she finally stood in front of him. She lifted her eyelids slowly and casted a glance in his direction. As usual, the blood rushed to her cheeks and her lips curved in a soft shy smile.

Somewhere around them, a camera snapped away pictures as Khushi lifted her hands to put the garland around his neck. She almost expected him to be lifted high up in the air or tilted away from her, like they usually did in movies and shows, but nothing of the sort happened. Instead, he bowed his head just enough so that she didn't have to stretch onto her toes.

Her heart continued to thunder as he hands let go of the Jai mala and it rested around his neck. When he lifted his hands to repeat the gesture, Khushi felt the earth beneath her feet disappear. In a move so fast that a yelp almost escaped her, Akash and Aman had perched her on their shoulders while a giggling Payal stood in front of them, giggling and trying to ward off Anjali, who had stepped forward to tickle the guys.

Cheers and laughter sounded as the game continued for a few seconds and just when Khushi was sure she was going to be dropped into pits of embarrassment, Aman set her on her feet again. Before she had even had the chance to regain her balance, she felt the comfortable weight of the garland around her neck. Applause rang joyfully around them and then the flurry of activity began again.

She was seated next to him and the priest immediately began chanting the hymns. A few long minutes later, Khushi's father stepped up and placed Khushi's hand in Arnav's, handing over his daughter through thekanyadan ritual.

Then, the sacred fire was lit and the couple paid utmost attention as the priest instructed them to carry out certain tasks. The elderly man would pause his hymns to explain to the young couple what they meant and what they signified while Arnav and Khushi paid apt attention.

Before they even realized how much time had passed, the priest summoned the groom's sister. Anjali merrily skipped to them and kneeled behind Arnav and Khushi. Following the instructions, she picked up the end of the stole of Arnav's sherwani and tied it tightly with the end of Khushi's pallu in a nuptial knot, solidifying their newly forming relationship.

Arnav and Khushi stood up and Anjali placed Khushi's hand in Arnav's again with a teasing wink in her friend's direction. The rain of flower petals began as soon as the couple walked the sacred seven circles around the fire, each circle symbolizing a vow. With each completed circle, both made a promise not only to the other but also to themselves to keep that promise. No matter which circumstances or how rushed this wedding had been, it was going to be important for both of them and both were going to contribute to make it work.

The other youngsters were just having fun, unaware of the seriousness and the weight of these rituals that Arnav and Khushi were feeling. Aman, Akash, Payal, and Anjali didn't shower rain petals on the couple...theythrew fistfuls at them...all with love, of course.

After the first four rounds, Khushi was instructed to lead and as she did so, she ensured that she didn't let go of his hand. They'd begun this ritual hand-in-hand and that is how she wanted to complete it.

As they completed the last circle, Khushi caught her mother wiping away her tears while her father smiled tearfully. Her own emotions surfaced with force and she blinked to keep the tears at bay. Once they took their seats again, Arnav was handed the black beaded chain from which an elegant diamond pendant hung gracefully.

She kept her eyes downcast and continued to battle the tears as he clasped the mangalsutra around her neck. Her eyes followed his fingers as he pinched a bit of vermillion and reached towards her forehead. She felt the powder trickle and settle in the small parting in her hair.

As he moved his hand away, he looked somewhat startled for a second before he covered it up and Khushi knew that it was because he'd seen the tears in her eyes. She gave him a reassuring smile, hoping that he would understand that the sadness wasn't stemming from the fact that she had just gotten married to him but from the fact that she would be leaving her home today.

A couple hours later, after the round of blessings and wishes from everyone, countless pictures, and a dinner"which was spent talking to people rather than eating"later when Khushi was finally walking out the exit of the bungalow, she could no longer control the tears.

She embraced her mother and the two women sobbed in unison. Payal wrapped an arm around Garima and pulled her away from Khushi. Almost immediately, Khushi clutched onto her father.

"I have been the luckiest father to get a daughter like you, Khushi...I can only hope that I haven't disappointed you as a father." Shashi patted her back soothingly.

"Not in the least, Papa...I wish I get you as my father in every lifetime" Khushi sniffled.

Arnav threw a nervous glance in his father's direction and then his mother's. Asha gave him a small smile even as she held a somber looking Anjali.

"Every girl goes through this..." Asha reassured her paranoid son.

When Khushi hugged Aman, Arnav frowned seeing Aman crying for the first time. The whole scenario made Arnav somewhat uneasy. Surely, he'd seen things like these in movies with Asha sometimes but he didn't think that girls actually cried so much on their wedding day. Being the care giving person that he was, he felt small sprouts of guilt in his heart as he saw Khushi struggle to catch her breath.

"You'll understand this particular scenario when Anjali gets married." Asha whispered, in an almost teasing manner. "Both you and Arvind are going to understand this much better then..."

Anjali snorted. "'ll be waiting another twenty years before that happens."

Aman walked over to the Raizada's and let go of Khushi gently, a small smile playing on his lips as he regarded his friend.

"I'm counting on you to take care of her, man." Aman punched Arnav's shoulder lightly.

Arnav smiled and nodded. "I'll take care of her."

Anjali stepped up and gathered Khushi in a bone crushing hug. "Cheer up! You get to live with me now and we don't have to keep it a secret!"

Khushi chuckled lightly despite the sobs that still tried to escape her. As Asha started leading her towards the decorated car, Khushi glanced over her shoulder to see her family watching her go. Before she ended up running back to them for another round of crying, Khushi took a seat in the car and looked at her tightly clasped hands in her lap, knowing that she didn't have it in her to look at her parents.

She knew this would be hard, because she loved them so much...because she hadn't had enough time to prepare for this departure...but she hadn't expected it to be this hard. It wasn't like she was never going to see them again. In fact, she would see them again tomorrow for the pag phereritual. Even so, there was just something about this moment and this goodbye that made her want to weep until her eyes refused to pour more tears.

She took deep breaths to compose herself as she heard Arnav get into the car next to her from the opposite door. She got the odd feeling that he was watching her...observing her. But rather than terrifying him with her tear-streaked face, Khushi decided to look out the window at the house that had been her home for all her life. The place where she had grown up, the place she had run to when she felt lost, the place where her Papa, maa, and Bhai were.

Even after they'd pulled out of the driveway of the mansion, Khushi continued to look out the window simply because she didn't want Arnav to see her as such a mess. It was a well known fact that men didn't do well with women's tears and she had been married to him all but two hours. She wasn't going to throw this on him now.

What she didn't realize was that tears and grief was something he had seen a lot of as a doctor. From watching patients and their family's reactions to unfortunate diagnosis to news of death...he'd seen it all.

The need to provide solace that he felt at the moment, as he tried to decipher her emotional state, was stronger than he'd ever felt before. But she refused to look at him. She was staring out that window so resolutely that he was tempted to make her look at him. He wanted to make sure she was okay but asking that question seemed so stupid at that point in time. So he did what he did best...provide silent support.

He reached over and placed his large hand over both of hers that she was clasping tightly. He felt her freeze for a moment and then relax after he squeezed her hand in an encouraging gesture. At last, she turned to look at him ever so slowly. Her eyes were now tinged red from all the crying and the feeble attempt at a smile told him loud and clear that leaving her parents' home was the hardest thing she had ever done.

Khushi knew a heartfelt gesture when she saw one and the empathy she saw in his eyes was comforting on a new level. As one more tear escaped her eyes, she leaned her head on his shoulder and immediately felt him shift to accommodate.

Not a single word was spoken until the car pulled into the long driveway of the Raizada mansion. Khushi lifted her head off his shoulder and wiped her damp cheeks with her fingers.

"Thank you..." she muttered.

The door on her side opened and Khushi offered a smile as an excited Anjali pulled her out. Khushi was slightly surprised by the amount of guests they had here too. Arnav fell in step with her and together they walked up until the main entrance of the house.

The welcoming rituals didn't take too long. Asha did the aartishowered some flower petals on them again and placed an urn filled with rice at Khushi's feet. Khushi gently tipped it over with her toe-tips, spilling rice all over the floor. She was just about to step into the house when Asha stopped her.

"The Raizada tradition is that the groom carries the bride inside..." Asha chuckled and a few other women burst into giggles while Khushi's eyes widened.

"Oh man, I need this on video!" Anjali dug out her iPhone from her purse and Akash followed suit.

"Mom...I" Arnav began but was cut off by his Dadi.

"Sorry tradition." Devyani smiled kindly.

Arnav suppressed the urge to groan. The first few hours of this marriage, if not the first few days, were going to be awkward for both him and Khushi...and it would help tons if his family didn't make it more awkward!

He threw a glance in Khushi's direction, almost as if asking for her consent. When she tore her gaze away from Devyani and Asha to look at him, she nodded almost imperceptibly. In turn, he nodded at his mother who grinned as he hesitantly put an arm around Khushi's shoulders. With a quick scoop, he had lifted her in his arms and her cheeks had turned rosy red again.

Khushi was well aware of the way her body reacted to his touch. Whether this was the result of the nervousness or the fact that they were now husband and wife or something else altogether...she did not know. As he walked into the house, Khushi noticed how he held her with so much care and a tinge of possessiveness. She felt safe and cherished...just the way she had felt around her father and brother all her life.

He settled her back on her feet and smiled at her. "Thank you for giving in to their whims."

Khushi smiled warmly at him. "Anything for family."

The next few hours were spent introducing Khushi to the relatives and some games that Asha and Anjali had put together. The classic find the ring in a platter of milk' -which Arnav won within a few seconds--was loud as two teams formed and cheered for the newlywed couple. A few more playful things that were arranged by Anjali, where the winning point sometimes rested with Khushi and sometimes with Arnav, took up majority of the time.

Once they'd all had their share of the fun, Asha, Anjali and Devyani, along with some other women led Khushi to her new room, leaving Arnav behind with the remaining guests.

" sprung the whole wedding news on me suddenly...and I'm happy that you're my family now...but I swear to God...if you make me an aunt in the next year, I will kill you." Anjali whispered in Khushi's ears.

Khushi gasped and her cheeks burned red even as she glared at her friend. "Anjali!"

"What? Don't look at me like's your wedding night...I'll tell Bhaiyya to go easy on you but you know...he's your husband now." Anjali teased, enjoying the nervousness and the flustered state she was pushing Khushi into.

She knew her brother won't do anything of the sort but what's a wedding without a healthy prank? Besides, how many opportunities would she get of getting Khushi flustered?

Khushi looked at her mother-in-law and Dadi for help but they were busy looking away...a bit too interested in the flower arrangements around the room. Khushi looked back at Anjali and narrowed her eyes.

"I will kill you Anjali..."

Anjali shrugged her shoulders and smirked. "You'll have to catch me for that...and I don't think you'll have enough energy for that tomorrow..."

Khushi was horrified at what Anjali had implied. She had half a mind to climb through that open window and run. The clothing she was in right now won't be of help, though. Before she could say anything to Anjali, loud giggles of girls outside the room grabbed Khushi's attention.

"Anjali! Hurry! He's trying to get past us!"

Anjali jumped off the bed immediately and ran towards the door. Don't let him in!! He's going to have to give us a hefty bribe to let him in here!"

Asha shook her head at her daughter and smiled at Khushi. "Sometimes, she acts half her age..."

"I know all about that..." Khushi muttered.

Asha caressed Khushi's cheek affectionately and kissed her forehead softly. Devyani and Asha offered the new bride another warm smile before leaving the room and closing the door behind them.

Anjali's words echoed in Khushi's ears for the next couple of minutes, increasing her nervousness ten folds. By the time Arnav opened the door, Khushi's heart was beating almost painfully too fast. Her breath got hitched somewhere in her throat the moment she heard the door click shut behind him. She was staring at a flower petal on the bed as she pictured him walking towards her and her toes automatically curled into the bed.

Damn you to hell, Anjali Singh Raizada... Khushi cursed her friend for mounting this jittery nervousness in her.

"Tum theek ho?"

His voice was calm but Khushi nearly jumped out of her skin. She wasn't sure what her face was portraying when she turned her head to look at him but he continued t watch her warily.

"I'm sorry...I...I didn't mean to startle you...I just want to make sure you're alright."

"I...uh...I'm f-fine." Khushi stuttered. Even to her own ears, she sounded foolish.

"Relax Khushi...take a deep breath." Arnav spoke in his doctor tone. He knew signs of nervousness and anxiety when he saw them and Khushi was a bundle of nerves in front of him.

"I'm fine." Khushi answered a bit too fast.

Arnav cocked his head to the side. "Really?" He nudged his chin towards her hands.

She looked down at her hands and realized that she was wringing them together. If it weren't for the red-brown of the henna, her fingers would have looked extremely red from the torture.

"I'm sorry...Anjali..."

"You don't need to me when I say that I completely understand." He took a seat hesitantly at the edge of the bed. "It's almost like I'm meeting you for the first time..."

Khushi nodded. "It doesn't seem real...I feel like I'm going to wake up and realize this is a dream..."

"It will take some getting used to..." Arnav shrugged. "Mom was right...I can't imagine what this would have been like if we hadn't spent time together before the wedding..."

Khushi nodded and silence prevailed in the room for a few seconds. Before the awkwardness could kick in, Arnav addressed the elephant in the room.

" can relax. I don't want you to be nervous...especially around me..."

"I was fine until your sister came here and...and...said things." Khushi said almost grumpily.

"I don't know what she said but I can guess...your brother called me a few minutes ago and I got a round of all that too...along with a threat that I would get ripped to shreds if I didn't keep you happy." Arnav chuckled.

Khushi smiled affectionately as she thought of her brother. "Yeah...he's a possessive brother..."

Arnav's brows knit into a small frown as he saw the tears forming slowly in her eyes.

"You know that there won't be any restrictions on you visiting your parents, right? You can go visit them whenever you do know that?"

Khushi nodded and dabbed the corner of her eyes to stop the tears from escaping. He stood up from the bed and picked up the phone from his side table. He handed the phone to her.

"Give them a will make you feel better...and I'm sure they're restless too." Arnav dialed the phone number when she didn't take the phone from him.

"Hello?" Arnav spoke into the phone. "Hi Papa..."

Khushi looked at him, somewhat surprised, as he addressed her father papa'.

"No...Everything is fine...Khushi is just missing you guys...I just wanted her to talk to you...sure, I'll give it to her." Arnav handed the phone to Khushi and with a small smile on her face Khushi took it. "I'll give you some privacy." He whispered and walked towards the closet.

As she started speaking to her parents, she watched him from the corner of her eyes. He grabbed some clothes from the walk-in closet, pulled off the stole of the sherwani and tossed it over the backrest of his chaise lounge before walking into the washroom.

Khushi's heart lightened as she heard the joy in her family's voice. They reassured her that they would still love her just as much, if not more. They wished her happiness in her new life with her new family. Her mother imparted some of her experience and wisdom with Khushi and by the time the phone call was done, Khushi saw the situation from a different light.

She hadn't left her family behind...she had extended it by adding another family to it. She was a part of two families now. Twice as many people who would care for her and she would care for in return. Twice as many people who would love her and she would love in return.

As she disconnected the call with a smile on her face, she realized she'd ended up in the poolside. She looked around at the healthy, lush greens and blooms around her in awe. The man must put a lot of work and care into this area of the house for it to look like this. She looked at the glimmering water of the small pool and then diverted her eyes upwards where she saw a clear night sky with stars burning bright.


She turned around to face him and the concern on his face was unmistakable. He stood wearing a white t-shirt and black track pants, with his hair damp from the shower, looking at ease while she still donned her bridal couture. He took a couple steps closer before pausing.

"Feel better?"

Khushi nodded. "Loads. Thank you."

He cocked his head to the side and smirked. "Anything for family." He quoted what she'd said earlier.

Khushi couldn't help but smile which he returned. She took a couple steps towards him and stopped hearing just how much noise she was making. The bangles, the anklets, the earrings...everything made noise! Khushi made an irritated sound as she adjusted the dupatta.

"Why don't you go change and freshen up? I'm sure you're tired..." Arnav suggested as the two walked into the room again.

"Yeah...I guess I'll do that..." Khushi glanced at her bag and mentally rolled her eyes as she handed the phone back to him.

Oh how she hated unpacking. Thankfully, Anjali had a good idea--she'd packed a pair of casuals and a pair of night clothes for her in a duffle bag. Khushi opened the duffle bag and pulled out her purple and black night suit.

Once in the washroom, Khushi fought with the pins in her clothes and hair to remove everything without breaking or tearing anything and struggled to remove the waterproof make up. The only things that remained in their place after her shower were the mangalsutra, her engagement ring, her wedding band, and traces of the vermillion in her hair parting.

When she stepped out into the room, the only lights that were on were the bedside lamps. Her gaze fleeted across the room and she found him on the chaise lounge. Khushi walked towards the bags and placed her bridallehenga on top of a bag.

"Uh...did you want to sleep?" His voice was guarded.

Khushi looked towards the bed and then at him. "I'm not really sleepy..."

"Me neither." He replied and nodded his head towards the poolside. "Want to sit out for a bit?"

Nodding, she made her way towards the sliding glass door and like a true gentleman; he opened the door and let her out first. He was about to make his way to one of the patio chairs when Khushi headed for the ledge of the pool. He followed and took a seat next to her, keeping a comfortable distance. A couple seconds ticked by and Arnav spoke up, eager to ask the questions that were swimming in his mind.

"Was the wedding the way you'd expected it to be?"

Khushi looked at him and smiled. Hell, she'd been doing that a lot lately. "It was great...I don't think I would have wanted it any other way...what about you?"

Arnav chuckled. "I've never given it a thought...I far as I understood; girls tend to dream of a perfect wedding, don't they?"

"Surprisingly...I didn't have a perfect wedding in mind...I did have a perfect proposal and you made it reality..." Khushi's voice trailed off and the smile returned to her face as she glanced away into the water. "I wasn't expecting it at really took me by surprise yesterday...It made me realize that I don't know you as well as you know me."

"You do." Arnav shrugged. "There's not much to know about me..."

"I beg to differ. You know me better than I know you...some credit goes to Anjali for that, I'm sure...but you definitely know more about me than I know about you..." Khushi turned to face him and rested an elbow on her knee while her chin rested on her hand. "I'd like to change that...So, tell me about yourself..."

A smile tugged at his lips as he observed the interest on her face. "What do you want to know?"

Khushi shrugged, her bottom lip jutting out cutely. "I don't me why you decided to become a doctor."

"I'll answer your question only if you make a deal with me...for every question you ask, I get to ask you one..." Arnav turned to face her.

Khushi nodded. "That's fair enough..."

"I decided to become a doctor because I grew up watching Dadi dealing with health issues...Ever since I was young, I wanted to make her her be healthy...then, I had a friend who passed away because of leukemia at a young age too...and that only solidified my plans..." Arnav shrugged. "That's pretty much it...I don't think there is another job that can give me the kind of satisfaction I get from this...I feel like my life isn't useless...that I'm making a difference, no matter how small of a difference that may be."

"That's...impressive. I couldn't do that...I'm not emotionally strong enough...I can barely see other people crying, let alone seeing them go through all those horrible diseases." Khushi shivered involuntarily.

"Is that why you chose business?" Arnav asked, intrigued with her response. Why she thought she was not strong enough, he didn't know.

Khushi smiled fondly and shook her head, almost sheepishly. "I wanted to be like a kid, I used to go to his office and pretend to be the boss..." She chuckled as she recalled the memory, making him smile. "When I grew up more and Aman decided to go to medical school, I decided that I wanted to continue the family business..." with a short shrug of her shoulders, she moved onto her next question.

And so continued their questioning session, a question of his following hers. As usual, each made mental notes of the things they were learning about the other. Minutes turned into a couple hours and at last Arnav decided to call it a night when Khushi unsuccessfully tried to stile a yawn.

"Let's call it a night. I'm sure you're just as tired as me, if not's been an eventful day." Arnav stood up and craned his neck side to side to stretch.

A bit of the earlier nervousness returned into Khushi's system and her eyes involuntarily flickered to the bed inside the room which Arnav didn't miss.

She began twisting her hands together as they walked inside and headed straight to the bed. As he headed towards the right side of the bed, Khushi automatically walked around to the left. She was just about to take a seat, albeit hesitantly, on the bed when she saw him pick up the pillow and one of the blankets.

When his warm eyes met her questioning greens, he smiled knowingly. "I'll sleep on the lounger..."

Damn! Khushi averted her eyes out of embarrassment. He'd seen right through her. She did trust him...she truly did. But something about sharing the bed with him made her anxious.

"It's okay're clearly not're practically ripping your fingers off out of anxiety. You've paled too...Don't worry...I will sleep on the lounger until you're at ease with this setting..." Arnav shook his head when she opened her mouth to say something. "It will make me uneasy if you're not comfortable...This is new...its different and even somewhat awkward...I understand and I agree, too..."

Khushi managed an awkward smile and in her mind's eye, Khushi imagined her mother scowling at her angrily for this.

"While we're on the topic...I want to make one thing very clear. I need you to tell me these things. I need you to tell me what makes you uncomfortable, what upsets you, what you expect of me in certain situations et cetera ...I may be intuitive but I am by no means a mind-reader...I don't want you to feel like you can't share these things with me...or anyone else in this family, for that matter...I want you to be yourself...Do I have your word on this?" Arnav's face was suddenly set in a very serious expression.

Khushi nodded. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Good...And I will give you my word for the same." Arnav smiled and took a step back. "Goodnight Khushi."


When Khushi finally opened her eyes in the morning, the unfamiliar room caught her off guard for a moment and then she remembered that she was now a married woman...she belonged here.

She sat up on the bed slowly and scanned the room for her husband. The lounger was abandoned while the pillow and blanket he'd used last night were neatly stacked on it. Bright rays of sunshine glimmered playfully off the water of the pool and made the flowers and greenery seem even brighter.

The sound of running water in the washroom grabbed her attention. Stretching lazily once, she stepped out of the warm and comfortable covers. As was her habit, she immediately started making the bed. No sooner had she gathered all the flower petals on a pile on the bed than the washroom's door opened.

She turned around to face Arnav who flashed her a brilliant smile.

"Good Morning." He greeted and started rubbing the towel through his freshly showered hair.

"Good morning..." Khushi reciprocated the politeness. "Um...are you done?"

Arnav looked behind him at the washroom door and then at Khushi. "It's all yours."

Khushi walked back to her bags and couldn't help but groan. "Ugh...I hate unpacking!"

Arnav watched her through her reflection in the mirror as she muttered to herself. She seemed somewhat annoyed and he found the amusement growing as she pulled out her clothes and walked into the washroom, still muttering to herself as if he wasn't in the room.

"Pagal..." Arnav chuckled lightly and set the comb back on the dresser.

He left the room with a mission: to find Anjali and knock some sense into her head.

Lucky for him, Anjali was skipping towards his room when he met her in the hallway.

"Oh, you're up early!" Anjali guffawed. "I thought I won't see you until the afternoon!"

"Anjali..." Arnav warned.

"What? I'm just teasing..." Anjali batted her eyelashes innocently.

"Your teasing had Khushi jumping out of her skin yesterday!" Arnav shook his head. "What the hell did you even say to her? She was so anxious."

"Oh sh*t..." Anjali scratched her head. "Did I overdo it?"

Arnav rolled his eyes. "Keep your smart@$ comments to yourself, will you?"

"Aww, look at protective of her already!" Anjali giggled like a schoolgirl while Arnav watched her with annoyance.

"Not protective...I just want her to be comfortable here."

Anjali waved her hand dismissively. "You're over thinking're forgetting that she's my best friend...And don't worry...she'll be fine..."

Arnav began walking towards the staircase and his sister followed.

"Trust me Bhaiyya...I know her better!"

"Unbelievable...I don't understand how you two are such good're this loud, annoying...irritating creature...while she's...calm...collected...shy."

Anjali stopped in her tracks with her hands up. "Whoa...wait!"

Arnav turned around to face his sister who was still standing on the second last step.

"Are you sure you married the right Khushi?" Anjali crossed her arms and shook her head. "Bhaiyya, if Khushi is calm, I'm Katrina Kaif...If Khushi is shy, then I'm the goddamned queen of England!"


Anjali shook her head. "Absolutely not...she's anything but just give her time to open up...shy is the last adjective you'll use for her."

"What are you two arguing about now?" Asha walked in, smiling kindly at her kids. "Good morning Arnav...where is Khushi?"

"Uh hello!" Anjali waved her hands in the air. "There are other people in this house apart from your beloved son and his new wife!"

"Anjali..." Asha reprimanded lightly. "You're my daughter...and all morning I've heard your chatter so I know exactly where you are and I also know that you're very happy and excited today...I'm asking about the poor girl that you terrorized last night."

"You"" Arnav began but Anjali plugged her ears and made odd sounds as she walked away.

Asha chuckled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Thank your stars that your wife is more mature than her, Khushi still upstairs?"

"Uh...yeah...She was in the washroom when I left."

Asha nodded and watched him keenly. "Are you happy?"

"Excuse me?"

"Are you happy?" Asha repeated the question. "I'm not unaware that we sprung this wedding thing on you...we even somewhat pressurized you into this...I was thinking about it last night..."

"Don't, mom." Arnav shook his head. "You know that I wouldn't make such a big decision without thinking it through...Khushi and I have some similarities and some differences but I think we'll be compatible..."

"I have no doubt about that...I just...wanted to make sure you didn't feel trapped." Asha smiled sadly.

"I don't." Arnav held his mother by the shoulders and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry about me and Khushi...we're both inclined to make this work."

"I expected no less from either of you. Thank you." Asha caressed his cheek affectionately. "Now go and get two need to have your'll have to take Khushi back to her house for the pag phereand then bring her back in time for the reception."

Arnav nodded and moved to retreat back to his room when his Dadi called out to him. He frowned at her as he approached her.

"Dadi...what are you doing out of bed? You promised that you'll rest a lot if we didn't make you stay home for the wedding!" Arnav reprimanded.

"Oh keep your doctor shoes off for a few days, Arnav...I feel healthier already...I want to give Khushi something...where is she?" Dadi looked around the room for the newest member of the family while Arnav walked her towards the couch.

Arnav raised an eyebrow. "Good morning to you too, Dadi...and your Khushi is upstairs...I'm going to go get her and you are going to have a seat here on the couch."

"I hope Khushi is bossier than you...she'll put you in the right place." Dadi grumbled as she took a seat and settled the thick book on the coffee table.

"Is that Arnav's photo album?" Asha chirped as she took a seat next to her.

"Why is that here?" Arnav questioned at once, pointing at the offending album that held some his horribly embarrassing stories.

"We're going to give your wife an insight into your childhood." Dadi grinned widely.

"I have a better about we don't?" Arnav rolled his eyes.

"I have an even better idea...why don't you go and bring Khushi and we will just sit here and flip through half of them so she doesn't have to see them?" Asha chuckled.

Arnav shook his head at them as he walked away. His annoyance turned into a small smile as he made his way to the room. He'd been married all but a few hours and the change in the atmosphere in the house was already different...already happier.

He opened the door to his room, forgetting that he should probably knock now, considering that there was a woman living in there with him. He'd barely taken two steps into the room when Khushi collided with him with a gasp.

His arms instinctively went around her to catch her while she clutched his shirt and arm tightly.

Khushi's heartbeat was already racing since the moment she'd tripped on the pleats of her saree and the sudden proximity to him coupled with the scent of his aftershave and cologne wasn't making it any better. She was sure that her face was flushed by the time she pulled away.

"I...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to bump into you..." Khushi stuttered.

"Its okay...are you okay?" Arnav moved his hands away from her gingerly, completely aware of the fact that seconds ago, they were touching the bare skin on her back and waist.

"I'm fine...thanks to you...otherwise I would have fallen face first...these damned pleats!" Khushi grumbled as she fought the fabric to fix it.

It was then that Arnav realized that she was wearing a saree...of his favourite colour. With the mangasutra, the profound streak of red in her hair in contrast to her dark hair and pale skin, the engagement ring and wedding band, red bangles to match the saree she was donning made her look every bit of a new bride. The only thing out of place was the frown of annoyance on her face.

"Why are you wearing that if you don't like it?"

"I like pretty...I just...I've never worn one before and turns out that walking in this thing is harder than it seems..." Khushi turned to face the mirror as she checked her attire to ensure perfectness. "I just hope I don't fall...that would be so embarrassing..."

"So you'd rather take the risk of getting embarrassed than change?" Arnav raised an eyebrow when she turned to face him.

"I have strict instructs from maa to wear sarees the first few days...and if I go home today in anything else...she will kill me..." Khushi shook her head and waved her hand dismissively. "It will only take a few hours to get used to this...I'll be fine...what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Arnav chuckled and shook his head. "'s're yourself...its amusing to see...You're chattier than usual..."

Khushi shrugged. "Gave you my word that I'll be myself..."

"Fair point well made." Arnav tilted his head towards the door. "Everyone's waiting for you. Shall we?"

He turned to walk out of the room but whirled around the next second when she called out to him.

"What did you just call me?!" He exclaimed.

"A-Arnavji...?" Khushi frowned out of confusion.

"Oh, this is not happening...please tell me you don't intend to call me that from now on..." Arnav shook his head.


"Aman has spent the last two years imitating patients who address me asdoctorji' and I don't need you, of all people, adding a ji after my name...will you please just call me Arnav'?"

Khushi suppressed a grin. "Maybe..."

"Khushi..." Arnav warned.

"I'll think about it..."

"Alright. Whatever. Take all the time you need Khushiji..."

Khushi gasped. "haww! Are you calling me old?!"

Arnav shrugged in response. "Maybe..."

She narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms. "Let me'll stop calling me that if I stop adding the ji to your name?"

"That's a very accurate summary." Arnav crossed his arms.

"Who would have thought that such a small little word bothers you so much?" Khushi suppressed a chuckle. "But since I don't want to be addressed like an old lady, I will stop adding ji to your name. Does that work...Arnav?" Khushi watched him for his reaction.

He blinked and the look of amusement returned to his face. Khushi was oddly aware that this was the first time she was addressing him directly. All these days, she had never once spoken his name in his presence.

Arnav felt an odd excitement build up within him. There was something about the way the name sounded coming from her...something about the way it sounded when it reached his ears. He liked it...

"Much better..." Arnav tilted his head towards the door again. "Let's go? We need to leave soon if we're going to be back in time for the reception tonight..."

Nodding, Khushi followed him out of the room even as she struggled with the saree pleats. Arnav watched her warily as she gathered the pleats in one hand and started taking the steps down to the living room.

Asha and Devyani watched affectionately as the couple walked together, side by side, and talking amongst themselves. After a long while, everything was bright and happy again in the Raizada Mansion. The stress of Dadi's heath condition had ebbed a bit since the marriage of her grandson had brought her enough joy to heal. Anjali was home, back with her family again, where she belonged.

With this bright morning, no one had time to even consider the fact that sunshine does not last forever...that dark clouds are always hovering, somewhere close by.

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