Saturday, February 7, 2015

Chapter 15: Part 1

He walked into the living room, smiling to himself at the scent of lavender.  Perhaps he should implement this idea into his own home.  The aroma was welcoming and soothing, as if adamant to take away one’s stresses before they even completely entered the house.

Just as he was about to begin his long, loud greeting, his eyes caught the figure standing at the foot of the staircase, lost in her cell phone.

Wearing black strappy heels to perfectly compliment her Silver grey dress with a black ribbon clinching the dress at the waist, she looked like a sweet, petite lady.  Except, he knew the reality.  Behind that sweet, petite lady façade was a woman with a mean tongue, and a hefty load of sarcasm.

Riling her up was one of his favourite newfound hobbies.  He was certain that with her company and the plans he had in mind to annoy her…Tonight was going to be fun.

“Are you looking up a ‘how-to’ manual for climbing stairs?”  He questioned.

She jerked her head up quickly to look at him, her hair flying around her in a mass of chocolate brown.  She narrowed her perfectly kohl lined eyes at him.

“It’s you.”  She said as if the statement was supposed to be an insult.

“It’s me.”  Aman smirked, seeing the signs of irritation on her features.  “Don’t be too pleased to see me now…we still have a few hours to spend together.”

“Oh, trust me Aman….I wouldn’t want to spend time with you even if you were the last man standing on this planet.”  Anjali snapped.

“I know that.  You can’t handle me.  I’m just too awesome for your boring company and you know it which is why you’d stay away to save me from dying of boredom.  But now that your brother and my sister are married….you’ll just have to put up with me for the rest of your life.”  Aman plopped down on the couch.  “Where’s Asha aunty?”

“What’s it to you?”  Anjali got even more irritated.  How dare he!  Here she was, dressed to impress….well, not him but anyway…he could at least be a gentleman and say a few nice words.  But here he was, acting like colossal jerk, barely registering her decked up appearance.

“Relax, Anjali.”  He smirked again.  “No need to get jealous because I’m asking where another prettier woman is…in any case…you’re not looking that bad yourself.”

Anjali’s jaw dropped at the back-handed compliment.  “You son of a---”

“Stop it, you two!”  Khushi spoke, annoyed at them as she descended the stairs with her husband.

Aman glanced up at them and couldn’t help but smile.  Dressed in a teal, thin-strapped dress with silver accessories, she complimented her husband, who was dressed in all black save the tie which was the exact same colour as her dress.  So they were matching their outfits!  If I were a girl, I might have said ‘aww’.

More than that, what caught his attention more was the way they walked down the stairs.  Her hand was curved into the angle of his elbow, obvious sense of comfort visible in the way she easily carried herself.  As they reached the end of the stair-case, Aman saw Arnav reach out with his free hand and cover her hand on his arm briefly.  Silently, Aman wondered whether that was a sign from him to her to not let go.

“Why are you staring at us, Bhai?”  Khushi questioned.

“Nothing…”  Aman shook his head and smiled.  “I just think that convincing you to marry Arnav was one of the best things I’ve done in my life.”

While Arnav and Anjali rolled their eyes at him, Khushi let go of Arnav to give her brother a hug.

“I think I agree with you.”  Khushi whispered, strictly for Aman’s ears only, as she pulled away from the hug.

She winked in response to his radiant grin.

“So let’s go then?  Time to party!  Where’s everyone?”  Aman looked around, noticing the absence of an energetic Asha aunty, a quiet Arvind uncle with a great sense of humour, and the ever so affectionate Dadi.

“Some boring society gathering…”  Arnav shrugged.  “They tried to convince us to go but Mom knows I can’t stand those kinds of parties…”

“And where’s Payal?”  Aman continued.

Khushi frowned in deep thought.  “Her car broke down…Akash is picking her up.”

Aman opened his mouth to say something and then closed it again.  He glanced at Arnav who was looking back at him, humour twinkling simultaneously in their eyes.

“Isn’t it out of the way for him?”  Arnav questioned Khushi.

She snapped out of her thoughts and nodded.  “He said he happened to be in the area…”

“Right.”  Aman suppressed a snort.  “I’m sure he was.”

As they made their way out of the house, Aman slowed down to fall in step with Anjali.  He held her by the elbow and pulled her closer.  Before she could scream the place down, he silenced her with a look.

“Don’t make a scene…as much as we’d both be happy riding in different cars…I’m going to ask you to drive there with me.”  Aman whispered urgently, ensuring the neither Arnav nor Khushi heard him.

Anjali scoffed lightly.  “And just why the hell would I come with you?”

“To give your brother and his wife some privacy?”  Aman raised an eyebrow.  “Or is that concept too difficult for you to grasp?”

Anjali huffed and pulled her elbow out of his grasp and followed the other two out.

Frustrating woman!  Aman rolled his eyes and followed her steps.

“Dude, where’re you going?”  Arnav questioned when he saw Aman walking to his car.

“My car…where else?”  Aman frowned in confusion.

“Just get in here Aman.  There’s no reason for us to go separately.”  Arnav pressed the button on his remote key and the lights of his SUV flashed, indicating that the doors were now unlocked.

Aman looked at the three of them in mute annoyance.  Was he the only one who was thinking of a newlywed couple’s privacy here?  What the hell is wrong with everyone?

“Bhai…lets go.  Carpooling will be fun!”  Khushi waved him forward and rolling his eyes in exasperation, he caved in.

Deciding to retaliate in response to Aman’s request, Anjali pulled Khushi with her into the back seat, leaving Aman to sit in the front with Arnav.  Aman rubbed his face as he stepped into the car and grumpily put his seatbelt on.

“Eyes on the road, Arnav.”  Aman teased gently when he caught Arnav gazing at the rearview mirror again.

“Shut up, Aman.”  Arnav grumbled in a low voice even as he reluctantly tore his eyes away from the mirror.

Aman shook his head and threw a glance over his shoulder.  Going by the red in her face, Aman was sure that Khushi knew what Arnav had been up to.

As Arnav drove into the club’s parking lot, Anjali and Khushi’s conversation smoothed into an end.  With expert driving skills, Arnav pulled his car into a parking spot in a single maneuver and they all filed out together, all padded footsteps and clicky heels.

“Why don’t you two wait here and we’ll get the passes?”  Aman suggested, looking at the crowd by the entrance.

Engrossed in a brand new conversation about some latest music hits, Khushi and Anjali barely acknowledged him.

“If you’d let me drive myself and your sister in my car, you wouldn’t have had to stare at your wife through the rearview mirror.”  Aman teased as soon as they were out of the girls’ earshot.  “Just saying…”

Arnav looked at his friend somewhat appalled.  It would be a while before it stopped amusing Arnav how casually Aman could talk about Arnav’s relationship with Khushi.    “Khushi is your sister!”

“So what’s your point?”

“Stop talking to me about her as if she’s some random woman that you don’t know…its weird!”  Arnav retorted as they came to a stop by the booth.

As Aman spoke to the bulky man, Arnav looked back at his wife and sister.  His mind immediately revolved around the idea of a small world.  What were the chances that the woman he’d end up getting engaged and then married to would not only be his best friend’s sister but also his sister’s best friend?!

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Akash’s car pull in and drive into the second section of the parking lot.  Ignoring the momentary distraction, Arnav looked back at the ladies and felt his body tense immediately.

They were no longer standing by themselves, chatting freely.  A group of three men had joined them and from the looks of it, Khushi and Anjali weren’t exactly welcoming this addition.

As he registered the scenario, he saw Khushi and Anjali try to side step around them but then stop as one of the three leeches blocked their way.

“Son of a b**ch!”  Arnav cursed and charged back towards his car, forgetting Aman behind him.

“Get the f*ck away from them.”  Arnav snarled as he crossed the lot in record time.

“Bhaiyya...”  Anjali warned gently.

Perhaps her warning should have gone out to Aman because he stalked right up to them, mere two steps behind Arnav, grabbed the man nearest to Khushi and delivered a tight punch to his jaw.

Within seconds, the scene shifted and became an ugly brawl in the parking lot of the club.  Khushi and Anjali stood frozen for a few seconds, not understanding how this had escalated so much or what to do about it.  If there was one thing they didn’t handle well…it was violence.

“Bhai, stop it!”  Khushi yelled out to him but he paid no heed.

No one misbehaved with his sister and got away with it.  Same was the case with Arnav…for him it was not only his sister but also his wife.

From out of nowhere, Akash joined the pack but with relief Khushi and Anjali realized that he was trying to stop his friends.

“Come on buddy, let go of him…you’re gonna kill him!”  Akash tried to contain Aman.

“Arnav stop!” Khushi called out to him, desperately hoping that he would listen to her.  “Arnav!”

Khushi felt her worry peak when he didn’t pay heed to her request either and punched the guy in front of him once more.  Tears sprung to her eyes and she found herself rushing towards him.  Some distant part of her mind was aware that Payal and Anjali had followed her footsteps. 

As soon as she reached them, Khushi tried to place one trembling hand on her brother’s shoulder, the other on her husband’s.

“Stop!”  She cried out.  “Please stop!”

Arnav whipped around, with the intention of telling her to leave, to get herself away from the mess, to push her out of the way even if need be, but one look at her fearful face made him pause.

“Please stop!”  She choked out and tears that were pooled in her eyes finally streaked down her cheeks.

With more force than necessary, Arnav deposited his offender against a car and curled his fists.

“Aman, stop it!”  Anjali’s scream snapped Arnav out of his livid state.

He turned to see Akash struggle with Aman while Aman refused to let go of the choke hold on the man who was clearly struggling to breathe.  Glancing once more at Khushi, Arnav rushed to help Akash.  With Arnav and Akash pulling at Aman and Khushi and Payal tugging at his arm, they managed to pull him off and away from the offender.  Arnav, Khushi, and Payal pushed him towards the car while Akash threatened and advised the other three unwelcome guests to leave.  Scared for their lives at this point, the three stumbled and staggered away.

“Bhai!”  Khushi pleaded once more when he continued to try to free himself from their hold.

Her voice was like a splash of cold water on the angry flames burning within him.  He took one look at his darling sister, registered the tears and crushed her in a bear hug.

“I’m sorry…”  Aman whispered, caressing her hair.

Khushi hid her face in his chest and hugged him harder, overwhelmed by the idea that in this stupid fight, he could have gotten hurt…because of her.  Aman rocked her gently, trying to calm her down. 

Seeing them that way, Anjali also wrapped her arms around her brother and breathed in relief.

When Khushi finally seemed to gather herself, Aman pulled away and wiped her cheeks with his thumbs.  “Relax, Khushi…It’s not that big of a deal.”

“If it’s not that big of a deal, why the hell did you almost kill him?!”

“I did what I thought was right.  I know you don’t agree but I disagree with your disagreement.”  Aman scowled at her.  “In any case…they didn’t have to try and hit us once I hit him.  It’s their fault.  They started it.”

Khushi clicked her tongue in annoyance and gently slapped his hand.

“Let's get out of here.  I don’t think anyone’s in the mood to go in anymore.”  Akash suggested quietly, noticing the still aura of rage that still seemed to surround Arnav and Aman.  Going into the club could only be more disastrous and Akash had a feeling the three guys who had left might come back with reinforcement.

“I know where we can go.”  Payal suggested.

“Lead the way.”  Akash smiled.  “You guys can follow my car.”

No one protested this time as Akash and Payal took off towards Akash’s car while the other four settled in Arnav’s SUV with the same arrangement as before.  Arnav and Aman exchanged a mutual look of disgust at the three low-lives they’d encountered today as they got into the car.  Khushi and Anjali kept uncharacteristically quiet in the back seat as Arnav followed Akash’s car out of the parking lot and onto the streets. 

Arnav glanced at the rearview mirror often again, somewhat confused and somewhat surprised by Khushi’s reaction to the fight.  Anjali didn’t do well with violence; he knew that, which is why seeing her pale and somewhat shocked right now wasn’t as alarming as seeing Khushi in the same state.

As they drove further, Arnav realized that Akash was leading them to the same somewhat secluded beach where Arnav had proposed to Khushi the night before their wedding.  The memory made him smile and instilled the hope that the location will be able to lift Khushi’s mood.  The two girls in the backseat were unaware of everything as they sat there quietly, Anjali’s head resting on Khushi’s shoulders, Khushi’s head resting atop hers.

The beach was bathed in the ivory moonlight, blanketed by a starry, cloudless sky.  The unearthly glow at least made it easier to see their surroundings in the semi-dark.  They sat in a circle a few feet from the shoreline where the waves dissolved into oblivion.  In the center of the circle was a makeshift campfire that Akash, Khushi and Aman had expertly lit after gathering dry driftwood from the sands.

For the most part, everyone had recovered their good spirits, the parking-lot brawl somewhat forgotten.

Arnav looked to his right to see Khushi, who seemed to be returning to her element slowly.  Perhaps flanked by him and Aman gave her a sense of security. 

He took a moment, probably the hundredth that night, to drink in her presence.  Her pale skin was glowing in an extraterrestrial way, a combination of the ivory moonlight and the yellow light from the fire against her skin.  Her light brown eye shadow caught the flames brilliantly, creating a glittery halo around her green-blue eyes which looked extremely teal against her teal dress.  The only thing out of place was the faint distractedness of her eyes and those few fleeting smiles that never seemed to reach the most expressive feature of her face.

She was still bothered by the scuffle.  He wanted a moment alone with her, to make sure she was okay, to apologize for his unruly behavior about an hour ago but he hadn’t had the chance.

Suddenly, she turned to look at him and catching him mid-stare, she flashed him a hesitant smile. 

That was it.  His decision was made. 

He leaned closer to whisper into her ear.  “Take a walk with me…”

For a second she looked apprehensive, somewhat scared even, unsure whether it was a request or a demand. 

He swore in his mind.  He didn’t want her to be scared of him!  A small, temporary wave of relief washed over him when she nodded gently in agreement to his request.

An expected round of howls, whistles, and laughter issued from the group of four as Arnav excused himself and Khushi.  Arnav rolled his eyes at his friends while Khushi smiled and shook her head.

They walked in companionable silence for some distance until their friends were mere silhouettes when Arnav glanced over his shoulder.  He had just turned back after one of these glances when Khushi stopped abruptly, halting him in his tracks as well.

On a natural instinct, she held his shoulder with one hand for support as she bent to pull off her heels which were making the walk through the sand exceptionally difficult.  As soon as she took off her second shoe, Arnav reached up and grabbed a hold of her hand lest she try to retrieve it. Once again he breathed in relief when she didn’t.

“You’ve been quiet…” Arnav spoke at last and squeezed her fingers gently.  “Are you okay?”

Khushi nodded.  “Just a little shook up.”

“Yes, I noticed that.”  Arnav glanced at her sideways.  “Shook up is an understatement.  You almost seem traumatized.”

They came across a small range of rocks and Arnav gestured her to take a seat.  Khushi brushed a small area of the smooth, hard surface after dropping her shoes to the floor to free a hand. 

Arnav smiled in the dim light of the night.  As shook up as she may be, she was still cautious about her dress, her feminine instincts and habits still intact.  Then, the devil appeared in his mind, as he often did when Khushi was around.

You could sit down on the rock and have her sit in your lap. 

The suddenness of the random thought took him by such surprise that he actually choked on his breath and ended up in a bout of cough.  He covered it up quickly and took a seat next to her, silently appreciating the way her arm snuggled against his in the limited space.

They sat in silence and watched the waves rush towards the shore and then dissipate before reaching whatever destination they were trying to reach.  The sound of the rushing water and the salty tang in the air made Khushi feel refreshed.  She cleared her mind of the images from the brawl. 

She knew that her reaction was unwarranted for but the moment had terrified her.  The notion that either Aman or Arnav could have gotten hurt in that stupid, mindless, unnecessary fight clawed at her.  What if one of the street-teases had pulled out a knife or a gun or some other weapon?

And Arnav’s temper?  She had been warned by Dadi, yes.  She had even seen a glimpse of it before but to see him actually lose control had scared her.  She realized that she never wanted to see him that way again.  She didn’t like it.

He had been very open and honest about himself and his personality.  He hadn’t denied his anger issues but through all these days, he’d been a thorough gentleman with her.  In fact, he had admitted to her repeatedly of his possessive and protective nature.  She had always seen him calm and collection with two exceptions: the day they’d run into Niraj and tonight. 

He needed to know that though she didn’t expect him to change who he was, she didn’t feel confident that she could handle him if he got angry.

“I’m not traumatized…I was scared.”  Khushi sighed after long moments of silence, surprising Arnav yet again. 

He’d thought they’d finished this conversation.  Apparently not.

“See…in my family, Maa and Papa rarely yell or raise their voice.  Bhai is also usually very contained and calm.  I don’t know how to deal with people who lose their tempers like that.  I’m not used fights and brawls.  Violence kind of scares me.  And to see both you and Bhai driven by your temper…”  Khushi shuddered slightly.  “and then I was worried…I didn’t want either one of you to get hurt so I tried to stop you but you two just wouldn’t listen!”

She shook her head vehemently, recalling her and Anjali’s futile attempts at trying to stop these two headstrong men.  Arnav sat in silence for a couple of beats, waiting for her to continue if she wanted but she didn’t.

“Aman may be calm at home but I think even you know that he won’t stand there and watch if anyone tried to misbehave with a woman…so of course he lost his cool when his sister was in question…”  Arnav shrugged as if that explanation excused their behavior.  “And you already know about my temper…I would apologize for beating them up but that wouldn’t be very honest.  I also can’t guarantee that I’ll keep my anger in check in these kinds of situations.”

“And what if I ever make a mistake?”  Khushi blurted the other question that had clouded her mind.  “What if you ever get angry with me?  Would you…?”

She trailed off, leaving the obvious question hanging in the air.  Arnav gaped at her, not knowing how to react to this.  Should he be offended that she would think so low of him?  How could she even think that he would raise his hand on her if he was miffed with her?  Should he laugh at the ridiculous idea?  How could he ever get mad at her?  She didn’t seem like the kind of person one could ever be angry with!  Should he be angry with himself for his lapse of control which led her to think about all this in the first place?

In the end, the offense won over the slight humour and anger.

“Khushi, do you really think I would actually hit you if I was angry with you?”  Arnav couldn’t help but scowl.  Even as he said the words, it was something he couldn’t even picture in his wildest imagination.

She looked away embarrassed, not missing the hint of hurt in his voice.  She knew he didn’t deserve to answer this question.  It wasn’t fair to him but at the same time, it was unfair to him if she didn’t express her fears to him.  He had specifically asked her to share her thoughts and emotions because he needed to know these things.

“Khushi?”  He prompted when she didn’t speak.

She glanced down at her hands as her fingers began their merciless twisting while she raked her mind for something to say.  Somehow, I don’t think you’d hit me but what if you do, didn’t seem like an appropriate answer to his question.

“Not on purpose, no.  But people rarely think when they’re angry…” she skipped around her answer, carefully choosing her words.

She winced slightly when she felt him move quickly.  He stood from his spot and squatted on his toes in front of her, blanketing her hands with his, immediately putting a stop to her finger-wringing.

“Khushi, firstly, I don’t think you’re capable of making anyone angry.”  Arnav held her gaze, willing her to believe his words.  “And even if you do manage to anger me…no matter how angry or upset I am with you…I would never raise my hand on you.  Scream and yell, maybe.  Storm out of the room to get some distance, yes.  But I could never hit you.”

Khushi blinked slowly, processing his words, realizing the sincerity in them.  She barely moved when he reached up with one of his hands to cup her face.  Warmth exploded beneath her cheeks when he caressed the smooth skin with his thumb.

He tilted her face down and tilted his upwards so that she could stare straight into his eyes.  For a fleeting second, a distant part of her mind wondered whether he was going to kiss her but the thought evaporated as quickly as it had appeared when he spoke again.

“I need you to understand this.   I know my temper makes you uncomfortable but in those moments, you should remember that no matter what argument we might have, I would never ever hit you…I vowed to protect you and I will.”  The conviction in his voice was unmistakable, almost as if it was a promise to himself as well as her.

“I didn’t mean to offend you.”  Khushi leaned her head into his hand imperceptibly, indulging in the way his tender warmth felt against her skin.

“I know.”  Even in the minimum light, she could see the corners of his mouth lift in a small smile.  “And I didn’t mean to scare you either…I was purely acting on my protective instincts.”  He bit his bottom lip in a sheepish gesture and Khushi’s heart skipped a beat at the sight.

Her eyes dropped down to his lips and the earlier thought emerged in her mind once more.  The tranquility of their surroundings was evoking emotions and a type of attraction within her that she hadn’t felt towards him before…not of this magnitude anyway.

I know he said lets walk before we run…but a quick jog wouldn’t hurt, would it?

She dragged her eyes up to his and found him looking at her closely.  For the first time that night, she was grateful for the darkness for it would hide the blush that she was sure was panning out across her cheeks.  The darkness, however, was little help in terms of hiding the way the shy smile adorned her face and the way her eyes slowly lowered to her lap where one of his hands was still holding onto both of hers.

She heard the soft rumble in his chest as he chuckled at her.  “I wish I had a bottle of wine with me right now…I’m curious about what’s on your mind.”

Khushi smiled a bit wider but didn’t move her eyes from their hands.  He moved his hand so that his fingers curled around the side of her neck, the groove between his index finger and thumb neatly curving around the bottom of her ear.  When he pulled her closer and stretched up slightly, the only reaction she could manage was to close her eyes.

From her reactions to his proximity and gestures in the one week they’d been married, he’d concluded that she didn’t have much experience in this matter.  Somehow the idea that she hadn’t found someone was astounding.  Even so, the knowledge that she would be sharing many of her firsts with him gave his male ego an odd satisfaction.

He took a quick memorizing glance at her face at this new distance right before he gently, tentatively pressed his lips to her forehead.  Khushi felt herself melt at his gesture and as the warmth spread through her, the shyness ebbed away.

She found herself holding his gaze confidently as he pulled away, her appreciation of the sweet kiss reflected in her softened expression.  The thought of reciprocating had just occurred to her when his cell phone rang shrilly, popping the bubble of serenity they were entrapped in.

Khushi yelped and jumped startled by the sudden sound and Arnav didn’t look entirely pleased either as he stood up to take the call.

“What’s up Aman?”

“Your sister is whining.  Can you two please come back and handle her before we gag her and put her in the trunk?”  Aman spoke loudly, forcing Arnav to hold the phone a certain distance away.

Khushi burst into laughter as she overheard her brother’s rant.  She could almost picture Anjali with duct tape across her mouth, hands tied behind her back, shoved uncomfortably into the trunk of Arnav’s SUV.  The idea wasn’t remotely funny but for the life of her, she couldn’t understand why she couldn’t stop laughing.

“Right now, I think your sister has lost it.”  Arnav noted with amusement, not quite being able to take his eyes off of Khushi.  His statement only made her laugh even more. 

She was bent forward, clutching her stomach with one hand, trying to desperately control her laugher.

“She sounds like she’s drunk!”  Aman exclaimed overhearing his sister’s laughter.  “What the hell did you do to her?!” 

“What the--!”  Arnav scowled.  “Shut up Aman.”

Arnav ended the call and shoved the phone back in his jeans’ pocked before staring at Khushi, waiting patiently for her to finish laughing.  A few long seconds passed but she just wouldn’t stop.

“Seriously, Khushi…what’s so funny?”

“I….” Khushi gasped, trying to catch her breath but ended up laughing some more.  “I have no…freaking…idea!”

Grabbing his arms for support, she pulled herself into a standing position even as a brand new round of giggles took over her.  As he watched her antics, he couldn’t help but grin in response.  A string of chuckles even escaped him thanks to her contagious chortling.

“I’m just realizing that I’ve married a mad woman…”  Arnav shook his head.

Draping an arm around her shoulder casually, he began leading her back towards their friends while she continued to fail at suppressing her bubbling giggles.

Unbelievable!  Arnav glanced at her from the corner of his eyes.  How can she continue laughing when she doesn’t even know what’s making her laugh?  Although, I can’t deny that I love the sound of it…

By the time they returned to the campfire, Khushi’s laughter had subsided and Arnav had reluctantly withdrew his arm lest their idiotic friends started their endless teasing again.  He should have known that his thoughtful gesture would do little to save them from their friends.

“Oh look…Mister and missus are back.”  Akash grinned foolishly.

“Stop being an ass Akash…”  Arnav scowled.

“He can’t stop being one.  That’s what his initials stand for.”  Khushi muttered as she took her seat between Payal and Anjali.

“Oh no, you don’t!  Get up!  My turn to steal you away.”  Anjali stood up and swatted her behind to dust off the sand.

Khushi groaned even as Anjali hauled her to her feet.

Payal sighed as she also got to her feet and joined the girls.  “Wow Anjali…we don’t even get a quarter of the enthusiasm that Arnav got…”

Anjali pulled the girls into a small huddle and whispered excitedly to Khushi.  “So…was that enthusiasm for something in particular??  Did it finally happen? here on the beach?”

“What?”  Payal questioned, confused at Anjali’s question.

“Their first kiss!”  Anjali hissed.

“Anjali!”  Khushi scolded, pulling out of the small huddle, well aware of the curious glances they were getting from the three men sitting carelessly on the beach sand.

“What?  If you’re not gonna tell me, I’ll ask Bhaiyya.”  Anjali turned to face her curious brother.  “Bhaiyya…when you two went for a walk did y—”

Anjali’s question ended midway as Khushi slapped her hand over her mouth and pulled Anjali away, the three girls simultaneously bursting into peals of giggles.

Arnav glanced curiously at Aman and Akash, silently asking if they understood what the hell just happened.

“What?”  Akash feigned annoyance.  “Don’t look at me!  You would know better than both of us…you’re related to two of them!”

“Don’t go too far!”  Aman yelled out after the girls.

All he got in response was echoes of their laughter.

Hours later when they finally decided to call it a night, they split up again after sharing their customary parting hugs and fist pumps.  The drive home consisted of Aman and Anjali bickering in the back seat while Arnav scowled in annoyance as he tried his best to not turn around and yell at them like they were a couple of five year olds.  Khushi often sighed in frustration at the constant arguments as well.

Some five minute distance from Shantivan, Khushi finally lost her patience.  “Oh that’s enough!  Stop arguing, please!  It’s such a beautiful night and all I’m trying to do is enjoy this drive home before I throw myself into my work life tomorrow.  Would you two be kind enough to spare me from your useless childish fights and give me some moments of peace?  Is that too much to ask?  Goddamn, you guys!  At this rate, I never want to go out when you two are going to be within a few meters of each other!  Anjali, shut up and play some game on your phone, and Bhai, one more smart ass comment from you and I’m going to join parties with Anjali against you.”

Silence issued in the car immediately followed by her uncharacteristic outburst.  Like sullen children, Anjali and Aman looked out of their respective windows.  Arnav suppressed his laughter and glanced at her from the corner of his eyes.

“And my temper scares you?”  Arnav noted sarcastically.

Khushi smiled tightly and looked out of her window, letting the cool whipping wind caress her face and fan her hair around her, soothing her irritation away.

Once Arnav pulled up into the driveway, Anjali and Aman were the first to file out of the car.  Anjali stood with her arms crossed next to Khushi, still cross with Aman.  The next couple of minutes, they repeated the exchange of good nights as Aman took his leave.

“I swear, if he wasn’t your brother….”  Anjali fired off as soon as Aman’s car zoomed out of the driveway.

“Why do you react to him?  He only irritates you because you entertain him by getting irritated.”  Khushi explained calmly and then paused to look at Arnav who still stood by the car.  “What happened?”

“I was thinking how right you were about it being a perfect night for a drive…”  Arnav trailed off suggestively, crossing his arms across his chest, leaning on the closed door of the passenger side.

Khushi caught onto to his suggestion and out of courtesy, looked at Anjali.  Anjali smirked in response and nodded gently before breaking into a smile and rushing into the house, leaving Arnav and Khushi alone.

Khushi turned and walked towards Arnav who moved to open the door for her, clearly pleased with the change of plans.

Within minutes, they were back on the semi-vacant roads of the city, weaving smoothly through the streets, enjoying each other’s silent presence. It would not be wrong to say that they had both developed a sense of easy comfort now.  The awkwardness that tended to linger around them for the first couple of days was now gone.

Arnav was already aware of the fact that he was attracted to her like a moth to a flame.  From her laughter to her frown, from her eyes to her smile, from the way his name rolled off of her tongue to the way her fingers gently caressed the bangs away from her face every now and then.  He was noticing details about her behavior without even meaning to do so…especially when it came to her behavior around him.

Like right now, he knew that if he were to reach out to take her hand, she’d willingly participate but then blush a sweet shade of crimson.  How he had gotten to know her this well within such little time frame was a mystery to him.

For Khushi, after spending almost every waking hour with him for the past week, the idea of returning to work the next day was ambiguous.  Would the small advancements in their fairly new relationship remain once they returned to work?  Would their careers slam the breaks on their marriage’s progress?  She hoped that wouldn’t happen because she was finally, finally opening up to him. 

She was finally looking at him as her husband.  She was finally admitting to herself that, as childish as it sounded, she had the biggest crush on him.

Great!  She rolled her eyes internally.  I have a crush on my husband…..That will make my life easier…

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