Friday, January 23, 2015

Chapter 14

Khushi felt an odd air of disappointment settle around her as they got closer to the entrance of the house. The moment they step through those doors, their date would be over. Khushi was surprised yet pleased to realize that she didn't want that. She wanted time to slow down so that she could continue to enjoy this evening which he had planned and carried out to perfection...again! This time around, there was no Niraj who threatened to ruin their date like that other time.

Briefly, she glanced down even as her heart skipped a beat to see her left hand held gently in his right. He had offered it to her when she had stepped out of the car and her heart had leaped into her mouth when he hadn't let it go.

A part of her wondered whether anything would be different in the confines of their room after this night. What was the protocol for the physical interaction post date three? Would he expect anything different? Was she ready for anything different?

Yes, tonight had been amazing. Yes, he'd been a thorough gentleman, as usual. Yes, she was excited about this relationship blooming in given time. But was she ready for more at this point?

The aroma of lavender hit her like a brick wall when they walked into the foyer and Khushi sighed. She was already associating this scent with home'.

"You okay?" Arnav questioned, his grip on her hand easing up slightly--giving her a chance to pull away if she wanted.

She nodded at him but didn't take her hand back. "I'm glad we didn't need an intervention to save this evening like the first time we went out..."

Arnav smirked, knowing that she was referring to their run-in with the jerk that was Niraj. "I still can't believe your idea of salvaging that evening was to make and then eat all those jalebis."

"Haww!" Khushi feigned offence. "And I can't believe that you don't like sweets!"

"Maybe I should get used to sweets since you love them so much." Arnav rolled his eyes in exasperation. How could one person possibly eat so many sweets in one sitting?

Khushi chuckled and shook her head. "As sweet as that sounds...please don't. You shouldn't have to change yourself...for anyone."

Arnav shrugged and smiled at her. He himself didn't know why he'd said that. Here he was, trying to ensure that Khushi didn't change herself because then she wouldn't be the woman he'd agreed to marry. Then why was it that he was willing to change himself just a tad bit to enjoy some of her hobbies with her?

As they made their way into the living room, the sounds of light chatter carried to them and the two mutually, simultaneously, yet reluctantly let go of each other's hand.

Just like the night of their first and second date, Asha, Anjali, and Dadi waited eagerly in the living room for them. Greeting them all briefly, chatting for a couple of minutes, Arnav glanced at Khushi once more and left the room, knowing full well that the other three ladies would grill her for information.

He could understand Anjali's excitement. She was young and her best friend was married to her brother so her enthusiasm about extracting details of their date made sense. But his mother and his grandmother...?! One would think that age would make them let go of these girly antics. Apparently not. They could give Anjali a run for her money when it came to trying to get updates on this new couple in the house. He selfishly admitted to himself that he was glad they all turned to Khushi more often than him.

The last time, the night of their second date, the three ladies had all but shoved Arnav out of the living room to get Khushi to themselves. He recalled how Khushi wouldn't spill a word of what they spoke about. However, all the teasing at the table every morning following their dates had assured him that she had said nothing but good things about their times out.

Yesterday, he had taken Khushi to see her family instead of taking her to a restaurant. It was a solace to his inner worrier to see her interact with her family and realizing that her behavior in Shantivan, with the family she had married into, was not too different. He had resolved, then and there, to surprise her with more visits to her family in the future.

That dinner at his in-laws, however, had re-instilled the guilt he had been trying to suppress for days.

He stared at his reflection in the mirror now and frowned recalling his conversation with Aman and Shashi.

"I really think we should tell her."

"No!" Aman protested at once. "It's better if she doesn't know."

"You don't know how she'll react, Arnav..." Shashi tried to reason.

"I don't. But I do that she'll react badly if she finds out from anywhere else." Arnav held his ground.

"You f*cking promised you wouldn't tell her." Aman accused, not caring about the use of profanities in his father's presence.

"And I promised to be honest with her!" Arnav argued back, raising his voice slightly at his friend cum brother-in-law. "You do realize that I'm lying to her, right?"

"It's not lying. It's withholding the truth." Aman muttered sullenly, not ready to lose this particular argument. "If we wanted her to know, we would have told her ourselves! Khushi won't cope well if she finds out."

Arnav ignored him and turned his complete attention to his father-in-law. "Papa...I understand why you don't want to tell her but she needs to know. She has the right to know. And I don't want to lie to Khushi. I feel like the foundation on which Khushi and I have started this relationship is tainted with makes me uncomfortable. And if she ever finds out, she will know that I hid the truth from her...I'll lose her trust..."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Aman deadpanned. "Your family agrees with this settlement...please Arnav. Please let it go."

"Let what go?" Khushi chirped from the doorway. If she noticed how quickly the three heads snapped around to look at her, she gave away no indication. "If you guys are done with your man-talk, come to the table...dinner's ready."

"Perfect!" Aman hopped up and took hold of the handlebars of Shashi's wheelchair, indicating that this conversation was over. "I'm famished!"

Arnav ran his hand through his hair and swore under his breath. He hated lying to her. He hated lying, period.

Why had he ever agreed to keep this from her? What the hell had he been thinking? How would she react if she found out that her in-laws, Dadi, her parents, her brother...and her husband who had made a vow to be honest with her were all hiding critical information from her? What if she could no longer trust him?

This conversation with Aman and Shashi had nagged at him throughout the movie he'd taken her to watch tonight. His mind was occupied with her presence and the nagging guilt rather than the movie. The dinner that followed wasn't any different and he wondered whether she noticed the slight change in his behavior. Would she confront him about it once she walked into this room? What would he tell her?

Brushing the anxiety inducing thought away, Arnav stepped into the washroom to freshen up.

When Khushi returned to the bedroom after the usual chit-chat with Asha, Devyani, and Anjali, she found the room vacant. Hearing the tap running in the washroom, Khushi walked to the dresser and began her night-time routine blissfully unaware of the secret that was eating away at Arnav.

After removing all the jewelry except for the two rings which now had a permanent place on her left hand's ringer finger, Khushi wiped away what little make up she had on with a cotton swab dipped in make-up remover.

Arnav's eyes found her immediately the moment he stepped out of the bathroom and flashing a guarded smile in her direction, he made his way to the poolside area to water his oh-so-precious plants while Khushi walked into the washroom.

When Arnav returned, Khushi was kneeling on the bed, fluffing the pillows ad rearranging them. Arnav crawled onto the bed without any hesitation, ready to end yet another wonderful day save the slight stress he couldn't shake off.

With a quick glance, he took in her appearance like he did every night and couldn't help the smile that adorned his lips.

This was the one of the many things he found utterly cute about her: Her teenage styled pajamas. Today, she wore a white sleeveless t-shirt which read Miss Perfect' in blue paired with baby blue pajama bottoms with drawings of small brown teddy bears.

Last night, she had worn a pink set of Pajamas with hearts draws all over it. Her night-time attires always made her look five years younger--like a girl who was going to bed after a long day of studying in her dorm rather than a young woman who was going to sleep beside a husband she had met barely a month ago.

Suddenly, without any preamble, he reached out and took a hold of her hand, halting her in the middle of reaching for the blanket. She looked at their hands wide-eyed and then at him, her heart leaping in her chest.

Instantly, she worried about what he was going to do. She hoped that he wouldn't ruin these perfect few days by hinting towards something that she wasn't comfortable with. If he did, whether she agreed or would make things a tad bit awkward and that could not be good for them. They'd been getting along so well...

She watched anxiously as his thumbs skated over her fingers, just below her knuckles before coming to a rest right over her wedding band. Caressing the pompous emerald on the engagement ring momentarily, he raised her hand and gently pressed his lips to her skin, his eyes never leaving her face.

Khushi felt the butterflies in her stomach go insane and then combust when he gave her his shy smile.

"Thank you for a great evening, Khushi." He smiled a drop-dead gorgeous smile which made her heart skip a beat.

"Thank you." She murmured shyly, feeling the heat bloom in her cheeks.

Grinning boyishly at her, he let go of her hand and lay back on the bed, reeling in the alien feelings and emotions Khushi was evoking within him without even trying. He watched from the corner of his eyes and she lay down gently, clutching the hand he had kissed, her heart still thudding loudly in her chest...

Reaching over, he hit the light switch next to the headboard on his side to turn off his half of the room lights. "Good night, Khushi."

"Good Night." She muttered before turning off the remaining lights.

They both lay there quietly, staring up at the ceiling in the dim light which filtered in from the poolside through the thin curtains. Khushi re-played the sweet kiss on her hand--the spot still tingled from his touch--over and over again.

He glanced at her and in the almost complete darkness, he could just about make out her staring up at the ceiling as if contemplating something. He stared back up at the ceiling as well, recalling their interactions from tonight. Listening to old Hindi songs on their way to the date, recalling her reactions to the scenes in the movie, watching her as she excitedly chatted and enjoyed dinner, being drawn to her like a moth to a flame...and the new norm of their relationship--holding hands.

Absent mindedly, he moved his hand, which was originally resting on his abdomen and placed it on the bed between them. The moment his little finger came into contact with hers, he heard her breathing cease. He counted the beats in his mind, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling. After seven beats in his mind, when she didn't move her hand away, Arnav tentatively hooked his little finger around hers.

He counted more beats and finding motivation in the fact that she wasn't moving away her hand or stopping him, he entwined two more fingers when she let out her breath shakily.

This time, taking him by surprise, Khushi completed the task, his slow movements were becoming too much for her since each small movement of his stirred those butterflies which had a permanent residence in her stomach. In a moment of determination, she upturned and then moved her hand slightly until their fingers aligned. Her heart beating madly in her chest, she slipped her fingers through his and waited with bated breath for his reaction. Would he tease her? Ridicule her? Pull his hand away?

She got her answer a moment later when he closed his fingers as well. And it was the way he held her hand--the silent promise of his continued support...and something more.

Opening up her heart a tad bit more to accept his efforts, Khushi slowly slipped into peaceful slumber, thoughts of their many perfect moments floating in her head.

"You bitch!"

Khushi winced and held the phone a certain distance from her ear while Arnav's eyebrows perked up in amusement, overhearing the unusual greeting.

"Well, hello to you too, Payal." Khushi chuckled.

"Don't you hello me!" Payal hissed angrily. "I can't believe you've forgotten me already now that you're married...if I'd known that this is what you'd do, I kid you not Khushi, I would have kidnapped you from the freaking Mandap!"

"'s not like that..." Khushi tried to explain.

"Yes it is. That son of a Raizada is more important to you now! You haven't called me even once, let alone coming to visit..." Payal yelled again.

"As if you've called or visited until now..." Khushi rolled her eyes and glanced apologetically at Arnav.

He shrugged and pulled out his own blackberry while the two friends caught up and chatted away. As the minutes wore on, Arnav's impatience grew. Here he was, excited as ever to show Khushi his wedding gift to her and Payal had chosen this precise moment to call her.

He checked his watch and tapped his feet. They'd been talking for twenty minutes!

Abruptly, Arnav snatched the phone out of her hand while her mouth dropped in shock.

"Payal, do you mind calling in a few minutes? I'd like to have my wife's undivided attention for a bit. Thanks." Arnav scowled at Khushi as he disconnected the call.

Khushi's wide eyes dropped the phone in his hand before settling on his face accusingly. Not offering any more words, he grabbed her hand at the wrist and led her towards a room that Khushi hadn't been in before. Khushi couldn't care at this point. She was angry.

How dare he do that?!

She yanked her hand out of his grip and glared at him. Now it was his turn to be taken aback. "What the hell Arnav? You could have asked me to hurry with the didn't need to be so rude to Payal. Give me my phone."

"Khushi, I--" Arnav began only to be interrupted.

"Just give me the damned phone Arnav." She snapped. She wasn't going to stand there and let him boss her around. He was possessive, yes, that she knew. He had admitted that to her. She'd even had a glimpse of that side of his...but disconnecting her call with her best friend?

Arnav frowned. So Khushi Gupta Singh Raizada has a temper...

This wasn't how this surprise was supposed to go. Immediately, he set out to do some damage control. It was too soon to have these arguments and strains in their relationship.

"I'm sorry Khushi...I just...I really wanted to show you something. I've been waiting all morning..." he tried to sound as gentle as possible.

"What's so important that it couldn't wait while I spoke to Payal?!" Khushi frowned at him.

"Maybe it's not important." He sighed dejectedly and shrugged. "It's just my wedding present to you."

Khushi opened her mouth to say something when his words registered in her mind. She closed her mouth again and looked at him with a small frown, her anger dissipating quickly.

"Why don't you call Payal back?" He smiled at her warmly. "I'll show you later..."

He gave her another smile and started to step around and Khushi immediately felt guilty for lashing out him. Hadn't she questioned him about the reason behind his excitement on their way up? For once he seemed more excited about something else during breakfast! He hadn't even badgered her for not having a breakfast which would be considered proper' by the Dr. Arnav Singh Raizada standards!

And now he looked like a young boy who was denied his favorite toy. Because of her. Because of her irrational snapping. Something tugged at her heart and she reached out to grab his arm immediately.

"Wait Arnav..." She pulled on his arm so that he would turn and face her. "I'm sorry I overreacted...I'll call her later. What did you want to show me?"

"Its fine Khushi...I'll show you later." Arnav smiled tightly and turned to leave again but stopped when she tugged at his arm.

"Please?" Khushi batted her eyelashes and put up her innocent face which always guaranteed her way with her father and brother. When she saw Arnav's lips curve up in a shy smile, she knew that he would not be immune to that expression of hers either.

Good to know! Khushi smiled in response.

"Come!" He grabbed her hand again; the waves of excitement rolling off of him once more.

As they reached the door, Arnav pulled her so that she was walking ahead of him and then very elaborately, he pushed the door open. Khushi eyes scanned the room for a gift and then, a few seconds later, she realized that this room was her gift.

Her mouth dropped open slightly as she looked at the room designed with open-space layout and modern furnishings. The large sleek black desk, the couch against the wall across from it, an entire wall converted into shelves which were currently empty.

She spotted the Raizada Mansion's signature lavender pots implemented artfully in various corners of the room.

"I figured you'd need a study..." Arnav leaned against the pane and watched her as she walked into the room, looking around in awe.

"Arnav...this is perfect!" Khushi chuckled, running the tips of her fingers along the smooth edge of her desk. She froze in her movements, eyeing a door opposite to the one she'd just entered from. "What's in there...?"

"Let's go take a look." Arnav smirked and walked towards her but something about her tone told her that he already knew what was in there.

She couldn't help but grin at him as he took her hand and walked the short distance to the door. Pulling her in front of him again, this time he covered her eyes with a hand awkwardly, trying to keep a good blindfold with his hand and keeping a sincere distance between them at the same time.

He managed to throw open the door and led her inside and for a moment, he was thrown by the amount of trust she had in him. Letting him lead into rooms she hasn't been to before without hesitation...surely on her part it would require some trust?

"It smells like polish in here..." Khushi murmured, holding out her hands in front of her as a guide since she couldn't see.

"You're absolutely right...are you ready?" Arnav asked, taking a deep breath. "One...two...and three!"

On the count of three, he removed his hands from her completely and took a step back, giving her space for this moment. The joyous gasp of surprise from her was a sweet sound to his ears, knowing that he had made it happen. Khushi squealed in delight and turned to face him.

"Are you serious?!" Khushi grinned at him and glanced over her shoulder again.

There, in the corner of this small room stood an elegant grand piano--a sleek, shiny black body, with the lid perched up. On the side of the piano, her initials, KGSR, were emblazoned in gold in an intricate calligraphy font. A rectangular black wood and red velvet cushioned bench sat there temptingly.

Khushi's fingers twitched, wanting to glide across the smooth ivory and ebony keys.

When she glanced back at her husband, he was watching her expectantly, unconsciously biting his lip. Seeing him overwhelmed her with a surge of feelings that were alien to her. This man...this sweet, chivalrous, gorgeous man that was her husband never failed to go that extra mile to ensure her comfort and happiness. This gift of a piano...though it may have cost a small fortune would remain priceless for her.

As a young girl, this was the only demand of hers that had ever been turned down by her parents simply because her dad's company was facing some hardships at the time and they couldn't afford extra expenses. He, of course, did not know that. How he'd found out about her love for this instrument, she didn't know. But the fact that he'd put thought into his wedding gift for her rather than presenting her with a typical gift had rendered her speechless.

So she expressed her feelings and emotions like she always did when she couldn't find the words--she closed the distance of mere two steps and threw her arms around his shoulders, giving him a hug. Though slightly surprised, Arnav wrapped his arms around her gently, relishing the feel of her petite frame in his arms.

That is when it happened for the first time. Through the haze of feelings that had become constant in his mind since their wedding, a stark pang of desire shot through him unannounced. His breath hitched in his throat as his mind became acutely aware of every inch of her body that was flush against his.

"Thank you." She whispered. "This is one of the best gifts I've ever gotten and I want you to know how much I appreciate it."

The remnants of shock at this new pull he felt towards were still visible on his face when she pulled away and smiled at him. Shoving his errant thoughts aside, he shrugged at her, mirroring her smile.

"Just like my compliments on your Aloo Puri...this Piano is sort of a gift for me too...You can play piano covers of old Hindi songs while I sit and devour a serving of Aloo Puri right on that couch over there." Arnav pointed with his chin at the couch that sat against the wall opposite from the piano.

"How did you think of this?" Khushi questioned, looking at him in awe.

"When you played at the sangeet, I could tell how fond you were of the piano...I didn't know whether you'd like it or not...It was my best bet..." Arnav shrugged, looking like a kid who was trying to convince his teacher that the dog really did eat his homework.

"Oh, Arnav, I love it!"

Khushi chuckled and walked to the piano with a spring in her steps. Just like they had wanted to moments ago, Khushi fingers glided along the smooth surface of the piano top and then they caressed the keys with a feather-light stroke.

The wanton thoughts in Arnav's mind unleashed themselves once again. What would it feel like if she ran her fingers along his arms...his back...his chest...his abdomen...

Stop! Arnav scowled at himself, putting an immediate block on the direction of his thoughts. What the hell? Where was this coming from?! Maybe not unexpected but definitely sudden. And if it was sudden for him, it would be even more surprising for her.

Almost a week into marriage, he could say without hesitation that she was returning to her element. Though she was still blushing around the clock, she was at ease with him and the pace at which they were moving forward.

He knew that because when they'd woken up this morning, somehow still hand-in-hand, there had been no awkwardness. As usual, she'd smiled at him brightly and wished him a good morning before gently withdrawing her hand so that she could walk into washroom.

It wouldn't be prudent, or ideal, to put her out of that comfortable place just because his hormones had chosen this precise point in time to run astray.

" two are so damned cute!" Anjali gushed.

Khushi grinned and shrugged. "He's very charming..."

"He is, isn't he?" Anjali sounded proud of her brother. "Did you like your wedding present?"

"Were you in on it?" Khushi demanded right away.

Anjali snorted in an unladylike way and rolled her eyes. "He wouldn't tell any of us. We only found out when we helped the delivery guys take it up yesterday."

"That showed up yesterday?" Khushi gasped.

"Yeap...while you were out for the movie and dinner." Anjali grinned. "Are you excited about the club night tomorrow?"

"Yeah. It will be nice to be out with everyone... It's been a busy week." Khushi chuckled and jerked her head to move the bangs out of her eyes. "The Mooh-Dikhayi, four dates with Arnav, a dinner with my parents...the club night should be fun, I guess. I'll probably have to call it a night early though...I have work the next day. " Khushi groaned.

"So I guess your dating thing is going to be on hold?" Anjali raised an eyebrow in interest.

Khushi shrugged and adjusted the bracelet on her wrist. "I don't know. We haven't decided anything."

Anjali eyed her friend curiously. "You know...I feel like you're holding back some information..."

"Like what?" Khushi gasped, indignant that her friend could even think such a thing.

"You know..." Anjali wiggled her eyebrows. "The dirty details..."

"Dirty details?" Khushi raised an eyebrow even as she felt her cheeks flame. She knew exactly what Anjali meant.

"Oh you know...the usual stuff. Tell me, have you two kissed yet?" Anjali bobbed up and down, causing a ripple in the mattress.

Khushi flushed and averted her eyes. She bit her lip lightly when Anjali gasped.

"Khushi Gupta Singh Raizada..." Anjali perched up on her knees, hands on her hips. "Is that a yes?"

"No..." Khushi responded at once and then flushed some more. Why is sharing this information with my best friend so awkward?! Maybe because he is her brother...
"So you haven't?" Anjali's smile faltered just a little bit.

Khushi rolled her eyes. "No, Anjali...we haven't."

"Is everything okay? You two are getting along, right?" Anjali cupped Khushi's cheek, suddenly very serious.

Khushi smiled up at her friend. "Yes Ms. Sis-in-law. Everything is fine...we're getting along and it's all good. We've just...I told you...we've started the whole dating phase thing and we'll take it one day at a time."

Besides...he hasn't tried anything... Khushi frowned slightly. I didn't know men were capable of this kind of control...maybe it's something else. Maybe I'm not appealing to him in that way... The vane part of her that secretly worried that she may not be good enough for him whispered to her viciously.

Anjali sighed and fell back on the mattress, hitting the pillow with a thud. "I guess that's least that way you'll take your time and I won't have to become a Buaji for a while...Ouch!"

Anjali rubbed her arm where Khushi had slapped her.

"What?" Anjali frowned innocently. "Dadi is already dreaming of great-grandchildren! Unbelievable, I tell you..."

Khushi gave a non committal shrug but offered no verbal response. Her thoughts drifted to her Amma's comment of the like yesterday. I've been married less than a week and Amma already wants if they drop right out of the sky!

"Go to sleep, Anjali..." Khushi stood up and stretched lazily. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight..."

Anjali pouted. "Fine...go to your husband...but you're all mine tomorrow night."

Maybe the possessiveness runs in the family...Khushi chuckled at the thought and shook her head. "That's if you're not busy arguing with Bhai."

"Oh don't talk to me about that monster. We went to check your wedding photo and video status today and he's as incorrigible and intolerable as ever! I can't believe you two are siblings! How the hell do you put up with him?" Anjali put her hand on her forehead vehemently and shook her head.

"He's not that bad." Khushi defended her beloved brother at once.

"Who's nicer? My brother or yours?" Anjali challenged, wiggling her eyebrows.

Khushi opened her mouth to retort and closed it again, frowning slightly. "I can't answer's my brother, the other is my husband..."

"I win then!" Anjali grinned. "Goodnight Bhabhi..."

Khushi rolled her eyes and left the room before Anjali could continue with her madness. Not wanting to dwell on the mentions of grandchildren--which Khushi was sure they wouldn't get for another couple years--Khushi walked to the opposite end of the second floor to their bedroom.

She opened the door and stepped in precisely at the moment he closed the door the bathroom and stepped into the bedroom wearing only his track pants. Khushi froze a couple of steps away from the closed bedroom door and gaped at him while he gaped back, equally taken aback.

Khushi's eyes involuntarily travelled from his damp hair to his handsome face, down the length of his neck to his bare chest. Out of her control, they travelled further down even as her heart kicked into overdrive, taking in the well sculpted muscles that usually stayed hidden under a shirt.

She paused at the waistband of his track pants, realizing that she was shamelessly staring at him. Her eyes jerked up to his face and seeing the amusement in that small smirk of his, Khushi's cheeks blazed.

She turned away quickly and jerkily made her way out to the poolside, embarrassed at being caught ogling at him like that. She stared at the water in the pool, blushing profusely as the image of him half-naked refused to fade from her memory. She looked up at the sky incredulously.

Hey Devi Maiyya! What is wrong with me?!

"Khushi?" His deep voice nearly made her jump out of her skin.

Oh no...not again... Khushi screwed her eyes shut tightly before opening them and blinking rapidly. Had he followed her out?

She risked a quick glance in his direction and noted with an internal sigh of relief that he had tossed on a white t-shirt. She knew her cheeks were still tainted red so she stared resolutely ahead as he stood next to her.

"You'll get used to it." He noted with a hint of mirth in his voice.

She turned to look at him, her eyes slightly wide. "What?"

"You'll get used to seeing me without a shirt." He smirked at her and suppressed a chuckle when she looked away, blushing anew. "That's how I sleep, Khushi."

"No you don't..." Khushi frowned in confusion. I've never seen you like that...why do you think I'm blushing like a teenager right now?

"Yes I do...Well, I used to anyway. I'm just behaving myself because I now have company..." Arnav shrugged.

Oh thank God. Khushi pursed her lips. How am I supposed to sleep peacefully knowing that he's half-naked beside me...

"I didn't mean to embarrass you..." he spoke seriously, all hints of humor gone. "I thought you'd still be downstairs with two like to talk..."

Yes but then your sister brought up the topic of us kissing and Dadi and Maa wanting great-grandchildren... Khushi blushed again, feeling utterly ridiculous.

"You're blushing again." He noted the obvious.

Yes, I do that often where you're concerned. Khushi glanced at him and shrugged. "I've been doing that quite a lot lately...ever since I met you, in fact."

Arnav looked at her for a few long seconds, holding her slightly nervous gaze. "I should let you have wine more often. You're exceptionally forthcoming with some of that stuff in your system..."

Khushi chuckled lightly. "I thought it was obvious to you. Didn't you say you were good at reading people? In fact, I think you're very aware of the effect you have on me."

Arnav nodded slowly, testing out her words. "I make you a little uncomfortable."

What? Khushi looked at him wide eyed. "No you don't! Where the hell did you get that idea?"

"I don't?" He looked puzzled. "That's not why you're jumpy around me?"

"No!" Khushi shook her head, not being able to help but laugh at his ridiculous assumption. "Oh my God! Is that what you think? Is that why you haven't tried anything with me?"

Arnav cocked his head to the side, his amusement mounting. "Tried anything?"

Khushi flushed and twisted her fingers together. Ah crap... "Yeah...I know."

Arnav pressed his lips together to stifle a smirk. He took a deliberate step towards her and watched amusedly when she took a responding step backwards. Arnav took another and she responded the same way. He continued walking towards her, a small teasing smirk playing on his lips, until she backed up right into the wall.

She gasped, cast a glance at the wall from the corner of her eyes and then looked back at him as he stood a mere half a step away from her. Holding her anxious gaze, he placed both of his hands on the wall on either side of her head.

"You've been wondering why I haven't tried in getting physical with you?" He questioned, his voice a tad above a whispered.

Khushi swallowed to soothe her suddenly dried throat and nodded in response.

"Do you want me to try something?" He titled his head a little bit and raised an eyebrow.

Khushi blinked. Do I? Yes? No? I don't know? Khushi's heart skipped a beat when he moved his face closer a mere centimeter.

"Tell me Khushi..."

Khushi pushed herself further into the wall when he moved closer. Her breath hitched in her throat when he leaned close enough so that their faces were mere inches away.

"Do you want me to try something?" His voice was almost a husky whisper.

Khushi's heart leaped into her mouth when he moved even closer. Her eyes drifted down to his perfectly shaped lips and lingered for a moment before moving up to his eyes. Along with the amusement, there was something else in his eyes...something serious that she couldn't pin-point.

He removed his left hand from the wall and placed it gingerly on her shoulder. Khushi slowly inhaled deeply and held her breath in the hope that it would help calm the fluttering in the pit of her stomach. Her spine tingled when he trailed his hand down hers until he reached her fingers.

A smile full of mirth appeared on his face, the seriousness instantly vanishing into thin air as he lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles gently. Khushi let go of the breath she'd been holding.

Okay...this I can deal with. This, he's done before...

"Let's walk before we run, Khushi." Arnav smiled down at her and removed his other hand from her side, not letting go of her hand that he was still holding. "we had this discussion the first day we'd asked me how fast I expect the physical intimacy to establish and I'd told you that with time, it will grow on its own. The first few weeks, I just want to get to know you. I've learnt a great deal about you this week but there's still a way to go, don't you agree?"

Khushi nodded and averted her gaze, nervously brushing away her bangs with her free hand. Arnav skated his thumb across her fingers to get her attention.

"Now I've made you uncomfortable. In fact, you look scared..." Arnav searched her face and paused, trying to phrase his next sentence. "There'll come a day when you won't be scared of me backing you up into a wall and that day I'll try anything you want me to. But for now, please relax..."

"Even this..." Arnav lifted her hand slightly, "it's happened faster than I'd expected." Arnav sighed. "And I think this is where I stop. I've made these advances simply because I couldn't help myself and you seemed to have accepted it all but now I want you to tell me what you want. I feel like you won't tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable or whether you're going along with something just because I've taken that step. I feel like you won't tell me if I'm moving too fast for your comfort and I don't want that. You'll have to tell me these things somehow Khushi...I need the assurance that you're comfortable and happy in every way this family...with me."

"I am happy, Arnav." Khushi looked up at him seriously, hoping that her words reflected in her eyes, in her expression.

I don't understand why everyone thinks I'd be unhappy! Everyone wants assurance that I'm happy...Dadi, Mom, Anjali, my parents, Bhai...and now even Arnav! Do I seem unhappy to them?!

"I must ask this...everyone seems to be making sure that I'm fine or that I'm happy...why is that?" Khushi frowned. "Do I look like I'm not? Am I giving off the impression that I'm not happy?"

"I think it's the fact that everything has happened so quickly. From the engagement to the wedding, we barely had fifteen days. I don't know about the others Khushi, but this is a part of who I am...Just like I need to know that all of you are safe and healthy, I need to know that everyone related to me is happy." He smiled, looking almost sheepish.

Khushi raised an eyebrow at him, Dadi's words resurfacing in her mind. She had said that Arnav's priority was always to make sure that his family was content and happy but in that process, he often didn't consider his own feelings and emotions. He had self-assumed sole responsibility for this family, unwilling to get anything or anyone in the way of it. Dadi had expressed her relief about now having someone who would take care of her grandson the way he did for everyone else. That was someone was Khushi. His wife.

"What?" He questioned at the look of determination on her face.

Khushi shook her head. She had an inkling that he wouldn't be open to the idea of someone wanting to take care of him. As the man who always took care of everyone else, his instincts would be to give and not receive in return. She was going to change that. If he was going to go to lengths for his family then she would go to lengths for her husband simply because he deserved it.

Khushi could almost picture her mother smiling in approval of this decision and the thought brought a smile to her face.

Life is like a balance sheet. Everything needs to balance. If he was going to take a step forward then she will need to take an equal step forward. She guiltily accepted that in their week-long relationship, he'd been more considerate and giving than she had been.

A bad experience in her past had left her more cautious of her heart and feelings. She realized that's what was holding her back.

Arnav seemed perfect. Too perfect save his possessive nature. Khushi was secretly waiting for the real Arnav to make an appearance but she realized now that this is how he really was.

Just because she had come across someone who had no regards for other people's feelings, it didn't mean that everyone was like that. Just because she'd been deceived and hurt by someone in the past, it didn't mean that all men were like that.

She should have known. She was surrounded by good hearted men. Aman, Akash, her father, her father-in-law...and her husband. Aman had even assured her of his trust in Arnav and simply going by that, Khushi should have had no issues in opening up to Arnav the way he had to her.

Just because Shya--No!

She halted her thoughts, refusing to revisit that part of her life. She glanced at Arnav quickly, guiltily. He didn't know about this. It was the only secret she had kept from everyone"including Payal and her brother, the people with whom she shared everything. And even though she knew that it would cause chaos in her married life if Arnav ever found out, she wasn't any closer to telling him than she was to go to make jalebis on mars.

Some things are better kept secret...

"You're starting to worry me Khushi...what are you thinking about?" Arnav frowned, confused by the myriad of expressions crossing her face. Her alarmed eyes found his and he saw the shutters come down, concealing any emotions from him. He didn't like it.

"I'm just...trying to figure out how to convince everyone that I'm happy." Khushi smiled up at him.

"I'm convinced...for now." Arnav smiled, ignoring the unsettling feeling her response left him with.

"You are?" She raised her eyebrows.

Arnav shrugged, returning the light-hearted notes to the conversation again. "You haven't run off from here or pushed me into the pool..."

A small point of his chin made her aware that they were still standing close to each other, with her back pressed against the wall, her left hand in his.

"Maybe if you get enough alcohol in my system tomorrow, I'll push you into the pool if that's what you really want." Khushi grinned.

Arnav rolled his eyes and let go of her hand. "I think I'll pass."

Chuckling, the two drifted into a conversation about their plans with the others tomorrow as they walked back into their room.

The two reveled in the newfound serenity that surrounded them as they slept hand in hand--a new routine that had been formed mutually without any verbal discussion about it. For the time being, the secrets they were both keeping from the other were forgotten.

If only they'd realized that there are no secrets that time does not reveal...*

* Quote by Jean Racine.

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