Saturday, February 14, 2015

Chapter 15: Part 2

They drove in companionable silence as the playlist of old Hindi songs continued in the background.  Khushi absent-mindedly sung and hummed along while Arnav just suppressed his smile and let her continue.  He knew that this quality, the comfortable companionable silence, in their relationship was going to be a boon.

By the time they got home, it was a little past midnight and yet, Khushi looked at Shantivan and turned back to face Arnav who was watching her reaction intently.

“I don’t want to go…”  She pouted.

Arnav smirked, leaning back in his seat, rolling his head to the side to look at her.  Truth be told, he didn’t want to go either which was weird because they were going to be together in their room too.  It wasn’t like they were separating their ways here.

“Aren’t you going to walk me to the door?”  She teased, tongue-in-cheek.

Arnav chuckled shortly and shook his head as he stepped out of the car and walked around to open her door.

“Thank you for yet another amazing evening despite the...err...event at the club.”  Arnav smiled sheepishly as she took his hand and stepped out of the car.

She smiled in response as they continued to walk towards the entrance.  The house was still and calm which was proof enough that Anjali was probably slumbering away.

When Arnav and Khushi entered the great room, Arnav scowled in disapproval seeing his mother sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine.

“Mom!”  Arnav groaned.  “I’ve asked you not to wait up for me…”

Asha’s eyes lit up with maternal affection as they found her son and daughter-in-law.  It had little to do with the way they subtly released each other had and more to do with the fact that now all of her children were home and safe.

She knew how much Arnav disliked anyone waiting for him to return home.  Despite the numerous explanations, he just couldn’t understand that the gesture was done out of love and affection rather than worry.  This time, Asha had the perfect excuse.

“I wasn’t waiting for you.  I was waiting for my Daughter-in-law.”  Asha smirked at his frown as she stood up to embrace a grinning Khushi.  “As far as our duo is concerned, you and your dad should keep your noses out of our business...some things need to remain between a Saas and a bahu.  Right Khushi?”

Khushi giggled at Arnav’s sullen expression.  “Right.”

Arnav raised an eyebrow in question.  “So let me get this straight...I need to keep my nose out of Khushi and Anjali’s business, Khushi and Dadi’s business, and Khushi and yours?”

“Exactly.”  Asha grinned.  “Girl things, you see.  You and your father wouldn’t understand.”

“Oh Good...You’re home.”  Arvind appeared over the fence on the second landing.  

Khushi shifted from one foot to another, feeling as if she was inappropriately dressed in front of him.  

With Asha, it was different.  She was more of a friend rather than a mother in law hence with her; Khushi was comfortable in whatever she wore.  With Arvind, there was still a sense of casualness.  Not that she thought he didn’t like her...he was usually caught up in work and Khushi hadn’t had enough time to converse with him.  She hadn’t gotten the chance to get to know him as well as the ladies in the house.

“Hi dad...We just got in.”  Arnav smiled up at him.

“I know...can I have my wife back?”  Arvind pouted and Khushi couldn’t help but chuckle at how similar he looked to Arnav in that moment.

“You can have yours if she gives me back mine.”  Arnav retorted with an obvious trace of humor in his voice.

“Come on Khushi...Do your father-in-law a favor…”  Arvind joked.

“Yeah him a favor!”  Arnav smirked at her.  “Think about your father-in-law and your husband….”

“What have I done to deserve this?”  Arvind spoke dramatically.  “Come back, Asha!  Please don’t be so cruel, Khushi!”

Khushi flushed. What the--!  Was I just thinking that things are almost formal between me and him?

Asha laughed looking at Khushi’s flustered state.  She swatted Arnav’s arm playfully.  “Stop bothering her.  Give her a few days and I’m sure she’ll stand right next to me to dish it right back to you and your father.”

“Hey!”  Anjali drowsily appeared next to her father on the second landing looking agitated.  “People are trying to sleep in this house.  Mom, this age, you shouldn’t be bouncing off jokes at this hour...go to sleep.”  Anjali scowled and focused on her brother and friend.  “And you two...can you at least behave like a newlywed couple and lock yourself in your bedroom so that I can get some sleep?”

“Hey!”  Asha scolded lightly.  “Be nice to them...go and get your beauty sleep.  We’re all going to bed too.”

“Finally!”  Arvind threw up his hands while Anjali grumbled lightly and padded back to her bedroom.

Chuckling and exchanging quick good night wishes, the two couples parted ways and retired to their own bedrooms. 

In the homeliness of their room, with a rhythm of two people who knew each other well, who were well accustomed to each other’s routines, they began winding down for the night.

While Khushi sat at the luxurious vanity, removing what little of the makeup and jewelry she had on, Arnav took a quick shower.  Then, while he took a quick assessing look through his poolside plantations and blooms, Khushi took her shower.  This routine had just established over the past one week, without being discussed.  Both of them had observed the other’s routine and worked around it to settle into this comfortable arrangement.

While Arnav looked through a few of the blooms, one particular flower caught his eye.  There, among the manicured shrubs of red, white, and pink roses was a single bloom of yellow.  He smiled down at it the way a father smiles down at his child. 

This was the newest addition to his collection—one that he’d added on the morning of his engagement with Khushi.  Now, today, after exactly a week of their marriage, the plant had bloomed its first flower.  What a coincidence….

He caressed the soft petals with a gentleness that would never be associated with a man, unable to shove aside how much this flower made him think of her.  Surrounded by like flowers of various shades but different and brighter.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were a botany major.”  Khushi broke him out of his reverie and walked up next to him.

“If I hadn’t gotten into medical school, that’s the path I probably would have taken.”  Arnav shrugged.  “This is like meditation…”

“I can tell…I can’t get over how amazing this area of the house is.  You’re clearly an expert with this…I can’t even keep an air plant alive.”  Khushi spoke with the slightest tinge of sadness, recalling the time when Anjali and Khushi had bought an air plant. 

The damned thing apparently didn’t require water too often, not did it need too much care, yet somehow she had managed to kill it.

“Probably over watered it.”  Arnav murmured, still staring at the rose.

“Something special about that one?”  Khushi asked, noticing the way he was looking at the rose as if trying to make a decision.

“It’s the first one for this plant…”  Arnav turned to flash her a boyish grin.

Khushi watched him in slight disbelief for a couple of seconds and then shook her head.  “I can’t believe how gentle you are with that rose after seeing you nearly break someone’s jaw.”

Arnav’s hand dropped from the flower and his eyes rolled skyward as a low groan escaped him.  “Are we back to that again?”

Khushi giggled and shook her head.  “No…I’m just teasing.”

Out of habit, like she normally did with her friends when she teased them, Khushi poked his side and then stood astounded when he jumped lightly and flinched away from her fingers.

She pressed her lips together to keep from bursting out laughing.  Well, well, well…what have we here?  “Did you just…?  Are you ticklish?!”

Arnav glanced away, somewhat flustered after the poke and now at her question.  “No, I’m not.”

He walked right past her, eager to put an end to this before it turned into a discussion...or something worse.

Khushi pressed her fingertips to her lips to keep from giggling as she turned and followed him in with an added bounce to her steps.

“Yes you are!”  She challenged as she stepped in.

“Goodnight Khushi.”  He crawled into bed and Khushi chuckled to herself as she closed the sliding door behind her.

Clad in her navy sleeveless shirt and baby blue pajama bottoms with navy bows printed all over it, she placed her hands on her hips momentarily, a plan cooking in her mind.  She crawled onto her side of the bed and sat with her legs folded under her, leaning over slightly to look at him.

“Don’t lie Arnav…you’re ticklish.”  Khushi grinned with barely contained glee.

Arnav rolled onto his back and regarded her cautiously.  When she looked like she just wanted to know out of curiosity, he made the mistake of telling her the truth.

“Yes I am.  Happy?  Can we sleep now?”

Just like she had done mere couple minutes ago, she poked his side again, on purpose this time.  As expected, Arnav jumped and tried to push her hand away but that only urged her on.  Before he could do anything more, he found himself doubling over in laughter as her soft hands continued to poke and jab at the ticklish spots around his torso.

Tickling was one of those things.  One couldn’t stop ticking another after learning just how ticklish they were.  Khushi found herself laughing alone with him as she continued to tickle him, despite his choked protests.

Khushi found her opportunity and grabbed it with both hands, taking the liberty to invade his space and tickle him further.  Seeing him struggle to make her stop, Khushi laughed again, echoing the sound of his laughter.

“Khushi…..stop….don’t…” he managed between rumbles of laughter and gasps.

His arms flailed about, trying to grab hold of hers so that he could end this madness.  Until this day, he had so carefully hidden the fact that he was ticklish and then she struts into his life and not only unravels his secret but also takes advantage of it!


“You’ve handed over useful information, Arnav…I’m not a good businesswoman if I don’t capitalize on it….”  Khushi chuckled, her torturing looking no closer to coming to an end.

He managed to block his side with his arm and Khushi faltered in her torture a bit.  Finding the gap, Arnav’s free hand shot out to grab a hold of hers.  His fingers closed around her wrist and she yelped, afraid that he would take revenge.  Before she could free her hand, her other hand was in his grasp.

He rolled over, effectively pinning her beneath him as he hovered over her, still laughing from earlier, restraining one of her hands on the pillow by her head and the other on the bed by her side.

As their laughter subsided slowly, they finally registered their position.  Her smile faded to be replaced by a serious, slightly nervous expression as she watched him watching her.  Her heat set off into a sprint and her mind clouded over with an unfamiliar haze.

Their breathing was heavy from all the laughing but now, their proximity ensured that they remained breathless.

Arnav felt that pull towards her again while she gazed up at him, the color slowly making its way across her face.  He gazed into the luring depths of her eyes while they scanned his face.  He could see them move slowly from his hairline, down his forehead and then the length of his nose after a short pause at his eyes.

Something which was becoming more familiar by the day unfurled within him when her eyes paused again at his mouth.  His lips curved into a smile on their own accord and he cursed himself mentally when she glanced away, embarrassed at being caught.

She hadn’t meant to stare at him so bluntly.  She’d been stealing glances at him all week, trying her best to not ogle but as the days, hours, minutes, and seconds passed by, he was becoming more irresistible to her eyes.  Never before had she felt the need to stare at a man.  The only men she’d actually shamelessly ogled at were usually on the television screen.

But with him barely inches away, she couldn’t help but take note of the details at this proximity.  She found it absolutely adorable how a few stands of his hair had fallen onto his forehead.  It made her want to brush them away with her fingers like he’d done to her bangs a few times.  His hazel eyes were bright as they bore into hers, drawing her into the warm, safe, protective depths.  His perfectly pointed nose atop that set of lips that she’d found herself intrigued by earlier in the night as well.

And then that faint smile which had made her knees tingle in the aftershocks of the sudden butterflies in her stomach.  A small yet surprising pang of disappointment hit her when he released her hands slowly so that he could roll off of her.  In a quick, lithe movement, he was next to her on the bed, on his back.

Khushi released the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding only to suck in a lung-full of air again.  She suddenly felt as if she had run a marathon.  She tried to cling onto the warmth that had emanated off of him but it was fading quickly.  She felt him reach out and take her left hand in his but today, for the first time in these few nights they’d slept hand-in-hand…this wasn’t enough.

She closed her eyes and sent up a quick prayer to Devi Maiyya, hoping that he wouldn’t judge her or ridicule her for what she was about to do.

Before she could change her mind, she pulled his hand up and over her head while simultaneously moving to close that small gap between them.  She rested her head on his shoulder gingerly and waited, with bated breath, for him to react.

To say he was surprised would be an understatement.  From what he had gathered about her, she was a reactive person.  She would react to something someone initiated but she was rarely the initiator.  To glance down and find her snuggled up to him with her head on his shoulder had caught him on the back foot.  And to think that a week ago, he was sleeping on the lounger…

Even so, he couldn’t deny that he was pleasantly surprised.  In her gesture, she conveyed her trust in him, her sense of comfort with him and the only way he could respond was by wrapping his arm around her shoulders, letting her know he was fine, more than fine, with this new arrangement.

“Good night, Arnav.”  Khushi spoke quietly, smiling at the fact that he hadn’t brushed off her advances.

Khushi shifted in her sleep again, trying to bury herself deeper into the duvet.  She groaned in frustration and opened one eye to look at the vacant space next to her.  Finding her husband gone, she shot-up on the bed and looked around the room only to realize that he wasn’t here.

She grabbed her cell phone from the side table and swore seeing the time on it.  Hopping off the bed, almost tripping over the blanket in the process, she ran into the washroom to begin her morning routines.

It was there on the mirror of the washroom—a small sticky note with barely legible writing.

Gone for a run.  Will be back by 8.  –Arnav

Khushi smiled and picked the note off of the mirror.  As she placed the toothbrush in her mouth, she glanced at the note again, studying his writing.  At a single glance, it looked like a prescription!  Figures.  Even Aman’s writing was horrendous.  One would think that people who’re smart enough to be doctors would have decent hand-writing.

Seriously?  You’re going to stand here and dissect his handwriting?  You have more important things to worry about, Khushi!  Last night, for one.  You were quite brave with your little gesture then but what now?

The toothbrush paused in her mouth and her frowns knit together.  Clearly, she hadn’t thought about the aftermath of her sweet innocent gesture.  She didn’t know how that would change their morning or the rest of their day.   A subtle cloud of nervousness surrounded her instantly.

Focusing all her attention on the task at hand, she finished brushing her teeth and then splashed ice cold water on her face to calm down.

It’s no big deal…it’s no big deal.

She repeated the mantra over and over in her head as she tied her hair in a high messy bun.  The lukewarm water in the shower seemed to calm her nerves a little bit.

The moment she stepped out of the washroom, her feet paused on the threshold when her eyes found him standing at the foot of the bed, holding two shirts up in front of him.

“Good Morning.”  He gave her a brilliant smile and Khushi automatically responded with a smile. 

“Morning.”  She approached him slowly, taking note of his face which was flushed from the exertions during the run.  A thin sheet of sweat covered his arms, neck, and forehead. 

“Did you have a good run?”  She managed to croak out.

“It was okay.”  Arnav shrugged.  “It’s humid out there…”

“If you don’t mind, can I join you tomorrow?”  Khushi spoke as she eyed the powder-blue shirt in his right hand.

“For a run?”  He raised an eyebrow at her.

No, for tango lessons!  Khushi raised a challenging eyebrow in return.  “Yes.”

Arnav gave her a one-over, not even trying to be subtle about the way his eyes raked from her face down the length of her body to her feet and then back to her face again. 

“Don’t tell me you’re on some ridiculous diet and exercise routine, Khushi…wait a minute…is that why you haven’t been eating breakfast all these years?”

“Easy there, doc.”  Khushi rolled her eyes.  “Just trying to get some daily exercise in my routine.  Anjali and I used to run together…I kind of miss it.  If it’s something you do alone then I’ll convince your lazy sister to start up again.”

“No, it’s not that…no one else likes to run in this family so…”  Arnav smiled lazily.  “I’m glad I’ll have company….”

And amazing company at that.  Arnav smiled to himself.

While she busied herself with making the bed, Arnav walked into the shower after tossing both shirts on the lounger.  She was just about to leave to make breakfast when her eyes caught the immaculate fabrics.  She glanced at the closed bathroom door once and then back at the shirts, making a decision in her mind.

Striding over to the lounger, she picked up the chocolate brown shirt and returned it back to the vast closet, leaving the powder blue shirt on the lounger.  Smiling at her little venture, she walked out of the room and headed towards the kitchen.

Maa would be so proud right now…  She couldn’t help but shake her head at the thought as she began the preparations for a hearty breakfast for Arnav.

After working at an efficient speed and settling the finished dish on the dining table, Khushi rushed back to their room to change into her work clothes. 

Throwing a quick glance in Arnav’s direction in the poolside, Khushi smiled briefly realizing that he’d worn the shirt she had left out for him, coupled with black trousers.

Grabbing her knee length Navy dress, Khushi stepped into the bathroom.  After washing her face once more, she pulled the dress on and reached behind her to zip it up.

“Oh come on!”  Khushi groaned when the zipper got stuck.

She tried to move it up and made an impatient sound when the stubborn knob refused to move.  She opened the bathroom door in a huff and headed towards the vanity, muttering under her breath.  Twisting this way and that, she finally noticed that some of the dress’s fabric had gotten in the seam of the zipper.  Cursing under her breath, she began struggling with it again.

Arnav, who had been busily watering his plants, had just stepped into the room when he found her at the vanity.  Half of her bottom lip was tucked between her teeth as she tried to do up her dress.

Well, there’s a new sight…  Arnav watched with amusement as she continued to struggle and fight against her outfit.

Before he could help it, the words tumbled out of his mouth.  “Need help?” 

Khushi yelped lightly and jumped, startled by the sudden question.  She’d been so busy trying to get the chain to get unstuck; she hadn’t even realized that he’d walked into the room.

She glanced at the mirror and found him standing merely a couple feet behind her.  She realized that her back was completely exposed to him at the moment but she knew she couldn’t get the stupid chain moving again.  She nodded at him through the reflection and slowly moved her hands out of the way.

She let them drop to her sides and clench into fists as she waited for him to move.  Arnav shoved back the inappropriate thoughts and reached up to hold the chain between his fingers while her heart jump-started.  His fingertips brushed against her skin and she stopped breathing altogether.

A faint charge formed in the air around them and Arnav focused on the task, unaware of the way Khushi’s eyes had shut closed.  It wasn’t as it if was the first time he was touching her but this was definitely the first time when there were no barriers.  His fingers bumped and brushed against the smooth skin of her back often as they worked to free the fabric from the chain.

After a few seconds, it managed to get moving and slowly he pushed the small knob until her nape, shrouding the expanse of ivory smoothness beneath the contrasting navy.

“Done.”  He rasped out, blood rushing fully charged within his veins.  This is what she did to him.  Every time.  Without even doing anything!

‘Tha—” Khushi paused to clear her throat realizing that she sounded hoarse.  “Thank you.”

In search for a distraction, Arnav walked towards the closet and rummage through, rather pretended to, until he gained control over his teenage-boy thoughts.  Khushi took the minute or so to expertly apply eyeliner and a dash of mascara—the most make up she wore on a regular day.

When she glanced at him through the mirror again, he was choosing between two ties.  Almost as if reading her mind, he picked the navy blue one over the powder-blue one which would get camouflaged with his shirt. 

Just as he began smoothing out the strip of silk, Khushi turned to face him.

“May I?”  Khushi asked gently, unsure of what had made her ask in the first place.

Perhaps it was the fact that she had always seen her mother knot the tie on her father.  Every time she saw them interact through this simple, mundane task, she would smile to herself at the thought that sometime in the future, she would be doing the same for her husband.  Today, that opportunity had come to her on a golden platter.

Arnav looked at her, a faint frown on his face.  First the new sleeping arrangement last night, then the zipper, and now the tie…?  He wondered whether she was doing these things out of some wifely duties that society expected of her or because she actually wanted to.  Giving her the benefit of doubt, he handed over the tie mutely.  

With a slow, graceful smile on her face, she took the strip of fabric from his hand and smoothed it out.

She glanced at him watching her as she lifted the tie over his head and balanced it around his neck.  As she began the knot, Arnav couldn’t help but note the ease with which she worked.  She’d done this before, obviously.

“I wanted to thank you for what you did last night.”  Khushi looked up at him for a second and then focused back on the tie at her eye-level, a part of her mind realizing how much taller he was than her.


Khushi sighed as if she didn’t like what she was about to admit.  “For going all protective…”

“I thought that scared you.”  Arnav raised an eyebrow questioningly.

“It did…Like I said, I don’t like violence but now that I’ve had time to calm down and process everything…I think, and I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I liked the fact that you were protective to that degree over me and Anjali…it made me feel…special.”  She glanced at him shyly once more.  “A part of the whole worrying thing was also the fact that I didn’t want you to get hurt...”

“I know…”  Arnav smiled gently.  The worry in her eyes when she was pleading him to stop fighting was unmistakable.

Khushi nodded and looped the end of the tie through the small gap to complete the knot.  “But more than all that, thank you for the talk on the beach, for calming me down and for addressing my worries…as irrational as they were.”

He waited until she pushed the knot closer towards his throat, tightening the tie around his neck.  As soon as her hands dropped from the tie to her sides, Arnav sighed and held her by the shoulders.  

She needed to know why he tended to behave the way he did around her.  Why he wanted to kill those guys yesterday night, why he always found an excuse or a reason to stay around her, why she often caught him staring at her, why he was unable to pull away from their proximity sometimes.

It was time to voice some important things.  

Taking a deep breath, he began.  “Look...I’m not good at putting my thoughts or feelings into words.”

Khushi raised an eyebrow questioningly, her expression clearly etched in a ‘really?’.

“I’m not.”  Arnav reiterated.  “I try to vocalize everything for you because you don’t know me well yet...but before I get distracted...pardon me for not being able to put this in any fancier words or anything cheesy….Besides, I think you already know and you might even think that I’m a typical superficial man but I’m going to say it anyway...and the blunt, bottom line is that I like you.  A lot.”

Khushi’s breathing ceased as she looked up at him, slightly wide-eyed.  He gazed down at her, unfazed by what he’d just admitted or by her reaction as he patiently waited for her to say something.  

He had never been in denial of his attraction towards her but last night, while she slept peacefully with her head snuggled against his shoulder, he realized that he was in deeper than he’d thought.  When he’d woken up this morning, he’d found his arm draped around her possessively as if he would never let go.  Before any of the alternative thoughts could over-power him, he’d left for a run to let off some steam. 

Until this moment, he had no plans of telling her about what he’d realized about his feelings for her.

But she may as well know why he reacted the way he did.  He knew that apart from some flirty remarks and trying to block their way, the three men had done nothing else to deserve the beating that they got.  Just the thought of them getting their filthy hands on his sister or his wife had enraged him to no extent.

He was sure that she knew how he felt--it’s not like he’d been subtle about it.

“Don’t look so surprised Khushi…”  Arnav chuckled lightly and shook his head.  “It doesn’t change anything...I just wanted you to know where I stand.”

Her lips lifted up in a small, genuine smile.  Which girl didn’t like hearing that she was liked?  That she had enough importance in someone’s life to have them contribute a portion of their feelings to them.

Her joy was doubled because of the fact that her feelings weren’t unrequited.  Surely, he knew how she felt…?

Arnav watched as her eyes glazed over, a clear indication that she was in deep thought.  He wrongly assumed that she was perhaps trying to conjure up a response to what he’d just said.

“I don’t need a response….”  Arnav spoke gently and squeezed her shoulders to get her attention.  “I just wanted you to know.”

Smiling at her surprised expression, he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead.

“I’ll see you at the table for breakfast….”  And with that, he was gone.  

Once she was sure he was out of the room, Khushi tried to count her heartbeats which refused to slow down.  A wide grin spread across her face as his words reverberated in her mind over and over again.

He likes me…The grin grew wider and she could feel a girly squeal bubbling within her.   He likes me!!  The smile gave way to a small giggle.  He. Likes. Me!  She clamped her hands over her mouth as her face split into two with her smile and blood rushed to her face from the exhilarating emotions that surged through her veins.  Suddenly, she was ten years younger; being told by the guy she had a crush on that he liked her too.

She stood frozen in her spot for several minutes, grinning to herself like a teenager struck with the cupid’s arrow.  The odd warmth his words had evoked within her refused to fade in the least.

That is why when she finally made it to the dining table some fifteen minutes later, her face was glowing bright and positive energy poured from every pore of her being.  Her smile ran a few extra volts, her eyes shone a bit more, and her steps had the slightest bounce to them, even in her 3-inch pumps.

“Ready for you first day, Khushi?”  Asha smiled at her.  “Anjali’s sulking because it’s time to go back to work.”

“I’m actually pretty excited…”  Khushi chuckled, digging into her bowl of muesli.

“Don’t let Arvind boss you around at work.”  Dadi glowered at her son.  “He tends to get carried away with projects and deadlines.”

“I have every right to boss my daughters around.”  Arvind spoke proudly.  “I’m sure both Anjali and Khushi know that I’m going to have more expectations from them.”

Anjali groaned out loud.  “Please send my share of expectations Khushi’s way.  I’m sure she’d be delighted to do all the work.  She doesn’t have a single lazy bone in her system.”

“That’s because as your best friend, I have to inherit qualities that you lack…and let’s face it…you’re a couch potato…”  Khushi rolled her eyes.

“Unless you’re talking about shopping.”  Arnav murmured his two cents.

“Oh, Arnav…You’re too naïve son.”  Arvind shook his head vehemently.  “No woman is lazy when it comes to shopping.”

And the easy conversation continued at the table until everyone finished their breakfast. 

Arnav glanced at Khushi’s empty bowl with satisfaction.  For once, he was content with her choice of breakfast and the serving size.  Perhaps Muesli was her choice of breakfast like Aloo puri was his.  The fact that Khushi had gone out of her way to make it for him made the ordinary dish extraordinary.

“Thank you for the breakfast.”  Arnav leaned over to speak so that only she could hear.  “But you might be spoiling me…”

Khushi smiled brilliantly.  “Just returning the favor, Arnav.”

She pushed back her chair and stood up, as did everyone else, ready to leave for work.

“Just wait for a minute will you?”  Asha requested and then scurried off into the kitchen.

She emerged less than two minutes later, holding a ceramic bowl.  “Before Arvind and Arnav go on and on about superstitious things and how ineffective these things are…I just want to say that you can consider this my way of giving you blessings and luck for the beginning of your careers.”

Arvind and Arnav feigned a look of offense but relented a second later knowing that she was right.  They didn’t believe in all this hocus pocus but Asha did.  Neither Anjali nor Khushi protested as Asha fed them spoonfuls of sugar and yogurt.  Khushi even went the extra step and touched Asha and Dadi’s feet, seeking blessings while Arnav watched on amusedly. 

“You believe in these things?”  He questioned as they headed towards the exit.

Khushi shrugged.  “I believe in blessings…if that’s how they want to bless us, that’s how I’ll accept it.  Besides…I would have sought blessings from Maa and Papa so why shouldn’t I do the same with Mom, Dad, and Dadi?”

He knew it was a rhetorical question so he kept quiet, once again admiring the way she had blended into the family and the way she had embraced them as her own.

“Dad…you and Anjali go ahead.  I’ll drop Khushi to the office on my way to the hospital.”  Arnav called out to his father while simultaneously urging Khushi towards his SUV with his hand on the small of her back.

Ignoring Anjali’s frantically wiggling eyebrows, goofy grin, and Arvind’s knowing smile, Arnav and Khushi settled in the back seat of the SUV.  Khushi was somewhat surprised that Arnav was letting Ramesh, Mohan’s brother, drive the car.

“Excited about today?”  Arnav asked her as the car pulled out smoothly into the Mumbai traffic.

The air was already thick with the fumes from the numerous vehicles as individuals scoured to get to work, or get kids to school.  The sun was shining brightly and the heat from it was already talking a toll on the pedestrians.

“I am excited but I’m a little nervous too…I mean…for me to be the bridge between AR and Gupta textiles…it’s a bit daunting.  I bet you’re excited to go back, though.”  Khushi looked at him questioningly.

“Yeah…”  Arnav spoke distractedly.  “As wonderful as the last couple of weeks have been, I’ve missed work…”

“Won’t you be late if you’re taking this detour to drop me off?”

Arnav faced her and smiled gently.  “I have that conference today, remember?  It doesn’t start till 10.  I’ve got time.”

They spoke about their work and what their impending day’s schedule was while Ramesh silently focused on his task and weaved through the traffic to reach the building of AR.  After pulling into the curved entrance of AR, he was just about to step out to open Khushi’s door when his boss spoke.

“Ramesh, can you please give us a minute?”  Arnav requested politely.

The driver nodded politely and stepped out of the car, leaving Arnav and Khushi together in the enclosed space.

Arnav reached out and placed his hand over hers, his thumb skimming back and forth on the back of her palm.  “Thank you again for the breakfast this morning.  I appreciate that you took out time from your morning to do that.”

“Are we seriously doing this?”  Khushi was exasperated at his words.  After telling her how he felt, he was oddly formal.


“This!”  Khushi gestured between the two of them.  “Arnav, if we sit here and make a list of who’s done what for the other…you’re beating me by a golden few miles.”

“I’m not comparing…”  Arnav intervened right away, lest she get the wrong idea.  “I’m just…as much as I appreciate these gestures--the shirt, the breakfast, the tie--you need to know that you don’t have to feel compelled to do these things because of some assumed wifely duties.”

“I didn’t do it out of wifely duties.  I picked out this shirt because I liked it better.  I made the breakfast because I wanted to and the tie…well…I wanted to do that too.”  She glanced at him from under her eyelashes, forcing herself to maintain eye contact as she spoke the next words.  “I may have been a step behind you since the beginning…but I don’t want it to be that way anymore.”

“Is this because of what I said this morning?”  Arnav raised an eyebrow.

“No.”  The crimson returned to her cheeks.  “I’m glad you told me where you stand in this marriage…”

She opened the door and set a foot out onto the concrete before turning to face him again.  He watched her curiously, wondering whether that was going to be her parting sentence.

Leaning in, catching him unaware, she gave him a hug, as graceful as it could be done in the backseat of an SUV.  “I want you to know that I’m standing right next to you.”

Before her words even registered in his hazy mind, she pressed a brief kiss to his cheek and stepped out of the car in one smooth move.

Arnav gazed after her, still dazed from what had just transpired between them.  A part of him was gaping, open mouthed, while the other part of him was certain that he was losing his mind.  She bent to look at him slyly through the rolled down window.


“Y--Ahem...”  Arnav cleared his throat in an attempt to gain control over his voice again.  “Um…yeah?”

“Have an amazing day at work.  I’ll see you at home.”  She smiled warmly before turning and walking away towards the building’s entrance.

Arnav watched her retreating back with a small frown his face.  It was such a mundane sentence.  One would even wish a good day at work to a colleague or a friend.  But the way she had spoken, with a subtle promise to see him at home at the end of the day was personal and even intimate in a way.  Or maybe it was the fact that he could still feel her touch against his cheek…

As Ramesh began driving towards the hospital, Arnav recounted all the small surprises she had presented him with, along with her confession that she had taken those steps because she wanted to, not because it was something that was an expected norm from a wife.

And she was standing next to him.  Arnav smiled recalling her words.

I want you to know that I’m standing next to you.  And immediately, his mind presented him with another recent memory:  A similar sentence spoken by him to her when he’d confessed that he liked her.

I just want you to know where I stand…  The gears in his mind whirred and set into full speed, replying the two sentences over and over in his mind until what she was implying finally settled somewhere deep in his heart.

He didn’t try to hold back the grin that made its way to his face.

It had taken a week to cross this milestone.  Lucky for them, there had been no hurdles in the way.  There was no guarantee for a smoother path ahead but that morning, both were blissfully engaged in this newfound realm of feelings to even remotely consider that idea.

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